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Thailand reports 53 new coronavirus cases, one new death


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5 hours ago, laosnative said:

Maybe the muppets making these decisions, should pay closer examination to their own shortcomings  before placing nations like Laos, with no new cases for weeks, on an at risk to Thailand list ..........

You couldnt make this nonsense up if you tried.   

It was explained by the spokwsman today that neighbouring countries were put on the list to enable stricter border controls to take place. Nothing to do with how many cases.

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10 hours ago, cyril sneer said:

The government won’t see it this way


I expect the lockdown and alcohol ban to be extended until June 1st now

 Don't say that! I like a nice glass of chilled wine with my evening meal. I'm not fussy ,I'll drink Ozzi or Kiwi ! You know its bad when your told you can't have it as opposed to you must stop drinking it for one reason or another!

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32 minutes ago, jimn said:

It was explained by the spokwsman today that neighbouring countries were put on the list to enable stricter border controls to take place. Nothing to do with how many cases.

And , as I have previously stated, Laos has not singled out Thailand as an exeptional risk, yet It could rightly be argued that Laos has more to fear from Thai based entries than Thailand has to fear from Laos based people.

Border controls with Asean neighbours must work both ways for it to work at all. If one side is closed it effectively closes the other. 

And how will the diminishing Thai economy, continue to cope without the willing and cheap labour from its neighbours making up a huge chunk of the menial jobs ,so essential at grass roots level?


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12 hours ago, cyril sneer said:

The government won’t see it this way


I expect the lockdown and alcohol ban to be extended until June 1st now

let me get me beer in first on may 1st , this virus is fake news , cant wait for the football to be back 

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11 hours ago, hotelbri said:

Died WITH not of.... big difference

Semantically, of course, you are right, but now the semantics was not what the discussion was about and then your answer only indicates ignorance. If we look at, for example, the EU, the only area I can say for sure, but it would surprise me a lot if reporting differs significantly in other areas.


When a doctor writes a death report, the doctor must state one and only one cause of death. In the underlying text, several other disease states can be cited, but the decisive cause of death can only be cited as one. In cases where the doctor reported Covid-19 as the cause of death (we must be exact, covid 19 has not been stated as the cause of death, but the injuries sustained as a result of Covid-19, just as in the death statistics there is no one who died, for example of, car accident or smoking, but because of the injuries that occurred as a result of a car accident or smoking. In short, if we are to adhere to the topic and not to semantics, the reported cases have been reported as dead of Covid-19, not with Covid-19.


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20 hours ago, Ranshoko said:

This news is a kick in the ball!s to all here proclaiming Thailand is over reacting. There's a long way to go yet. If you don't like wearing masks in public then tough - take the consequences .......

Thing is most people don't know how to correctly wear the masks, only found out myself the other day.

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6 hours ago, NoComment said:

If these figures are true a big round of applause to everyone involved. Thailand has less death's than almost all Western countries.

Along with Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam, Myanmar, even Hong Kong.  All who have even better figures than Thailand!

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They can’t blame the dirty foreigners because the majority have returned home and it’s the dirty foreigners who are left here helping to organise the feeding of poor Thais, Burmese who have lost jobs and have no money to buy food. It doesn’t matter what your beliefs are or the colour of your skin at this terrible time everyone needs to help those who are suffering.

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Just hearing a young lady scientist volunteer for the first human trial of a vaccine has died 2 days after the injection . Four other volunteers are battling complications due to reactions from the vaccine in Oxford UK  

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20 minutes ago, superal said:

Just hearing a young lady scientist volunteer for the first human trial of a vaccine has died 2 days after the injection . Four other volunteers are battling complications due to reactions from the vaccine in Oxford UK  

Hearing from where? I've just searched this on Google and found nothing aside from the BBC report stating the scientist got the vaccine on the 23rd.

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9 minutes ago, Syduan said:

So you trust the BBC and Google, that says it all.

No but trust them more than a random poster on TV but then if you trust a TV poster more then that also says it all.

Edited by Bkk Brian
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40 minutes ago, superal said:

Just hearing a young lady scientist volunteer for the first human trial of a vaccine has died 2 days after the injection . Four other volunteers are battling complications due to reactions from the vaccine in Oxford UK  

Are you sure it was a lady, because it seems that Kim Jong Un is in pretty bad shape...maybe HE tested the vaccine...

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16 hours ago, moe666 said:

People have to remember that alot of workers were sent home when they started the clamp down, alot of the cases that might have been here were deported.


Not so much sent home as rendered unemployed so for lack of an alternative they  they went  home.


I know some who actually had to sneak across the border to do so  since borders were shut and they no longer had any way to support themselves in Thailand

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7 hours ago, Brunolem said:

I am a small government kind of guy, not a supporter of the nanny state.


When faced with a potential epidemic, the governments should have let the medical profession deal with it, while providing the necessary help (money, machines and equipments, space if necessary...), but not interfering in the decisions.


The same goes with the economy...it is not the role of governments to bailout every company, bank and speculator every time the s..t hit the fan.


Creative destruction (Joseph Schumpeter) is a necessary component of capitalism...but it is not welcome in our socialist world.

Isn't that what the governments basically did? I thought they all gathered their best medical experts to advice them on what the best action is to take. I'm sure you don't mean that the government should literally have vacated office and said to the Doctors "Its all yours boys". Is that what the small governments did?


I personally think we all want our governments to do all they can to save businesses who are in trouble. Nobody wants to get through this with no jobs to go back to do they?


As for creative destruction exactly how does this work if everybody crashes and burns? 


I think you ought to re think your position. Stay safe.


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