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How are the salaries for non-english teaching jobs such as science, math etc? According to my girlfriend, they are hurting for teachers in those types of areas. Not sure though because there really wasn't much posted on Ajarn either.

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Here's my suggestion, pack your bags and catch the earliest flight back to Australia. Thailand surely won't miss someone who does nothing but complain about how bad the system here is when you could probably be one of the reasons why it is like this in the first place.

I just have to ask. What is holding you back from leaving? Why can't you just go back to where it is better? Or could it be that your own country doesn't want you a bum like you either?

Not that its any of your business, but I have other travel plans before heading to Oz. If I would of been able to change the dates on my tickets, I would of been out of here a long time ago. But, since you sound so concerned, it should make you sleep better tonight knowing that aussiestyle1983 has his one way tickets back home..........

Its poor peasants with attitudes such as your own who run the system here and that makes us want to leave, and you need not loose any more sleep, because many of us are leaving.

You will need to learn "If you pay peanuts, you get monkeys" and that is where the future of the education system here is heading.

Try calling me a bum to my face and see what happens, in stead of editing your post and hiding behind your PC.

Yes, I did call you a bum.

But after reading what I have posted, I quickly removed it because I knew that I was in a public forum.

That's what education does, ausiestyle.

It makes you think twice about the things that you say especially when you know that it could be viewed by the general public.

Sadly. that is something that you obviously don't have.

Thank you for proving my point.

Good for you sensei! Another vote for you to be a moderator so you can have the hi-so status you so desperatly want.

I on the other hand have been successfull in my life, not because of education, but by living by the following, do what you want to do regardless of what others think. Its people like yourself who always loose and get held back in life because you are to buys worrying about what others think. You don't do and say what you want because you are afraid of what others might think about you. I on the other hand suceed because I do what I choose to do, regardless of what others think.

Something you will need to learn sensei "you can buy an education, but you can't buy intelligence"

How are the salaries for non-english teaching jobs such as science, math etc? According to my girlfriend, they are hurting for teachers in those types of areas. Not sure though because there really wasn't much posted on Ajarn either.
Thai schools do generally pay higher for people with science and math degrees, because they are as scarce as hen's teeth. But the job openings are rare. There's hardly any demand for PE teachers, art, music, Spanish, social studies, business, etc. But computers, yes.

In one province, they wanted a math teacher for junior high school. I barely qualified; the salary was 34K. No White person even applied. They paid 19K to a Filipino.


Don't any of you guys have contacts in the International schools where you can get some real money? I could be earning 40K + right now if I had stayed at my first teaching job in Thailand. I'm amazed at British, Americans, etc. who are teaching for anything less than 40K. You're looking in the wrong places, in my opinion. In these types of schools, you can teach any subject because everything is taught in English.


I got several offers @35k in Bangkok, it seems to be the "Standard Newbie teacher" salary, alot of schools are offering this, for native speakers onry, it seems like all schools know what to pay or seem to be friends which each other to know what to offer, its like there ganging up on us.

IMHO, you can live comfortably in Thailand with a regular supplemental monthly income somewhere in the 75,000 - 100,000 baht range. I could spend more, but I don't. No need to, and I have all the comforts I want or need.

For a little perspective, this is about equal to or even a bit higher than the average salary in western countries with significantly higher taxes and costs of living.


I'd like to second PB's reminder that flaming is not permitted in the Teacher's Forum.

Regarding math and science teacher positions: there aren't many of them, but there are even fewer actual math and science teachers out there, and the schools who want them are desperate (and usually understaffed).


I'd like to second PB's reminder that flaming is not permitted in the Teacher's Forum.

Regarding math and science teacher positions: there aren't many of them, but there are even fewer actual math and science teachers out there, and the schools who want them are desperate (and usually understaffed).



Would you care to list a few schools that are generally looking for science/math teachers (if you know of any)?


Since Ijustwannateach is busy right now, let me suggest that you go onto a TEFL jobs website like ajarn or eslcafe, and scan down the Thailand lists. Just guessing, I'll bet 90% of the ads are for English teachers only, and less than 7% are for science and math. The over-50K job openings are only available through the grapevine for established teachers, but a few do exist.

Having said that, I may be corrected by Bangkokians who insist that every Jose and Dmitri fresh off the boat is being offered 50K to teach conversational English. But, I doubt that.

The over-50K job openings are only available through the grapevine for established teachers, but a few do exist.

Having said that, I may be corrected by Bangkokians who insist that every Jose and Dmitri fresh off the boat is being offered 50K to teach conversational English. But, I doubt that.

Absolutely correct, PB, in my view and experience. There's always a fair amount of 'blowing off' about salaries on TEFL teaching forums (never by me, of course :o However, you can get a decent-ish pay package together if you have some outside work and/or privates as well as your main job, particularly in Bangkok.


Jamie, I'd like to help but I really don't know who's hiring right now- most schools that say they have an "EP" or "MP" program will want math and science teachers. And if I mention some schools, it means I will unfairly leave out some others. As PB says, best if you look them up on Ajarn- and don't forget to stay away from the stinkers (check TEFLWatch before you bother to interview!)




A TEFL certificate is by no means a degree in education. Far from it! If you really want to be a better teacher with better prospects I suggest you get all the proper requirements. Normally, a teaching license in the USA will take you 2 to 3 years. Furthermore, it looks even nicer when you complete a Masters degree which takes another two years. So, you can expect 4 years of studying and hard work to be a properly licensed teacher. In addition, all states require you to continue taking courses to maintain this license usually 3 or 4 classes before the license expires. This is what I have to do. The TEFL has none of these requirements. I seriously doubt that these guys who teach english in Thailand at backward Thai schools REALLY want to be teachers. The TEFL is a way to be involved in the other scene in Thailand and to extend their visas. It is real obvious. I have no trouble getting good job offers at the international schools mainly because i am properly licensed and educated and don't try and fake being a teacher with a TEFL certifcate. Frankly speaking, I think the whole TEFL industry is a joke. Would I hire a Philippino with an education degree over a TEFL dude? Absoulutely.... TEFL certificate is like a good elementary education in the USA. If you really want to be a teacher then do it right and stop cutting corners. The mid and upper international schools won't even look at TEFL degrees. Why should they! These are the schools offering 70 to 100k and actually do care about the education of the children. My point is... I think some of the moaners posting here are trying to get by on minimum work on their part. Meaning, trying to get through the thai system because they lack the proper papers. They criticize the system because of their own shortcomings and don't want to work to fill in the gaps. Thailand education sysytem is making it more difficult for teachers. And they should!

TEFL degrees teach nothing about managing a classroom of students, making bulletin boards, grades etc... The TEFL industry in Thailand is full of people (not all) who really have no desire to be teachers. They want only a way to stay in Thailand with the least amount of effort. SAD.



mopenyang, I agree with you 100% You can't come here with no security or future plan. Personally I don't need more than 20,000 B per month to live because I brought money with me. My (Thai) wife and I both worked in the USA and saved our money, came here bought a house, furnished it bought a car and motorbike, etc. We didn't go into debt for anything and it's rather easy to live on 20,000 per month as we don't go out and party very often. We don't make a bad living here I work for a university and the pay is fair by Thai standards (not to mention the holidays, vacation and medical benefits) in many cases I make more than the Thai professors in my department I think there are only 3 that make more than me. My wife is an international lawyer so she does well but that's not the point the point is, if you come here with some security and live a Thai lifestyle (if you don't want to live a Thai lifestyle, ask yourself, why am I here?) you should never have any worries. Honestly I have met a lot of English teachers here that have little more than a high school diploma (not that I care nor am I complaining that's for the educated English teachers to do, I'm not an English teacher so it has little affect on me) and I will tell you this if you think living on 20-25 K per month is hard in Thailand go to the USA and try to get a job that pays better than $5.50 per hour 180-200 B per hour because that's what you will be paid and I assure you it's a lot harder to live on there. If your a generally smart person and have a little life experience you might manage $8 per hour in all fairness. So, on the high end we are talking about $320 per week (most Americans make about $280-$300 per week) after tax you have between $210 and $265. You can do the math and see how much better off these people are here, I don't blame them I wouldn't want to leave either. I hope that kind of puts things into prospective.

Don't any of you guys have contacts in the International schools where you can get some real money? I could be earning 40K + right now if I had stayed at my first teaching job in Thailand. I'm amazed at British, Americans, etc. who are teaching for anything less than 40K. You're looking in the wrong places, in my opinion. In these types of schools, you can teach any subject because everything is taught in English.

Not for nothing, but English is the only thing you can teach in this country without a degree. Just because international schools teach math, science, etc. doesn't mean you can teach it because you speak English, I assure you.

Maccaroni Man, this thread is aimed at hard-working, caring teachers- who will be the ones primarily hurt by the problems of Thai bureaucracy (as Aussie points out). The types you describe probably never intend to worry about Thai paperwork, legality, or anything else. I don't expect to see further posts from you in this vein. Posts intended to paint the majority of teachers in Thailand in a negative light are not permitted in the teaching forum.


My post in no way was directed at the majority of teachers in Thailand. My post was directed at many of the tefl teachers who see themselves as real teachers deserving the same considerations that real teachers have earned. What I read thread after thread is one tefl teacher after another complaining about money, but i do not read tefl teachers suggesting ways to make more money. I am one who does not believe a tefl cert makes a teacher having said this I do believe a native english speaker can teach english and do a good job at it. Case in point some time ago, more than a decade past I got off the boat with no money, no ticket out and no way home. I arrived on a Wed. at 3:00 am by 15:00 hrs that day I had my firts job teaching english for something like 100 baht an hour and by friday I had my first private earning 1,000 baht per hour and by sunday my second private at 500 baht per hour. Then I got a day job at bangkok christian school and taught privates before and after class. Guess what within 90 days I was earning 50,000 thousand baht a month, living off silom, saving money and moving forward. During this time the only thing I cried about was the traffic as it cut into my earning time and i never compared myself to the real teachers at the international schools. I believe if todays tefl teachers saw themsleves as english instructors for hire and went out and found privates to earn more money they would find themselves with alot of cash in their pockets. FYI I today I own a couple of language schools and i do not hire tefl teachers but I will hire non degreed native english speakers who know how to communicate. :o:D


If you have cancer of the adrenalin gland, you'd go to a most expert surgeon.

If you fall down and skin your knee, you'd put a plaster on it yourself.

And all degrees between.

Now, as to teaching English in Thailand: if the employer wants a White native speaker who graduated from an accredited university, that's what they want, and the lady or gentleman should also do a good interview and demo class, and the school should pay over 35K in Bangkok. The school may not get such teachers, and probably can't verify it. If the school just needs some bloke right off the boat from Bologna or Malaga, then Guiseppe or Rigoberto can probably ateach pretty good for 25K, 98 km beyond Pitsanalouk.

Of course, a one-month certificate does not equal a 3 or 4 year university degree. A BA and a TEFL cert and some experience surely beats a B.Ed. with no experience and no TEFL, for teaching English to Thais.

Back to salaries: some schools are offering 9, 10, and 11 month contracts. If you're Guiseppe or Rigoberto, you'll get offered that 9 month contract (no pay in October, March, or April). But if you're Reginald or Amanda with a real BA and TEFl cert and a year of checkable references that you taught in Thailand, you should get at least an 11.5 month contract, and a WP.

If the school just needs some bloke right off the boat from Bologna or Malaga,

Thats they way it seems to be heading.

Does anyone here know of at least one single person who decided after finishing high school that they wanted to be an English Teacher in Thailand, then go to Uni in Farangland and do a BEd before comming here?

Surely someone knows someone who decided from the start to dedicate their life to teaching English in Thailand and has gone and gotten qualified with an Education degree in their home country before comming here............................well, I dont :o

Most of the Western qualified teachers here are people who have ended up here either becasue they are loosers, they have family here, they like the Thai lifestyle or they like other attractions Thailand has to offer.

So who do you want teaching you children? The people who can teach and came here to teach and gained experience and a few qualifications a long the way, or, the people who are qualified but ended up here either because they had no choice or because they chose to do so because other features became available to them that they could not get back home, thats right mother of little Somchai, Ajarn Johnny is thinking about whats in between your legs while he is teaching you son.


Of course, most EFL teachers in Thailand are not sexpats or sex maniacs or chain saw assassins. That one guy who finished matayom in Thailand and went home to Missouri (Citan?) thought about maybe coming back here as a B.Ed./M.Ed./etc. teacher, but he's the only one.

Meanwhile, posters on other forums are talking about refusing all offers below 50K, while most schools nationwide are offering 35K and below. Train crash on the horizon?

If the school just needs some bloke right off the boat from Bologna or Malaga,

Thats they way it seems to be heading.

Does anyone here know of at least one single person who decided after finishing high school that they wanted to be an English Teacher in Thailand, then go to Uni in Farangland and do a BEd before comming here?

Surely someone knows someone who decided from the start to dedicate their life to teaching English in Thailand and has gone and gotten qualified with an Education degree in their home country before comming here............................well, I dont :o

Most of the Western qualified teachers here are people who have ended up here either becasue they are loosers, they have family here, they like the Thai lifestyle or they like other attractions Thailand has to offer.

So who do you want teaching you children? The people who can teach and came here to teach and gained experience and a few qualifications a long the way, or, the people who are qualified but ended up here either because they had no choice or because they chose to do so because other features became available to them that they could not get back home, thats right mother of little Somchai, Ajarn Johnny is thinking about whats in between your legs while he is teaching you son.

Ah, so the "The people who can teach and came here to teach and gained experience and a few qualifications a long the way...." never have those evil thoughts you attribute to " the people who are qualified but ended up here...?"

Are you feeling okay? :D

If the school just needs some bloke right off the boat from Bologna or Malaga,

Thats they way it seems to be heading.

Does anyone here know of at least one single person who decided after finishing high school that they wanted to be an English Teacher in Thailand, then go to Uni in Farangland and do a BEd before comming here?

Surely someone knows someone who decided from the start to dedicate their life to teaching English in Thailand and has gone and gotten qualified with an Education degree in their home country before comming here............................well, I dont :o

Most of the Western qualified teachers here are people who have ended up here either becasue they are loosers, they have family here, they like the Thai lifestyle or they like other attractions Thailand has to offer.

So who do you want teaching you children? The people who can teach and came here to teach and gained experience and a few qualifications a long the way, or, the people who are qualified but ended up here either because they had no choice or because they chose to do so because other features became available to them that they could not get back home, thats right mother of little Somchai, Ajarn Johnny is thinking about whats in between your legs while he is teaching you son.

Ah, so the "The people who can teach and came here to teach and gained experience and a few qualifications a long the way...." never have those evil thoughts you attribute to " the people who are qualified but ended up here...?"

Are you feeling okay? :D

Yeah mate, I sure am! Thanks for asking :D

I feel that the qualified BEd teachers here are more likely to have ended up here for other reasons. No one goes and does a BEd to come here to be a teacher ( unless comming here first and the returning home to get qualified ) so I feel that most teachers who have teacher status in there home country, have ended up here for some other reason than to teach. Why have they ended up here when they could be earning more back home?


Putting aside for a moment the rather simplistic reasoning on your part that says the group you prefer automatically comes to Thailand for more noble reasons and goals (utter nonsense imho), there are qualified teachers here who have no desire or need "to earn more money back home" and who live here very comfortably enjoying the many things Thailand has to offer. The same things you seemed to enjoy before the tightening up turned your world upside side down and made you as embittered as you now seem to be.

I have not been impacted in any way whatsoever by all these changes. I am surely not alone. The people who have seem to be those with questionable qualifications to be doing the job they have been doing. If you are the real thing with the real qualifications, there is nothing very frightening out there.

If you're not, well, that's another story. One that is being played out daily in different parts of Thailand at various times.


Quote-mopenyang "The same things you seemed to enjoy before the tightening up turned your world upside side down and made you as embittered as you now seem to be."

The new rules and tightening up of the system here did not affect me one bit. It was my intentions to move back to Australia after spending two years here and by the time I will be back in Oz, I will have been here for 20 months, so my plans have not changed or been affected by the new rules, however, you seem to think otherwise. Whatever floats your boat I guess................ I just happened to try teaching here after doing a TEFL course and have enjoyed it. Actually, I enjoyed it so much, I am happy to continue teaching English here untill I retire. I don't need the money as I have it and have other forms of income, I am just happy teaching here because I enjoy doing it and because I can do it. I don't have a degree, but I do have a TL and WP, which also goes to show the new laws don't affect me and also prooves that if you work at the right place, you can get a TL and WP without a degree, or the need to submit a fake one for the idiots who have done that.

My rants are based on how I see things here, well infact, are based on how things actually are here. The news laws will affect many poeple and have done so ( just by looking at the change in number of jobs on offer and the change in salary ranges show this ) and I believe that the system here is backwards.

We can not agree about the intentions of qualified and un-qualified teachers, fine, lets just leave it at that, but as for my rants ( you seem to have convienentally overlooked rants from many other people over the past few months ) I have just expressed my beliefs about the system here. I have 18 months experience of teaching here, which is not a lot, but during those 18 months ( which happen to be the most important 18 months being the most recent during the time of change ) I have seen many things, things done by the schools and things done by the MOE that do not make sense.

As for qualifications; "Beggers can't be choosers" and Thailand seems to be in a begging if not desperate situation in regards to their education system and the need for English speaking teachers. And, they way things are going, its only going to continue to get worse.

I'm outta here in a few weeks - and if I could change the dates on our tickets, it would be a lot sooner :o

btw; The changes here have affected me personally in a positive way because I have been motivated to study and get a degree ( or what some would call an education ), so in the future if I decide to return here, I can continue to get a TL & WP.


The topic in this thread is "new positions and salaries- pitiful!" It has nothing to do with the intentions and the motivations of the majority of those who are qualified or unqualified by the standards of any particular person in coming to Thailand to teach. Let's get back on topic.



some agency called me and told me the work permit is 30k, but i can just pay 7k and the agency and the school will pay the rest, and i have to pay 5% tax(thats 2k per month), is this a scam or what? from my understanding agencys arent reccomended, or are there some good ones out there? and any cause everyone beware, this was a 11 month contract, but i think a 12 month contract would be better, IMHO having a job is better then not having a job.

some agency called me and told me the work permit is 30k, but i can just pay 7k and the agency and the school will pay the rest, and i have to pay 5% tax(thats 2k per month), is this a scam or what? from my understanding agencys arent reccomended, or are there some good ones out there? and any cause everyone beware, this was a 11 month contract, but i think a 12 month contract would be better, IMHO having a job is better then not having a job.

The WP costs 3000 THB for a 1 year contract and the tax rate is about 3%, but if you are paying tax, make sure they give you a tax card and tax ID number otherwise they are probably stealing it from you.

11 month contracts are normal and the 12 month ones usually come with an extended contract bonus in the 12th month that they may or may not pay anyway.

Oh and as an after thought, if you have a Thai wife here and you pay tax you are likely to get a rebate as the tax due is based on both incomes and this year that is exactly what we got, a nice cheque back from the Thai tax man.

The other thing you may wish to ask for is personal insurance. There are two types you may get offered: Private insurance or the general hospital insurance that most Thais get. If it is the latter, should you go to the dentist and pay for your treatment, then you are allowed a 500 THB rebate per year which you can go and make a claim for down near sala deng someplace. Not a lot I know but it does help to pay for a beer or two on your way back home. :-)


The income tax rate is one thing, which depends upon your total income for the year, your deductions, etc., so it's hard to say it's usually any standard percent of gross monthly salary. The social insurance is a flat percent, but limited to something like 750 or 1500 baht per month.

At this point in the hiring cycle, I'd try my luck without agents, and only if May 2 or 5 came up without a good offer, would I consider an agency.

And if he told me the work permit cost 30,000 baht, I'd tell him there are 11 parking tickets on his Lamborghini Murcielago parked outside.

Soon there will be only about 1% of the required number of native speaking English teachers here. When the Thai baht crashes in the future, the filipinos will leave as well as they will not be able to send enough money back home due to the new exchange rate. The only people who will be staying here to teach are the ones with Thai family, the very few who belong to the dedicated ESL teachers catagory who for some reason want ESL teaching in Thaialnd as their career, or the other group, the whore monger group who will continue to teach to P4P, but, soon they will not be earning enough to P4P because of the new low salaries and they to will go.

I have no problems with the whore mongers leaving as the are teaching for the wrong reasons, and its usually them, that make the headlines here for the wrong reasons. I have no problems with the filipinos leaving as well, they think they are so good because they have a degree in an un-related field from an institute back home that would not even be up to the standards of most western high schools! So not only is their degree worthless in terms of ESL teaching, they are not even native English speakers! At least most of the un-degreed farangs are native speakers and can speak the English language better! Also, the farangs need, and most of them do have a TEFL cert, I've never seen a filipino with a TEFL cert, and most of them don't even know what TEFL is, they confuse TEFL with TOEFL! This brings me to this question; Why is it that a non native English speaking filipino with an un-related degree from a college and who does not have a TEFL cert can get a TL and WP, when a non-degreed native English speaking farang with a TEFL cert in most cases can not get a TL and WP? filipinos are so proud of their education, but why is it that they end up teaching ESL in Thailand in stead of finding a job back home related to what they studied, so sad. Do they know that you can buy an Education, but you can't buy intelligence? I thoguh it was the farangs that bring the money into the school, I thought it was the farangs that the Thais want to see promoting the school and teaching their students. Honestly, the system here is more than fcuked up and will end up eating shit in the future! This post is becoming messy and I better post it before I expose many other truths about the industry here. Peaceblondies' attitude has changed as well as other well respected posters in the last few weeks, and now my attitude has changed as well. The education system here is fcuked up and will continue to get more fcuked up as long and the MOE continue to make backwards changes. "We are desperate for teachers, here's an idea, lets decrease the salaries so we can attract more teachers!" you stupid idiots! The only people here who are that desperate to work for money are the whore mongers and the filipinos, are they the people you want teaching your children? If the answer is yes, well then Thailand, continue doing what you are doing! Most of us will leave the shit paying job because we have money or other options. Thailand wake up!

I'm interested to see who the first looser will be to critisize my spelling and poorly but quickly written post!

I was English student and I learnt from people from many nationalities....everybody contributed positivelly to me learning process, some more than others...so personally I do not differentiate between Philipinos and Australian..

After a student have achieved certain level of independency, the improvement does not depend anylonger of teachers, but of the personal affect to improve throught reading, listening, studying and taking with other Englsh speaking people of other nationalities....

By the way, I learnt also in English that people do not read long paragraphs, and it is hard to get from there the points intended to make in the note. I assume that any native Englis speaker should know that.

I think that you may have some valid points, but your anger driven, racist and denigrating expressions made them to be lost. A pity.


Torito- comments on others' English writing ability as a way of scoring points in arguments are not really encouraged here in the Teacher's Forum, unless someone is specifically curious about their suitability for an English teacher's position (for example). Ever hear the English idiom about people in glass houses?

I agree that Aussie1983's post is angry and contains some derogatory descriptions of Filipinos in their stereotypical working roles here in Thailand, but it is not racist. He does not refer to the Filipinos as a race, or to anything regarding their ability or behavior as a racial characteristic. Whether or not his depiction is correct is still open to question, but the depiction is not a racist one any more than negative descriptions of white European non-native speakers in their attempts to teach English here are racist (and believe me, there are a few of those descriptions around here somewhere, too).



id like to also mention the fact that she says she doesnt discriminate and showed me a copy of a contract that she pays a filipino 35k, then she says I have to give her 7k because her lawyer does the process for work permit and visa, then she had two other guys come in one from canada and another non-native guy who knows where hes from, I like to point on the fact that if a schools gonna hire you they should take care of you 100%, and just a quick question, isnt the first year of being and working in thailand , arnt we exempt from paying tax? then the second year we have to pay tax? thats what i heard from somewhere, anyways this dutch guy payed like 25k in tax for his second year in school , i was amazed o0 :o

but the school i worked for before was taking 300 baht from my paycheck every month i asked why? they said tax. but i never got the slip or ID card lol, ill know better the second time around, but how do i know if the ID card is real or authentic?

Torito- comments on others' English writing ability as a way of scoring points in arguments are not really encouraged here in the Teacher's Forum, unless someone is specifically curious about their suitability for an English teacher's position (for example). Ever hear the English idiom about people in glass houses?

I agree that Aussie1983's post is angry and contains some derogatory descriptions of Filipinos in their stereotypical working roles here in Thailand, but it is not racist. He does not refer to the Filipinos as a race, or to anything regarding their ability or behavior as a racial characteristic. Whether or not his depiction is correct is still open to question, but the depiction is not a racist one any more than negative descriptions of white European non-native speakers in their attempts to teach English here are racist (and believe me, there are a few of those descriptions around here somewhere, too).


Ijustwannateach I considered that his note was doing exactly the same "comments on other's ablities". Having said that, you are the moderator and I accept your statement with no further comments.

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