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Im 54

Low test, had UTI and have testicular atrophy, 

So today bought 1ml box sustanon 250.  I believe that i need take 300mg per week, ill be training a little too but i was gain my sperm back and libido back mostly.

So this box is 10Ml how much do i take of it per week , like a third. Or maybe a 10th of it...its confusing..

I only know  i want 300mg per week.

Also how long to take this for and length cycle. Clomid afterwards and what strenth clomid.

Thanks ????????????


The 250 stands for 250mg of active component per ml. So if you withdraw 1 ml in your syringe an inject it, you get 250 mg in your system.

You do not specify who prescribed you 300 mg/week but for your goals it seems quite a lot to me.

I would start with 1 ml shot (250 mg) every 15 days and see. 

Btw, sustanon does not cure UTI. It does not solve testicular atrophy either, it actually can make it worse.

  • Like 1
17 hours ago, gppower said:

The 250 stands for 250mg of active component per ml. So if you withdraw 1 ml in your syringe an inject it, you get 250 mg in your system.

You do not specify who prescribed you 300 mg/week but for your goals it seems quite a lot to me.

I would start with 1 ml shot (250 mg) every 15 days and see. 

Btw, sustanon does not cure UTI. It does not solve testicular atrophy either, it actually can make it worse.


But i am not planning on it curing my apothy  i need my spools to start producing semen again, ive been shooting blanks and very rarely have an erection since the atrophy.  Just need help.

My own doc back in uk will not give me TRT .

Can you advise duration of cycle, dose per week. And after care as in clomid etc.

I bought this sus from pharmacy. Is this brand ok or should i buy another brand

Please see pics below.

Thanks ????????????????




That your doctor will not give it to you should give you pause.


Not only might it not have the effect you want it could make matters worse.


to know how much to take and how frequently you need to know your base level of testosterone and then decide an objective level and go from there. assuming your body has 10 litres of blood, to make things simple, then 1ml of sustanon 250 would translate to an additional blood level of 2500 ng/dl, assuming total absorption from muscle to blood. so if you started with a low level of 300 ng/dl, you could end up a few days later with a temporary level of up to 2800 ng/dl, which is very high and possibly even dangerous.


so i would suggest starting with as low as 0.25 ml and see how it feels and see if you can get your blood tested a couple of days after injection, then again after a week or two, to see how fast the exogenously supplied amount decays. 




16 hours ago, nomad2019 said:


But i am not planning on it curing my apothy  i need my spools to start producing semen again, ive been shooting blanks and very rarely have an erection since the atrophy.  Just need help.

My own doc back in uk will not give me TRT .

Can you advise duration of cycle, dose per week. And after care as in clomid etc.

I bought this sus from pharmacy. Is this brand ok or should i buy another brand

Please see pics below.

Thanks ????????????????




Actually baselining your testosterone level as suggested by Uncleeagle is a very good point to start. I reckon though you already know your levels.

I don't know your underlying condition so I will discuss this in general.

Your doctor not putting you on a TRT can be debated. In general GPs are reluctant to prescribe testosterone as it is an unknown territory. A urologist or a endocrinologist is the person you need.

A course of sustanon and clomid smells like a gym bro suggestion. The sustanon may give you a fix for your testosterone levels but it won't help with the sperm production. It definitely will worsen the testicular atrophy. Clomid is a fertility drug but it has negative effects mainly because it increases the SHBG which is not good.

I would try Human Corionic Gonadotrophin aka HCG. It stimulates the function of the testicles, that is production of endogenous testosterone and therefore production of sperm, without the nasty side effects of clomid. Try a course of that alone for a month and then check your testosterone levels. If you feel you need extra testosterone you can start slowly as suggested by Uncleeagle.


  • Like 1
18 hours ago, uncleeagle said:

to know how much to take and how frequently you need to know your base level of testosterone and then decide an objective level and go from there. assuming your body has 10 litres of blood, to make things simple, then 1ml of sustanon 250 would translate to an additional blood level of 2500 ng/dl, assuming total absorption from muscle to blood. so if you started with a low level of 300 ng/dl, you could end up a few days later with a temporary level of up to 2800 ng/dl, which is very high and possibly even dangerous.


so i would suggest starting with as low as 0.25 ml and see how it feels and see if you can get your blood tested a couple of days after injection, then again after a week or two, to see how fast the exogenously supplied amount decays. 





I havent a clue what that means, i dont know all these terms, i only know my bolls have shrunk and ive no ...none sperm whatsover, UTI has done this.....

Can i take that HCG with sus250 ?

42 minutes ago, nomad2019 said:


I havent a clue what that means, i dont know all these terms, i only know my bolls have shrunk and ive no ...none sperm whatsover, UTI has done this.....

Can i take that HCG with sus250 ?

Buddy Sus (im almost certain) will not help here - if you are looking for TRT I would go to a clinic or even a bodybuilding coach online. Aside from your test levels, you will need to know Estrogen, SHBG, full lipids to name the bare essentails.


How old are you?

What is your workout regime like?

What has caused the UTI? have you tried over the counter remedies, cranberry juice also helps here. 

  • Like 1
6 hours ago, nomad2019 said:


I havent a clue what that means, i dont know all these terms, i only know my bolls have shrunk and ive no ...none sperm whatsover, UTI has done this.....

Can i take that HCG with sus250 ?


i see, then i suggest you see a doctor and do not attempt to do this by yourself.

  • Like 1
  • Thanks 1
7 hours ago, nomad2019 said:


I havent a clue what that means, i dont know all these terms, i only know my bolls have shrunk and ive no ...none sperm whatsover, UTI has done this.....

Can i take that HCG with sus250 ?

A UTI would not cause this.


You badly need to consult a good urologist rather than self treating.


1 ml  every 3-4 weeks is the usual dose for people with low testosterone.  People bulking up at the gym will do much more than this but you are probably relatively safe to do 1 ml every 3 weeks and see how things are.  Get a blood test after 1 week and see how your levels are.     


I dont have a UTI its was 6 mth ago.

I have testes apothy.

My bolls habe shrunk.

Ive no sperm at all.

Im on a budget and do not have big money to spend on specialists .

TRT place at crossroads on pattaya klang want extortionate rate just for a consultation ???????????????? 20k.

I plan start weight training as soon as gyms open again.

Anyone know where i can buy this HCG stuff





You cannot legally buy HCG over the counter and anyplace that seems to sell it, may well be selling fakes. There is also no reason to think it will help.


Testicular atrophy can have many different causes, some of them quite serious and many of them unrelated to testosterone levels. You are only going to do yourself further damage by persisting with self treatment without first finding out the cause.


A consultation with a good urologist will cost between 1000 - 200 baht only.


How do you know you have no sperm? That cannot be self-diagnosed, only through a lab test. Or did you mean to say you have no semen (not the same thing)?

On 4/24/2020 at 2:51 PM, Sheryl said:

You cannot legally buy HCG over the counter and anyplace that seems to sell it, may well be selling fakes. There is also no reason to think it will help.


Testicular atrophy can have many different causes, some of them quite serious and many of them unrelated to testosterone levels. You are only going to do yourself further damage by persisting with self treatment without first finding out the cause.


A consultation with a good urologist will cost between 1000 - 200 baht only.


How do you know you have no sperm? That cannot be self-diagnosed, only through a lab test. Or did you mean to say you have no semen (not the same thing)?

No semen, obviousy i know as nothing comes out, ED also, low libido and absolutely no sexual desire at all.

I would have thought tests etc by uroligist would be very expensive...200 -1000 baht only 


Consultation only 1000 - 2000 baht a t a private hospital, and much much less at a government hospital. If funds are a major constraint you should seriously consider a government hospital, most have after hours clinics where you can directly consult a senior specialist. Where in Thailand are you located?


Tests will depend on what is required, which doctor can explain to you during consultation.  Hormone levels and other blood tests are likely and possibly also an ultrasound. You can get blood work done at a private lab at lower cost once you know what is needed.


Not to scare you but testicular cancer is a possible cause. So is testicular torsion, which cuts off blood supply to the testicles. Neither will be helped by the various drugs you are considering and indeed cancer might be aggravated.


Again, do NOT try to self treat this, you may do yourself much harm. And likewise do nto go to one of these TRT clinics, they are set upo to treat andropause and for body builders, nto to manage complex diseases. Again,  may come to harm.


Shrunken testes and no semen is not something due to simple andropause (age related drop in testosterone) and the cause needs to be identified and addressed. There are  a number of possibilities and many are quite serious.


Your previous mention of taking Clomid makes no sense at all if what you have is atrophy with no semen. (You should avoid saying "no sperm" as that implies you have semen but documented low sperm count, a very different situation. Sperm is only a small part of what is in semen).  Clomid is used (off label) to increase sperm count in men who have normal sexual function and semen, just low sperm count.  So please forget this idea.




I do hope that this guy is trolling, if not you really need to see a Dr - not self medicate with very strong hormones, the results could be disasterous.


Regarding your budget issues, HCG (if you actually get the real product) WILL NOT be in your budget. 

  • 4 months later...

Please can anybody give me a specific pharmacy location in bangkok to buy sustanon 250. I how hypogonadism and have been on test since '98. I've moved here from Cambodia and don't know where to get my meds, and don't want the headache of going through a hospital. I've heard of places around Nana and soi Arab but Would like an actual address. I would prefer real organon 250 or susabolic 250. Please help 

3 hours ago, distant frankie said:

Please can anybody give me a specific pharmacy location in bangkok to buy sustanon 250. I how hypogonadism and have been on test since '98. I've moved here from Cambodia and don't know where to get my meds, and don't want the headache of going through a hospital. I've heard of places around Nana and soi Arab but Would like an actual address. I would prefer real organon 250 or susabolic 250. Please help 

Sustanon, organon and susabolic are not licensed in Thailand.


Brands of testosterone that are:


Andriol Testocaps (oral)

Androgel (transdermal)

Cypionax (injection - Testosterone cypionate )

Depo-Test 250 (injection - testosterone enanthate )

Nebido (injection - estosterone undecanoate)

Testos - same as above

Testoviron Depot  (injection - testosterone enanthate )


Some of these brands have been out of stock, especially Nebido from Bayer


Suggest you try Southeast Pharmacy on Sukhumvit between Sois  13 and 15, north side of the street

  • 8 months later...

Sustanon 250 is currently not available in Thailand. At least this is what Southeast Pharmacy in Bangkok tell me and I've relied on them for the past 10 years. If anyone knows differently, please advise

1 hour ago, erik wherever said:

Sustanon 250 is currently not available in Thailand. At least this is what Southeast Pharmacy in Bangkok tell me and I've relied on them for the past 10 years. If anyone knows differently, please advise

Sustanon which you might be able to buy in Thailand is from underground labs, so you can't be certain about what's inside, and thus it should be avoided.


250mg every week is a basic body building/power lifting cycle dose. (I would split the dose to twice a week - inject 125mg then draw the remaining 125mg into another syringe - then use that as your 2nd dose)   It will shut down your Hypothalamus Pituitary Thyroid Axis. (HPTA) Thus no chemical messengers are sent to the testes; consequently, your testes stop producing testosterone, semen, etc. One can trick the HPTA into sending said messengers by using .5 mg of an aromatase inhibitor every 2nd day. The HPTA detects low estrogen,  so it makes more chemical messengers - thus your balls don't atrophy, and you don't get estrogen related symptoms.

Two weeks after your last injection- start Nolvadex. 40mg per day for 2 weeks, then 20mg a day for another 2 weeks.

11 hours ago, rcuthbert said:

One can trick the HPTA into sending said messengers by using .5 mg of an aromatase inhibitor every 2nd day. The HPTA detects low estrogen,  so it makes more chemical messengers - thus your balls don't atrophy

This is wrong. Don't give people wrong advice which can have serious side effects for them.

13 hours ago, jackdd said:

Sustanon which you might be able to buy in Thailand is from underground labs, so you can't be certain about what's inside, and thus it should be avoided.

This may be so in some cases, not in mine. If, as I do, you need the testosterone for medical reasons, I.e. you do not produce any yourself, you get the good stuff through proper channels (at least up until now)

3 minutes ago, rcuthbert said:

Show me your proof.

You show me the peer reviewed study which shows that an Aromatase inhibitor will keep the HPTA up.


1 minute ago, erik wherever said:

This may be so in some cases, not in mine. If, as I do, you need the testosterone for medical reasons, I.e. you do not produce any yourself, you get the good stuff through proper channels (at least up until now)

Why don't you use testosterone which is licensed in Thailand and imported through official channels? Sustanon is not.

2 minutes ago, jackdd said:

You show me the peer reviewed study which shows that an Aromatase inhibitor will keep the HPTA up.


Why don't you use testosterone which is licensed in Thailand and imported through official channels? Sustanon is not.

In other words - you have no proof. I am not going to do your research for you.

Do you understand how the HPTA works?





4 minutes ago, rcuthbert said:

In other words - you have no proof. I am not going to do your research for you.

Do you understand how the HPTA works?

I can't proof something that doesn't exist. An AI has no influence on the HPTA, which is why nobody makes a study about it.

Why don't you ask me for a proof that a god doesn't exist? Would make just as much sense.


You claim that an AI keeps the HPTA up, so proof your claim.

  • Haha 1

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