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Thailand Milk - Not Curdling? Queso Fresco Cheese

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I am trying to make queso fresco, a fresh cheese often associated with Mexican food. 


Basically, all it takes is heating whole milk, followed by adding lemon juice or vinegar to make it curdle, and then pressing the curds into cheese. 


I have done this before here in Thailand, but it was a few years ago.


Now being at home a lot, I wanted to make this again.  However, after several attempts with different milk brands, I find the milk does not curdle.

I have tried whole milk from Meiji and Chokchai.  I also tried Dutch Mill.  For the acid, I have tried lemon juice, white vinegar, and apple cider vinegar.


It is possible when I did this before that, by coincidence, the milk I bought was near its expiration date.  That may have made it more likely to curdle.


Making this cheese should very simple and easy.  So, I am a little baffled why it just isn't working.


Does anyone have any suggestions?  Perhaps there is a particular brand of milk I should try?


Thanks in advance!





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5 hours ago, Oxx said:

Thai milk is homogenised to stop the cream separating out and rising to the top.  This makes it less suitable for cheese making.  Adding calcium chloride might help.

I will look into the calcium chloride.  Thanks.

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