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Thailand reports lowest number of new COVID-19 cases since March 14


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I just read a very interesting article, and it sheds some new insight to the damage that COVID-19 is doing to the bodies systems especially the blood and clots being found throughout the deceased lungs as the autopsies have been performed in the US.  Also read in another study where high blood sugars were also being noted not only in diabetics but in non-diabetics as well from the binding of the virus to the cells.






And yes both articles have been fact checked and studies have been peer reviewed.  Take it for what it is this is one nasty **s virus.


As far as the numbers here go, I have no doubt they are under reported, but then you get what you get when you test very few.  I would hope that full autopsies were being completed and samples compared with anything they may be able to obtain from other scientists in other countries who are working on this thing.  If indeed this was engineered, and not just nature evolving its own virus's, then someone was a very bad boy in the lab.

Edited by ThailandRyan
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You can always get lower numbers every day when you don't report them. I would bet the government has this planned to make it look good so they can justify opening up everything again. They may not care about your health even if there are still many infected people out there. Plus they are probably not doing any more testing.

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43 minutes ago, ukrules said:

This suggests community spread, something many of us have suspected for a long time.


I would go and get an antibody test myself but I suspect if I tested positive for the antibodies they would launch an investigation into where I might have got it from potentially months ago, I last had a cold at the beginning of February, nothing since then.


This would lead them directly to an inconvenient truth - Chinese tourists.


I reckon there's been millions of infections undetected and barely noticed, even by the people who were ill.

the reply was to someone posting about a relative getting it in UK not here!

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2 hours ago, DrTuner said:

Yes, in Bangkok Post, but that was a she with a urinary track infection, the one who died? Or another case?


It's the PUI criteria in action. To get tested, you must pass a fine filter. The only reason they tested her was because she was already in hospital and developed pneumonia. 


I also see the partygoer that dropped dead and tested positive is nowhere to be seen in the stats. More and more discrepancies are starting to surface.

All I know is someone went in for surgery and got tested to be safe. He had no idea anything was wrong. Pure chance. 

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7 hours ago, Guderian said:

They really need to stop playing around in the margins looking for a new case here and two news cases there and start mass-testing of immigrant workers stuck in crowded dormitories. Around 80% of all cases in Singapore have been linked to dormitories housing low-paid workers. Construction sites around Pattaya, Phuket and Bangkok would be a good place to start.


And while they're at it, aggressive testing of compounds and villages where low-paid Thais live in overcrowded conditions is also needed. If the virus is currently circulating undetected among the general population, waiting for its chance to start some clusters leading to uncontrolled exponential growth, then these are the places it's most likely to be, where the low-paid of any nationality are forced to endure cramped and crowded conditions (not just foreigners, geddit it Khun Prayut and Khun Anutin?).


Please get you thumbs out of your butts, testing people, measuring the temperature of 100,000 motorists in air-conditioned cars and finding that none of them has an elevated temperature tells you nothing useful at all. Go ye forth into the poor places and test many souls there, if you dare!

if you look at the amount of people tested in thailand (142,589) then its pretty good. more per million people than Japan, Phillipines, Cambodia, Indonesia, on par with Vietnam and slightly worse than Taiwan. i dont think the test amountbis unreasonable considering that there isnt enough places to test or testing kits in Thailand to increase testing bu a huge amount

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11 minutes ago, deevo666 said:

if you look at the amount of people tested in thailand (142,589) then its pretty good. more per million people than Japan, Phillipines, Cambodia, Indonesia, on par with Vietnam and slightly worse than Taiwan. i dont think the test amountbis unreasonable considering that there isnt enough places to test or testing kits in Thailand to increase testing bu a huge amount

That's not really the number of people tested if you are meaning number of people tested where we will count the result if they come up positive. The tests that get included in that more restrictive category are only the ones where the same person has a test confirmed by both of the two official labs. That number is much, much smaller than 142k. 

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40 minutes ago, Tingnongnoi said:

the reply was to someone posting about a relative getting it in UK not here!

Actually it was in the Thai press briefing today, somebody went in for surgery, unrelated to anything covid. Was tested as a precaution before surgery and was found to be positive. No other details were given. So yes it does suggest community spread unfortunately. 

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13 minutes ago, JCP108 said:

That's not really the number of people tested if you are meaning number of people tested where we will count the result if they come up positive. The tests that get included in that more restrictive category are only the ones where the same person has a test confirmed by both of the two official labs. That number is much, much smaller than 142k. 

Not higher than 1440/d, the capacity of the NIH lab: 


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7 hours ago, sapson said:

Totally agree.!!!......l but they are working to their own agenda of minimal sporadic testing if that and publishing a daily downward trend of cases, bearing no relation to the 70 million population.


They appear not to care about the harsh reality and churn out nonsense figures like TAT!


WHO and heads of state should be calling soon to consult Prayut on his magical Covid 19 management policy.

they will be calling the head of Vietnam first. only 256 cases there and no deaths

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3 hours ago, Choochai said:

What test? There is no test for CVD19, they never isolated the "virus" so that a proper test could be manufactured. The hospitals are using a test that will show Corona related material. 99.9% of all tested people have that in their system. Please everybody talking about test this and test that, read up on it.

There are dozens of tests that have been developed, all around the world. The most common type are RT-PCR tests and they do test specifically for CoVid-19 (or for the SARS-CoV-2 virus, if you prefer). There's a list of just some of the test kits available, on the link below:


Testing for SARS-CoV-2


The virus was isolated in early January and the full genome for it was published on January 11.


Novel coronavirus genome published


Edited by GroveHillWanderer
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5 hours ago, Choochai said:

What test? There is no test for CVD19, they never isolated the "virus" so that a proper test could be manufactured. The hospitals are using a test that will show Corona related material. 99.9% of all tested people have that in their system. Please everybody talking about test this and test that, read up on it.

As I've already mentioned, that's just not true. Just as another example, the link below is from the Roche pharmaceutical company from Switzerland, announcing that their SARS-CoV-2 test had been granted an emergency use authorisation (EUA) by the FDA.


As it says in the announcement:



The test has been authorised only for the detection of RNA from SARS-CoV-2 virus and diagnosis of SARS-CoV-2 virus infection, not for any other viruses or pathogens.

Roche receives FDA EUA

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7 hours ago, deevo666 said:

if you look at the amount of people tested in thailand (142,589) then its pretty good. more per million people than Japan, Phillipines, Cambodia, Indonesia, on par with Vietnam and slightly worse than Taiwan. i dont think the test amountbis unreasonable considering that there isnt enough places to test or testing kits in Thailand to increase testing bu a huge amount

More like 45k, where are you getting the figs from? Don't tell me it's worldometer??????

The source for ALL their info is the Thaienquirer!! A two bit online site with about 3,000 FB followers



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18 hours ago, Yadon Toploy said:

Just in time to open up again before either the government coughs up cash or the people start to riot.


Funny that.

Got it in one... the numbers miraculously falling in time to open up the country before the the government has to admit it's broke and can't afford a pot to pee in !!!!

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4 minutes ago, Ashto said:

What’s missing is any evidence supporting your suspicion. I’ve watched these forums and other places closely for evidence and have found none, none at all.  That seems not merely remarkable but impossible if there are large numbers of sick and dead out there.

If anyone has any evidence, not merely dark muttering, I’d be very keen to see it. Like many, given Thailand’s flood of Chinese tourists at the end of last year and the beginning of this year, they’ve done miraculously well to have so few cases. 

Do you realise that Thailand is governed by the military?

People would be thrown into the gulag for suggesting the figures are incorrect

Add to that people overall want the figures to be low so they can get back to work


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9 minutes ago, Canuck1966 said:

Do you realise that Thailand is governed by the military?

People would be thrown into the gulag for suggesting the figures are incorrect

That one reminds of the schizophrenic who tells his shrink doctor that people are chasing him. The doctor asks whether, when you turn around, do you see them?

Schizo replies: No -- they hide very well.

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New evidence says that heat, humidity and sunlight can kill the virus so these numbers seem plausible although I'm sure many other people have it with no symptoms.

Open up businesses but keep each province close(no travel between provinces for a couple of weeks).

Then reassess the situation. If there is a outbreak then lockdown the relevant province again. Repeat the process until everything is under control.

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35 minutes ago, SkyFax said:

That one reminds of the schizophrenic who tells his shrink doctor that people are chasing him. The doctor asks whether, when you turn around, do you see them?

Schizo replies: No -- they hide very well.

So you deny the govt is military?

You deny people are thrown in prison for what the junta deems to be fake news?

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13 minutes ago, Sametboy2019 said:

New evidence says that heat, humidity and sunlight can kill the virus so these numbers seem plausible although I'm sure many other people have it with no symptoms.

Open up businesses but keep each province close(no travel between provinces for a couple of weeks).

Then reassess the situation. If there is a outbreak then lockdown the relevant province again. Repeat the process until everything is under control.

Pretty warm and humid in those dormitories in Singapore!

The only correlation between heat and numbers is 3rd world countries and lack of testing before/after death

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7 minutes ago, Canuck1966 said:
44 minutes ago, SkyFax said:

That one reminds of the schizophrenic who tells his shrink doctor that people are chasing him. The doctor asks whether, when you turn around, do you see them?

Schizo replies: No -- they hide very well.

So you deny the govt is military?

You deny people are thrown in prison for what the junta deems to be fake news?

If people-in-the-know are not suggesting that the Govt figures are incorrect because they are afraid of being sent to the gulag, or they are not saying that the figures in large measure are incorrect because they do not believe the figures in large measure are incorrect, the outcome is the same.

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Just now, ThailandRyan said:

And now you know the rest of the story, and that is you will only hear what they want you to hear, and not what is the real truth......

They have got away with a lot over the last 5/6 years and I find it extremely annoying that people are still so gullible .

Corruption, murder and cover ups from an out of control junta

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1 minute ago, cornishcarlos said:


Equally so, is any evidence supporting the numbers being correct... It's just the numbers that are being released, with no data to back them up..

It's sad that western educated people can be so naive and ignorant

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You don't need to be able to read Thai for the images below, but it helps

Look how they reconciled the figures in the early stages 

The 4,848 figure is shown at the top and then below, analysed and everything adds up

Look at the later format, just figures and no reconciliation.




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