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Tinnitus Treatment


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I am a Doctorate Level Audiologist, in Thailand and truthfully the only doctorate level audiologist in the country.

Betahistamine is usually used to treat miniere's disease. Tinnitus is one of the symptoms of miniere's disease, but I have not heard of betahistamines being used to treat tinnitus specifically. Betahistamines are used to try to decrease the amount of fluid with in the inner ear, which is what miniere's is all about. The issue with miniere's is that there is too much fluid within the inner/cochlea, the betahistamine helps to reduce the fluid, thus helping to decrease the symptoms of miniere's such as vertigo, tinnitus etc.

Even then betahistamine is no cure, (there is no cure) and there are other options used to treat miniere's.

While my Tinnitus is bearable, it is bothersome. Prior to going the hearing aid route (which I have been fighting), I don't mind trying beta histamine. However, I don't like to self medicate myself, given other medications I am taking. While I can certainly wait to ask my doctor, in general, are there any instances when beta histamine should not be taken? Does it make you drowsy, as some anti histamines do?


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As a hearing aid can give relief I guess some of you have also tried tone generators. There are a number of software available for download where you can generate a sound that fits you, then dump this on a cd, mp3 file. You can then play this in a loop when you sleep or use it with a small mp3 player.

do a web search for tinnitus sound generator.

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You are right Skip, although i havent looked at the web-site, i know there is no cure, ive done the betahistamine thing with no result, strange it may seem, but yesterday i twisted my right ankle badly and its giving me some right jip, since then,tinnitus hasnt really been a problem, hearing nice and clear, perhaps the anoying anti-bodies in my body have gone to clear up a painful area? and when there is nothing else to do, they come back to the ears?? this has happened many times after an accident, perhaps a bit of medical research in this area could help sufferes?

rgds, Lickey.

I am surprised that you mentioned this. Distracting a persons attention is a basic part of many therapies.

On another note hypnosis is being viewed as more mainstream in the medical field. Many of the things doctors are trying to find the answer to the human mind already knows how to fix but is has not given up it’s secrets yet. I don’t expect hypnosis or anything to be the one size fits all treatment for symptoms of any condition, but bypassing the negatives in the conscious can only work to benefit.

New therapies are being developed all the time as well as old therapies evolving. I just published a paper last month (March) on some cutting edge therapy with a person who had suffered a stroke and his recovery stalled for several years. It had never been attempted and he and I were delightfully surprised with the rapid success and highly accelerated rate of recovery. So there is always new things out there.

To wait for the perfect fix will take about as long as finding your perfect mate and may be foolish. Also a combination of therapies may be the answer too.

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Thankyou john k, it is also noticable with tinnitus that anything i do that gives me an ego boost relieves the noise, even re-building a big diesel engine and listnening to it working, on the other hand, when mrs and me go shopping in Tesco lotus, the noise from hi-fi shops and speaker systems is unbearable, consequently, im very unhappy and my ears sing for 2 days or more after, Its not easy, but avoiding stress situations and trying to be happy all the time is for a few priviliged people on this planet, me not being one of them.

Cheers, Lickey.

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Hi not wishing to change the topic but,,,, i wear a pair of Savia 211dsz hearing aids that are in need of checking and some adjustments made to the hearing programs,is there anywhere in Bangkok that can do this for me ???/ otherwise it means i have to go back to ausralia just to hve the work done.


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I also suffer from a degree of tinnitius - brought on (as much as anything else) by playing in R&R bands in earlier years. I would most often stand at stage left, with the drummer close by my right side - bashing away at his cymbals (a symbollic jesture, perchance?). So, if a particularly loud and high pitched sound gets to my right ear, it's painful - sometimes lasting several minutes.

The best thing to do for someone suffering from tinnitus is, to put it bluntly, stay away from Thailand. Sure, other countries are noiay, but there must be a special status for Thailand - perhaps in the Guiness Book of World Records for the most crumby sounding, high-pitched noises blasting every which way - with absolutely no regard for anyone who might not want to hear the cacaphony. Honorable mention has to go to the Thai custom of playing various different types of music concurrentlyin in the same space. I know this sounds prejudiced, but Thais seem to have no sense of fidelity (in relation to music - as for romantic endeavors, that's another topic). Many times I've been in public places (malls, etc) and the sound system will be playing a faulty tape/CD (it skips or has a large amount of hissing) and no one seems to notice except me.

Luckily for me, there are other aspects of Thailand I appreciate dearly - otherwise the fidelity-hel_l, high ptiched wheeze of Thai pop bubblegum pap music would surely drive me away. Plus, I live in the country, so I only have to deal with errant loud radios, barking dogs and crowing cocks - surely not as painful as living in a Thai city.

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  • 1 year later...

Tinnitus cure (temporary) that has worked for me - Gingko Biloba.

Initial treatment is to take double the recommended dose until the ringing goes away.

Give it about 2 weeks to go away, then take maintenance dose.

I have had it for 25 years. It comes and goes, whenever I get it (like now)

I take 1 GB tab after every meal, after 1-2 days it goes away.

I have had friends try this method and it has not worked for them, although I

don't know if they followed my recommendation.

I am not a doctor. Good Luck!

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  • 5 months later...

:D:D I have had it for a long time,I feel it was caused by stress,and shooting guns.

I just bought a new air-con and have been sleeping cold.It started ringing loud,I started taking Lefloxin 500 mg last week for a sinus infection and the ringing has almost stopped,big improvement,working for me.


I am suffering from heavy tinnitus since years. It's only getting worse and I would like to do something about it. Does anyone know if there is a cure for tinnitus and where I should address my problem in Bangkok ?

I've been told to live with it by doctors in other countries, but I still want to try over here.


the only treatment known (not in all cases) is taking betahistamine available in different brand names also in Thailand. it helped in my case.

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My guess is that your sinus infection also caused your euestachean tubes to close, which will lead to negative pressure within the middle ear cavity, which leads to a conductive hearing loss. As your sinus infection resolves, your eustachean tubes will open angain, allowing the pressure to equalize, thus alowing your hearing to return back to it's normal state. This will allow you to hear more back ground noise, thus "masking" over your tinnitus.

watch the video

I know it is not directly related to you, but some of it probably does. (and no, I am not the guy in the bow tie)

Good luck.

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Have heard that tinnitus may also be related to high blood pressure so get the blood pressure down might also help.

And blood sugar has also been implicated as a possible contributing factor.

If you read around a bit it seems that just about everything could lead to or cause tinnitus.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Treatment of tinnitus depends on the cause.

If the ringing in your ears is due to age-related hearing loss or damage to your ears by exposure to excessive noise, no treatment can reduce the noise. Treatment consists mostly of managing the problem. Your doctor can discuss with you steps you can take every day to reduce the severity of the noise or to better cope with the noise.

If the ringing in your ears is due to another health condition, your doctor may be able to take steps that could reduce the noise, such as removing impacted earwax. Tinnitus resulting from a vascular condition often can be corrected by fixing the underlying problem. If a medication you're taking appears to be the cause of tinnitus, your doctor may recommend discontinuing the drug or switching to a different medication.

Varying success for medications

Many medications have been tried to relieve tinnitus with varying degrees of success. Tricyclic antidepressants, such as amitriptyline and nortriptyline, have been used with some success, but these medications have troublesome side effects, such as dry mouth, blurred vision and constipation.

Two recent clinical trials found that the migraine medications gabapentin (Neurontin) and acamprosate (Campral), a drug used to treat alcoholism, are effective in relieving tinnitus for some people.

Treatments with limited results

Some other treatments that have been tried, but which have had inconsistent results, are:



The herb ginkgo

Cochlear implant, an electronic hearing device

Electrical stimulation

Medications, such as benzodiazepines (nervous system depressants) and baclofen (a muscle relaxant)

Hyperbaric oxygen chamber, a therapy to get a high level of oxygen in your blood



Good thread on tinnitus

I have many clients who ask me if I can Help them w/ this problem

I truthfully tell them that this is a very difficult problem to resolve

and that I can help diminish the sound -- but have not had success with cure

all the above sugeestions in the other post are worth while

the protocols that I use are acupuncture, chiropractic adjustment, meridian tapping, nutrition / supplements

and low level lasers ----

a client seeing me for back pain mentioned his tinnitus problem.

I suggested he buy a laser pointer off the street and put in his ear for 3 to 5 minutes a few times a day

her returned a month or so later and said how the laser pointer seemed to work at reducing the volume

cheap fix - if it works for you

yours in health


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Treatment of tinnitus depends on the cause.

If the ringing in your ears is due to age-related hearing loss or damage to your ears by exposure to excessive noise, no treatment can reduce the noise. Treatment consists mostly of managing the problem. Your doctor can discuss with you steps you can take every day to reduce the severity of the noise or to better cope with the noise.

If the ringing in your ears is due to another health condition, your doctor may be able to take steps that could reduce the noise, such as removing impacted earwax. Tinnitus resulting from a vascular condition often can be corrected by fixing the underlying problem. If a medication you're taking appears to be the cause of tinnitus, your doctor may recommend discontinuing the drug or switching to a different medication.

Varying success for medications

Many medications have been tried to relieve tinnitus with varying degrees of success. Tricyclic antidepressants, such as amitriptyline and nortriptyline, have been used with some success, but these medications have troublesome side effects, such as dry mouth, blurred vision and constipation.

Two recent clinical trials found that the migraine medications gabapentin (Neurontin) and acamprosate (Campral), a drug used to treat alcoholism, are effective in relieving tinnitus for some people.

Treatments with limited results

Some other treatments that have been tried, but which have had inconsistent results, are:



The herb ginkgo

Cochlear implant, an electronic hearing device

Electrical stimulation

Medications, such as benzodiazepines (nervous system depressants) and baclofen (a muscle relaxant)

Hyperbaric oxygen chamber, a therapy to get a high level of oxygen in your blood



Good thread on tinnitus

I have many clients who ask me if I can Help them w/ this problem

I truthfully tell them that this is a very difficult problem to resolve

and that I can help diminish the sound -- but have not had success with cure

all the above sugeestions in the other post are worth while

the protocols that I use are acupuncture, chiropractic adjustment, meridian tapping, nutrition / supplements

and low level lasers ----

a client seeing me for back pain mentioned his tinnitus problem.

I suggested he buy a laser pointer off the street and put in his ear for 3 to 5 minutes a few times a day

her returned a month or so later and said how the laser pointer seemed to work at reducing the volume

cheap fix - if it works for you

yours in health


As a licensed, Doctorate of Audiology, and a CCC-A holder I can honestly say..... :)

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  • 1 year later...

I am bumping this thread to hear if there are some (hopefully) success stories regarding treatment of tinnitus. I live in Europe but visit Thailand fairly often. If any TV members have recently had positive experience with some clinics or hospitals in Europe or Thailand for treating tinnitus would be great if they could share their experience. Thanks.

Edited by marc69
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  • 1 month later...
  • 6 months later...

For the past three months my quality of life has really dminsihed because of Tinnitus. It plauges me and is so loud, tonight I can't sleep, all I hear is tremendous white noise

It all started with a simple ear infection that turned into a chronic ear infection which led to an operation to remove build up from the mastitis area behnd my ear. This did still ot cure the infection, only a course of very hghly priced anti-biotics deliverd by IV in hospital did that. Its still not 100% clear but at about 90% . I had hoped all along that when the infection subsided so would the noise, the Doctor had said nothing of Tinnitus, however I am sure that it got worse after the op, I can remember not being overly concerned by the infection pre-op but after, it became really noticeable.

Could he have cut something? I have no sense of feeling in the nerves in my ear, they have already been severed according to my doc, but feeling should return in 6-8 months, according to another doctor I consult regarding my problem, he has prescribed me ear drops and nasal spray. No more meds, just excercise.

However, I am a caffine addict and take asprin to thin my blood as my heart is not so good, although I am controling my BP well right now. I also suffer with type two diebetis..which probably does not help. I used to drink more than I should , but stopped when I got this infection, I have no idea if this has any bearing?

Not until searching out this old thread (in deperation for knowledge) did I understand that Tinnitus can be a result of things like this, I always thought it was to do with being subjected to loud noise over a long period, I never have, in fact when I first showed up at the hospital the Doc said I had a perforated ear drum , ear drops went straight through from my ear to my throat, not any more though since the infection clogged it up. :(

But I don't understand how a perforated ear drum could turn into a chronic ear infection. My specialist said that in all his 20 years of being an ENT specialist he had never encountered an ear infection as bad and as difficult to cure as mine. :(

If anyone can cheer me up or give me any hope I would be grateful. :) The last time I went out other than to the hospital was 26th May for the British Royal wedding, and I had to leave early as there was too much noise (for me)to tollerate.

I'm getting way to used to staying at home now where I can have the TV on full volume, which does make me forget about the noise for a while , until I turn it off, then POW..it hits me. I am also getting very depressed and grumpy, but thats to be expected when your life is turned on it's head I suppose, I had to cancel a visit to see my ageing parents as my specialist says I can't fly just yet, although my other doc says its no problem ???? Who do I believe??

Sorry for the long winded post, but I feel better to have got this offmy chest, now I have to go and try to "sleep through the static" sound like a great title for a rock and roll album :D

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Do you also have hearing loss, and if so, how much?

Usually tinnitus following a mastoidectomy is related to hearing loss, which can be a side effect of the procedure (and can sometimes be corrected through subsequent specialized surgery).

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I'm a retired AF vet, with a VA disability for hearing and tinnitus. Plus I had regular bouts of ear infections for about 10 years....nothing worked long term. Then I got my ears vac'd out by a doctor in a small clinic in Udon, swabbed with some sort of yellow medicine, kept qtips and everything else out of my ears, and the infection went away. Tinnitus and hearing loss was moderate to severe though. Got me a pair of magnatone claret complete in canal hearing aids in Jan this year.....38,000 baht for the pair, from a ENT clinic in Khonkaen. When I have the hearing aids in, tinnitus isn't a problem. The aids work wonders with the hearing (I guess that's what they're designed to do).

The hearing aids aren't a perfect solution, but I'm light-years ahead of where I was before January.

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Do you also have hearing loss, and if so, how much?

Usually tinnitus following a mastoidectomy is related to hearing loss, which can be a side effect of the procedure (and can sometimes be corrected through subsequent specialized surgery).

Hi Sheryl,

Thanks for your reply, I was begining to lose all hope.

Yes, I have approximatley 80% hearing loss in my right ear, it would be fantastic news if the tinnitus could be relieved by having an operation, :) I have researched extensively but have not found anything about this possibility.

I would be extremely grateful if you could let me know more :thumbsup:

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wow thought I was all alone..some years back here in Thailand got Menier's disease or something in my "bad ear" ( from holding a f..g mobile to my ear with my shoulder while driving...convinced of it...lol!)...often made me fall down through lack of balance.. head swimming etc..scared the shit out of me ...not good trying to sail a boat ...lol.

Anyways went away after a couple of days and some packets of unknown tabs from a docs in Phuket. Now have the odd bouts of ringing but only when I listen? for it ...weird ...never get it at the beach..( background surf noise?)....

I just live with it now ..comes and goes...same as all the other fricking pains and whatnot when ano domini strikes...interesting about hearing aid ..but then I would 'ear my wife telling me to do stuff...

intereting stuff on this site:www.menieres-disease.ca/tinnitus.htm

Edited by David006
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  • 1 year later...

Hi, I have read that a research medical centre in USA, OHSU Tinnitus clinic,

Uses cds with Pink noise to reduce T symtoms significantly.

Anyone here in Thailand have one or know of anybody who has used it?

I would like to get one locally if possible but if I get no replies I will get it from Usa

and post the results periodically. heres hoping


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