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Do All You Farmers Have Work Permits ?

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Just reading through the farming section, most of you seem to be working away plauging fields, making pig pens, putting up fences, taking livestock to market ect ect,

It sounds like your doing this work yourselves ? is it because its out in the sticks that you feel the law is turning a blind eye to farang working ? or have you all got working permits ? just seems strange with all we read on here.

Freak flips to mind, WHAT DO YOU DO? :o

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  • 4 years later...

Maizefarmer. How well said, your comments were a realy good read, I like the part about if it were in their own country they would not even think about it, somehow I can't imagine a guy in England for example being told by another guy that if you set me up in the farming business you dont need to hang around the farm yourself you can stay home and watch tv or go down the pub, me and my family will take care of everything and give you the money every month, Im sure that guy would just laugth at him say something like do you think I was born yesterday then walk away, but out here its, ok then how much do you need !

Under, same same.

I know this is a really old comment, but it struck me none the less. People in London and the USA behave exactly the same way in London as they do in Thailand, do you think they get smarter or more stupid as they head around the world?

How many times do people (farangs) take huge amounts of money and send it to a stranger miles if not thousands of miles away. The stranger you likely NEVER meet is set up as a "professional" and they recommend you never ask for your money back. The Western Gov sets it up so that you are penalized if you ask for your money back. Got to love the system. They assure you that you have regular profits because they send you a piece of paper that is generated by a computer. They don't explain what specifially they are doing with your money. You can't visit and see what your money is doing, it is all in a computer. It is all too complicated for you to understand they say. The "professionals" on the one hand assure you how easy it is to make money, but no one ask if it is so easy, why is the professinal still working the phones calling people? Why aren't they so busy making money for themselves? Why aren't they retired enjoying life?

Since we in the West are so much more advance, we set up an entire industry to help fleece people.

In the USA we call this industry Wall $treet, in other countries this is the share market, they sell mutual funds to the most ignorant, penny stocks to the suppposedly knowledgable but poorest suckers, the really rich suckers get to use hedge funds. The pros are brokers and investment advisors, their real training is mostly about how to not get sued if they are somewhat honest, or about how to declare bankrupcy and change their names if they are pure crooks. Has anyone even ever read a series 7 investment test that a broker needs to pass to get a license?

The biggest crook in the entire history of the world work in the country that is leader of the free world, the USA. We in the West by now have all heard of Bernie Madoff. Hell, Wall Street even tells you what is going on, they "put lipstick on a pig "and sell it to idiots, sell you a pig in a poke.

Try googling "debt of Pigs", investment bankers are a very amusing bunch.

I got to think, no matter if it is pig farming or buying a pig in a poke, nothing beats "boots on the ground" and really understanding whatever you want to invest money in.

So you see, pig farming is the same same but different in London / USA.

Edited by johnbits
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