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Foreign Takeover

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Unless you've been doing solitary on Mars the last 4 mths you will not have failed to notice the World has slowed down to walking pace because of this pesky virus .. This has had the effect of turning World Class Resort and Jewel of the Eastern Seaboard Pattaya into a phi town .. But even when this nightmare is over things will not restart on the button .. t'will be a gradual staged affair with the monolith regaining consciousness in drabs .. Drastic times therefore require drastic remedies so to speed up the process of rejuvenating the old girl I propose that Farangs take over the running of Patt's ..

Out of chaos comes order as they say ..

This will in turn attract overseas farangs to return to their old playground reliving memories of being fleeced again which in turn will send a ripple out to the farmer's daughter's of the provinces who in turn will then column back with renewed purpose .. everyone then is a winner .. What is not to like eh .? Obviously there are details to be worked through and we will have to respect that it still belongs to Thailand as we don't want toy's thrown out of the pram by being too hands on but nothing is insurmountable and I'm sure if we convince them of the merits they'll thank us in the end ..

And the longer this goes on the stronger the collective bargaining power .. A sort of " we'll take it off your hands if we must " scenario  but maybe with a short lease to start off with just in case it goes bang in the collective face .. 

So first up we might need someone to deal with the main man if it goes that high up but only someone who will sell the concept to him not a wimp who'll just fawn and ask for his autograph .. we only want that on the lease .. Therefore and without too much more ad'o sensible suggestions for committee members and taking this concept forward are invited please .. 




Edited by Justgrazing
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15 minutes ago, Puchaiyank said:

"World Class Resort and Jewel of the Eastern Seaboard Pattaya"


First thing is for you to accept that Pattaya has turned into a shht-hole over the years and will never be a World Class Resort...


The beaches are among the world's most polluted...filled with corrupt touts, scammers, and hookers.


If you are allowed to advertise it for what it is...a sleazy sin-city...you may get some action...


Good Luck!

Exactly, that worked for 40 years....then it became the family resort and was downhill ever since

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Not sure I understand this thread, but I visited Pattaya in December and stayed in a area (condo: The Riviera) that was virtually little Russia - or Pattayagrad if you will...everyone was Russian/Eastern European, many shops/restaurants were selling Russia food - think the foreign takeover happened quite a while ago...
If this thread is about how to bring Pattaya back to life - simple - legalize gambling and make it a true Vegas-style sin-fest. I know this is an old suggestion but I think all the elements are coming into place. Post-covid most economies are going to turn inwards to save themselves - look at Japan repatriating businesses - and my feeling is the Thai 'government' may make similar decisions and stop the outflow of gambling money to places like Macau. 

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14 hours ago, AlexRich said:

Just spoken to Tolstoy, and he’s complaining you’re a bit long-winded?

The OP has a good point, it would definitely work as Farangs have more brains and common sense, but there is just one thing, you can bet the Bigwigs in Pattaya will have a good income stream going, even in these hard times you can bet there are things going on where their pockets are being filled and no Thai is going to let any Farang interfere with that.

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