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Prayut will reconsider lockdown in last week of April


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9 hours ago, possum1931 said:

How much does Thailand pay for submarines?


        Thats where the  Controllers keep their Gold billions .

          Golden submarines  ..



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8 hours ago, Percy P said:

But what can the people who are on minimum salary of 350B/day save for a rainy day . I see hand sanitizer at 250 Baht. Bangkok and the surrounding Provinces are in a fortunate position that the water supply is Chlorinated this keeps bacteria at bay. Shower, wash clothes. clean the floor and surfaces were food is prepared and your home and dry everything sanitized .The water is also 100% drinkable, its clear of all water born bacteria and full of vitamins unlike the water from the machines which is purified through reverse osmosis and vitamins are nutralized, their isn't any. and vitamins are all part of a good body immune system. Children should not drink it as an everyday drink.

Sorry but water contains zero vitamins never has and never will.  No  "pure" water contains anything other than hydrogen  a few minerals and oxygen. Unless it is contaminated.

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3 hours ago, CrunchWrapSupreme said:

Seems both Trump and Prayut have set "let's wrap up the virus" dates for the end of the month. Huh? Just awhile ago I was hearing "no end in sight" and "a vaccine could be a year away". I guess they know something we don't? Have they been on the phone with each other?

yes with only 50 deaths, if you can believe the figures, you can't blame him for wanting to get the country going again, I think the figure is a little higher in the US.

must be more than 50 killed on the roads everyday in Thailand.

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On 4/15/2020 at 4:34 AM, pixelaoffy said:

Thailand will be last to come out if lockdown ! Schools  are set to open in other countries while Thailand talking about July ! Not that will effect the education levels 

Which other countries are you talking about? A lot of other countries are still in lockdown mode, not just Thailand. The main problem is that Thailand can’t handle a lockdown as well as many others. Little to no safety net means people are suffering inordinately. If they’re going to continue this lockdown there needs to be massive spending on helping the huge portion of the population who have no way of surviving it.

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On 4/15/2020 at 6:24 AM, Brigand said:

Many people in positions of privilege/power don't seem to realise just how much damage has, and is, being done. It's not going to keep, as many ordinary Thais are already at their wits end pawning everyday items for small bits of cash, people lined up outside gold shops etc. Give it two more weeks and people will be going properly nuts, even rioting. Most locals live day-to-day or month-to-month and as the work dries up and people get laid-off then it's going to go south big time. People are already throwing fits out of desperation.


Problem is, that so many locals are so in debt with cars/houses and luxury items (even small ones like phones that they pay monthly) that they can't really afford and the slightest hiccup and they have to default as so few have room to maneuver. On top of this the shambles that the government handout has been and how slow they are doing it is just crazy ... and by the time they get the next batch of people ready for payment then the first lot will have run out of money and want more. Maybe they should use some of that mountain of foreign reserves they are sitting on.


Dark days are ahead for many Thais as it will take a very long time to get things back to even half of what it was as so much here is dependent on tourism/hospitality and manufacturing. There will be no choice other than to let people get on with it soon, virus or no virus ... obviously social distancing, hand gel sanitizer and face masks are here to stay but they can't keep up the other Nazi stuff for that long. People have gotten too used to their lives and deal with shocks very badly plus hunger will make a criminal of anyone.

Thais were way over their heads in debt before this. Can barely afford to eat and buying new cars. Smart move. I hate to say it but hopefully most will learn if you don,t have the cash saved for buying something don,t buy it.

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On 4/15/2020 at 5:13 PM, Guderian said:

I'm sure all the people sleeping on the streets in Pattaya and the hundreds queuing for food handouts will be relieved to hear that "his government is giving equal attention to all affected groups."


Some groups are more equal than others though.

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Another symptom of total ineptness of the junta ..


.. which should be indicative of why there's been such misguided action and chaos with immigration proposals-announcements-changes-indecisions-procedures ..


They can’t even do a temperature reading correctly ..


I went at the beginning of month to local immigration.  She placed the therma pistol near my head and then read it, showed it to her compatriot, chuckled, did it again, repeat, shook the gun as if it was broke and did it a third time.  She gave up.


In the past week going to the supermarket 2 visits same day separated by about 2 hours in afternoon, my reading was 34.4C.  This indicates such a low temp that I should be suffering from hypothermia.  Again, pistol point was near head, maybe several inches AWAY.


None of this made sense.  Well, of course.  My 'temp' was the ambient outdoor air temp. @ that very location, in the shade.  Further, I had just walked about a mile in heat greater than this, full sun, with no hat, both visits.  This thermography digital should be reading the temp of my SKIN.  You need to place the head of the pointed end on your forehead.


And one wonders why they are so backward with immigration.  Dah!


'A forehead (temporal) scanner is usually 0.5°F (0.3°C) to 1°F (0.6°C) lower than an oral temperature.


' With a gentle stroke of the forehead it captures the naturally emitted heat from the skin over the temporal artery, taking 1,000 readings per second, selecting the most accurate. '


No one should have any concern about what is to be involving stays, visas, overstays et al. when Larry, Moe, & Curly Joe are in charge.  Just sit back and relax and enjoy the show.

Edited by metisdead
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"Thailand has around 37 million workers in the informal and formal sectors combined, plus 9 million freelancers and 17 million in the farming sector."


amazing workforce of the 69.8million people in thailand 63million of them are working, guess its just the men and women in my village and surroundings that aren't working then

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8 hours ago, Lord Lucan said:

yes with only 50 deaths, if you can believe the figures, you can't blame him for wanting to get the country going again, I think the figure is a little higher in the US.

must be more than 50 killed on the roads everyday in Thailand.

You do understand how exponential works? Lift the lockdown, and cases (and deaths) start rising exponentially again.


Unfortunately, Thais have not really figured out social distancing.  When I stand on the red square in the 7/11 only about 1 m from the next person, two people cut in front of me. Every time. 

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22 hours ago, Mitkof Island said:

Thais were way over their heads in debt before this. Can barely afford to eat and buying new cars. Smart move. I hate to say it but hopefully most will learn if you don,t have the cash saved for buying something don,t buy it.

People who can't earn money can't make their payments to their banks. 
Then the banks?  The banks aren't going to admit to being over-extended on their loans.  Paint a rosey picture for the regulators so you can keep lending out money that perhaps they really don't have.  Not a pretty picture. In good times all those loans pad the profit line. Now?  You can't bleed the rock you've been lending to all these years.  The vast majority of the loans are sub-prime.  When the banks fail due to their own avarice, they'll get a bailout so they can do it again. The plebs?  They lose everything.  But don't worry, after the banks are bailed out they'll be back to loan you some more at even more usurious rates then before.  Lifetime debt servitude for the masses.

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On 4/15/2020 at 8:26 PM, anchadian said:




Prayut says government has only enough money to pay one month of aid to those affected by coronavirus; Phuket governor reshuffle

April 15, 2020

The government will consider easing lockdown measures as coronavirus infection numbers continue to fall, Prime Minister Prayut Chan-ocha said on Wednesday.

“The number of new confirmed cases is gradually declining in past days and we will use this as an indicator of whether we can ease up on some measures or not,” Prayut said.


“I ask people for more time to consider the possibility [of easing up] since we have to be cautious when the risk is still high,” he said.


Prayut says government has only enough money to pay one month of aid to those affected by coronavirus;



Prayut asked this week on TV for the top 20 billionaires in the country to help out the government and the people of Thailand; lots of luck getting these billionaire's  snouts out of the trough long enough to help anyone but themselves.

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On 4/17/2020 at 8:21 AM, brucec64 said:

You do understand how exponential works? Lift the lockdown, and cases (and deaths) start rising exponentially again.


Unfortunately, Thais have not really figured out social distancing.  When I stand on the red square in the 7/11 only about 1 m from the next person, two people cut in front of me. Every time. 

Last week we were shopping in Tesco (in Korat) and all the shoppers were doing a pretty good job of distancing, until some clown over in the fruit and veg section got on the microphone and announced that they were selling things at 50% off, so all the Thais went rushing over and were bunched up to grab a special.

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