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Animals in need

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With the tourists gone, businesses closed and many people without an income or returning to their home village it seems stray animals are in need more than ever.  Their food source dwindles and some people can't take care of their own animals anymore. Donations being the income source for many animal shelters means that as the tourist stay away the much needed source of income is drying out. As a consequence the animals suffer. 


I have already donated to Adopt Meow Chiangmai who help kittens and cats. (They are on facebook and have a website onder this name). But there are of course more organisations worthy of your help. I hope people will give it a tought donating to an organisation, with money or goods. 

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I would urge all animal lovers to follow your suggestion and donate to charities dedicated to providing real help to these unwanted animals.

Supporting these charities is infinitely more useful than feeding soi dogs a load of nutrition-free carb slop, which I believe causes far more harm than good.

Another thread on that subject is currently raging:


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Sure, feed them and keep their numbers multiplying, and leading for more years of suffering, diseased, neglected feral dogs.  


You animal lovers.... DO NOT DONATE money so people can throw piles of food on the streets to the animals and then go home with a happy feeling in their heart like they did something good and constructive.  


If you really do love these animals then actually do something that requires effort and some sacrifice and adopt a few of them yourself and keep them at your house. Give them a home and a loving life.    If all the animal lovers when out today and took a dog and cat each there would be no more problem.


But, its more fun and easy to just go out with bags of food, get a nice feeling in you heart seeing the dogs wag their tails at you and eat the food, then you can go home and forget about the next 23 half hours the poor animals have to survive on the street.  



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13 minutes ago, canthai55 said:

And feed them the rest of their lives ?

I'm presuming that, unlike the selfish idiots who give cheap food to soi dogs as a way to feel good about themselves and have "pets" without the usual costs and responsibilities, the charities are surely taking these stray animals off the streets and providing them with the real care they need.


15 minutes ago, canthai55 said:

Good time for a cull - maybe save one more innocent small child from being attacked by a pack of "Lovable" soi dogs

Agree 100% with that. Soi dogs cause a huge amount of harm, pose a constant rabies risk, terrorize children, and make it difficult to cycle.

The problem is that the Thai authorities are clearly not willing to carry out the desperately needed cull. So, instead, I want to encourage farangs to stop feeding them, to recognize that it is a narcissistic act.


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Adopt Meow only helps cats.


The organisations I know of taking care of cats and/or dogs neuter/spay them, innoculate them etc. before giving them up for adoption. They also have neutering/spaying programs for healthy stray cats and dogs. Catching them, neutering them and releasing them to prevent them having more offsprong and thus more and more strays. Their neutering programs are at the core of their organisation and is the human thing to prevent more and more strays.

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