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Thailand reports 53 new coronavirus cases, one new death


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1 hour ago, skorp13 said:

Hmmm, just when things look like they can open up and pressure to do so begins to mount new cases pop up like hot cakes??? Something wrong with this!

It’s one cluster in a specific place, happening for a specific reason. No need for nationwide panic. At least, not because of this particular cluster which by definition is contained.


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3 hours ago, Yadon Toploy said:


You can be rest assured the situation is far worse than anyone is letting on,


I won't rest assured of anything until I see some clear evidence to support your claim. Do you have any?



3 hours ago, Yadon Toploy said:


... especially among the migrant worker communities.


Very possibly, but we need testing to provide proof that there is nothing to worry about, or else that the migrant workers are a large and active pool of infection. Unfortunately, the government seems to feel that the best strategy it can adopt now is that of the ostrich.





Edited by metisdead
Trolling meme removed.
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So, let me get this straight. We are differentiating into three categories of cases: 


1) known to be connected to a prior confirmed case,

2) not connected to a prior confirmed case, and 

3) imported.


Per the story, imported seems to me a non-Thai was infected. Is that how you get into category #3? Or does it mean assumed to have gotten infected prior to crossing the boundary into Thailand? I didn't see that they knew that these people were infected prior to entering Thailand. 

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40 minutes ago, sandrew33 said:

Thailand is still testing at a very low % per capita. Interesting that 7 of the cases were in an area where testing was increased but really that increase was still only in line with basic levels of testing in more developed countries. 

Until testing ramps up everyone is just guessing 

Exactly, they ramped up testing in Phuket and had 3 new cases.


They ramped up testing Yala and they find new cases.


They test people at the borders and they find many new cases.


Let them start testing house for house in Isaan, and they will also find new cases

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6 minutes ago, SantiSuk said:

increasing number of experts commenting that heat and humidity does have an impact on virus spread

That's why I think covid has a small impact on the population in Thailand.

It may have an impact on mortality on eldery people, but thai population is young, unlike Singapore for instance or Malaysia.

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24 minutes ago, brain150 said:

There is NO over-mortality and hospitals are pretty empty ... so why test anything ?


If you don't have sick people why try to find them ?

Well, apparently asymptomatic people can pass the virus on to others, who might suffer a serious health reaction.


but I take your point, at the moment hospitals do not appear to be overloaded with critically sick people, and village crematoriums don’t seem to have long queues. The government restrictions might have something to do with that. Or, maybe the virus is indeed inhibited in Thailands heat and humidity, only showing its true face when present at a Thai boxing stadium packed with people.

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3 minutes ago, Spellforce said:

No problem at all if thailand has allready reached its herd immunity.

Perhaps for the original strain. It is still completely unknown if antibodies provide any immunity and if they do, for how long and against which strains. As you can see in Nextstrain, a lot of strains and mutations are floating about.


We need more information. Veritable armies of scientist and researchers are working on it.


I wish Thailand would dig into the coffers and get those PTT/MIT/co tests or at least antibody tests produced ASAP (Although I suspect they simply don't have the raw materials) and do a large scale random test round to get visibility into the situation.

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Just now, DrTuner said:

Perhaps for the original strain. It is still completely unknown if antibodies provide any immunity and if they do

We have to stop to listen those "experts" from the OMS.

Do we know only one single virus, that once you catched it, you were not immunized ?

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6 minutes ago, DrTuner said:



The danger now is getting the other strain here, the second wave. The borders must remain closed for a long time.

I agree with that.


Anyway, considering how frightened the countries are to reopen the economy on their own territory, I think we don't need to worry about them reopening their borders too soon...

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2 minutes ago, Spellforce said:

Do we know only one single virus, that once you catched it, you were not immunized ?

I haven't seen any evidence or studies of that. The reason is simple, you need time to determine if you are immune, the pandemic is too fresh.

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4 minutes ago, Brunolem said:

Anyway, considering how frightened the countries are to reopen the economy on their own territory, I think we don't need to worry about them reopening their borders too soon...

Tourism $, TAT, usurpers afraid of revolution by the hungry people. Scary.


If they do find out Thailand has had it's epidemic and most were asymptomatic, I can already see TAT blaring out "Amazing Immunized Thailand, Wuhanese welcome!". Anything for the holy baht.

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Numbers will never come down , it's not mathematically possibe more cases equals more testing equals more cases. Quarantined in the same dorm I'm sure. Nightime curfews ? Hmmm 

Time to get on with it, but they (the government) will languish in their own muck and keep extending and extending trying to reach Zero which will never happen...what does it matter where they came from they're here and part of body count...Send em back maybe then deduct or maybe just handicap. Good bet at the sports book in Vegas ...55

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6 minutes ago, Spellforce said:

H1N1 & SARS (animal flues as covid-19) for instance you were imunized as every seasonal flues, why should it be different for that covid-19 ?

Those experts from the OMS want to make us mad !

SARS immunization (vaccine) was never done because the epidemic fizzled out by itself. Some of the vaccines for the current SARS-CoV-2 that causes COVID-19 are further developments from 2003 when SARS originally broke out. There's no data about immunity from that time that I have come across.

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In fact it will be more difficult to contain the cases in the southern provinces among the muslims there as they practice praying and eating together. As we come to Ramadan, they will be increasingly pressured by their religious leaders to ignore social distancing and told that God will protect them. As with religious leaders in the USA and other places who feel their power and control over the minds and pockets of their followers is being threatened. Religious gatherings are one of the most serious threats society faces in dealing with this crisis.

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2 hours ago, Ranshoko said:

This news is a kick in the ball!s to all here proclaiming Thailand is over reacting. There's a long way to go yet. If you don't like wearing masks in public then tough - take the consequences .......

The masks don't protect you, has nothing to do with the spread. The issue with Thailand (and many other countries) is the woeful number of tests being carried out. Thailand has no idea how many of it's 68 million people have the virus, the official number of tested is just 142k. Also I understand there was a mass migration of workers back to their villages not too long ago, well someone must have taken it with them and how would the government know? This virus is horrible and highly infectious. We are all going to be in some form of lockdown until an effective vaccine is found. Good news for Thailand because the government gave a blueprint to the local scientists to produce one in 3 months......... 

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19 minutes ago, Susco said:

Anyone with a single functioning braincell would be able to figure out that when locked in the chance of infection decreases .


Same as if you forbid people to use the roads, road fatalities will decrease

Ys, but lockdowns are like the small red hammer in buses to break the glass: 'Only use in case of emergency'.


It's a large hammer: https://medium.com/@tomaspueyo/coronavirus-the-hammer-and-the-dance-be9337092b56


Now that governments have bought time with the lockdowns, at a very high economic price, they must use that time to step up the testing and tracking network so the lockdowns can be ended. Thailand is trying to get the testing upgraded, with not really impressive results:


At least they are trying. No sign of tracking solutions yet. They should ask Singapore for help.

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1 minute ago, Ketyo said:

In fact it will be more difficult to contain the cases in the southern provinces among the muslims there as they practice praying and eating together. As we come to Ramadan, they will be increasingly pressured by their religious leaders to ignore social distancing and told that God will protect them. As with religious leaders in the USA and other places who feel their power and control over the minds and pockets of their followers is being threatened. Religious gatherings are one of the most serious threats society faces in dealing with this crisis.

religious practice has been stopped as far as I understand, just like any other public gathering. My local church does a Sunday service online.


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2 minutes ago, Ketyo said:

In fact it will be more difficult to contain the cases in the southern provinces among the muslims there as they practice praying and eating together. As we come to Ramadan, they will be increasingly pressured by their religious leaders to ignore social distancing and told that God will protect them. 

Darwinism in action.

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Beg to differ locking in will benefit the weak or infirmed ( isolating ) Keep Aunt Tilda in the back bedroom and don't bother grandpa (that's me) he's upstairs in his room shouting at the TV. Just slide my metal dinner tray through the slot. You young folk git on out and get to work...bring me a bottle of Jack on the way back ! Stop being such pussies ..

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