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Gates ups pandemic funds to $250 million, says Trump WHO move makes 'no sense'


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6 hours ago, Mama Noodle said:


The WHO did nothing to inform the world about the pandemic in the first place. They were wrong in almost every instance from the very beginning and look where we are now. 


Im sure the millions and millions that the USA sends to the WHO can be very much repurposed for national benefit. 

exactly give the money for home grown help

who is useless

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2 hours ago, Tug said:

Imo a very admirable couple self made smart and generous giving back if I may plagiarise jfk ask what you can do for your country not what your country can do for you.Now trump on the other hand asks himself what can he (do) his country for I don’t know I’m just a simple guy but I sit back and watch this crisis unfold and observe folks like the gates the Biden’s gov Cumo the gov of calif and how they rise to the occasion then I observe trump............ sad we can do better much much better thanks to the gates family blessings to you and yours 


I'm curious, what have you seen Biden do? Not that he's expected to do anything, as he's out of office , but you brought it up.

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2 hours ago, Assurancetourix said:


It is obvious that for me who earns the astronomical sum of 14,000 euros per year, this donation of 250 million US dollars may seem important.
To relate to his personal fortune which is more than 100 billion US dollars;
all of a sudden it seems really derisory;
a little boost of a few billion US dollars would have seemed more acceptable.


It's better to give it in small pieces as "administrators" will otherwise take the bulk of it. $250,000,000 is a pretty big small piece if you can get it directed appropriately

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6 hours ago, RoadWarrior371 said:

Sounds like the Gates were conned by a Terrorist (Tedros), and are in too deep to change course.  That is their problem now.  Gates, you are smarter than that, wake the F' up.

Link please ( showing he is "smarter than that" )


I do read that there are many people that quite dislike Gates.   You would have to dig deep as these articles are hard to find , for obvious reasons ( to us conspiracy guys  ????


I have commented before on how Gates could single handedly end the hepatitis C misery

that millions suffer from.   Where is his money on that one ??   There is a cure ALREADY,

just too expensive for a vast percentage of the afflicted.  


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1 hour ago, rupert the bear said:

lets leave trump and gates out of this and all the politicking.the WHO ,im ex taiwan and hk resisdent ,both countries have dealt with the virus well,theyre both next to big brother.i have used both places health services .well run and extensive.WHO told us no human to human transmission parroting beijings line at the time although evidence pointed in the opposite direction,drs reporters and private individuals reporting the virus in PRc were jailed and disappeared some are still lost.no mention of this by WHO.either the disappearances or the results of their findings.flights bans same story.and and and.aylward the WHO no 2 in hk was interviewed by local reporter she asked why they ignored taiwans offer of help,he didnt answer he just got up and walked out!the reporter after leaving the bldg was detained by police.this indicates quite clearly a bias towards PRC and thats being polite about it.some have mentioned we need a competent planet wide authority.i agree but WHO isnt it as they plainly demonstrate.any port in a storm?a complacent mistake and theres so many of those made so far.it needs  a shake up and thats putting it mildly,the upper echelon need t go and some could face criminal proceedings if found knowingly negligent on several fronts.


It's not just WHO that needs a shake up. Every country I'm aware of has organizational leaders in place from the "silent" and "baby boomer" generations. It's time to put these careerists out to pasture and bring in a new generation of leaders.

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29 minutes ago, Bender Rodriguez said:

the WHO seems to be there to be buying big pharma vaccines and listening to their masters


corona vaccine is worth 450 BILLION dollars PROFIT per year


people give up their rights


and many more vaccines for adults will be forced upon you

References please

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