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Penicillin allergy test in Bangkok


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I want to have an allergy test to confirm if I am indeed allergic to Penicillin as I was told as a child.  I am due to have a prostate Biopsy and if I am allergic to Penicillin I have to stay overnight in the hospital so they can give me antibiotics (I assume intravenously) and monitor for adverse reactions. 


I checked with all three hospitals in Hua Hin and none offer this test.  The last specialist I talked to said I would need to go to an academic hospital for the test, so I am looking for recommendations of this type of hospital in Bangkok.


Thank you in advance for any help.



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Sorry I cannot help you with a hospital recommendation but I would like to suggest that if you have the test that and you are allergic that  you carry that information with you whenever you are out and a copy easily visible at you home.      You should also ask for details of alternatives that may be suitable.


I am allergic to many drugs and especially antibiotics.   Some antibiotics stop me breathing, other drugs cause loss of feeling etc.     There were times when I had a serious lung infection and another following a dog scratch which affected me badly in less than 24 hours.


I made a complete alphabetical list of all meds, with name, date, reason for med and effects of medication when given.     Those which gave a bad to serious response were highlighted in red.

I placed a copy at all hospitals which I visited for treatment.  

I carry a list with me when ever I go out and a listed is also clearly posted inside my house.

( Along with this list are a DNR and contact details for family / friends ).

When ever I need to go to a hospital I recheck they have my details on file.
Last week I went for an eye operation and a different hospital, I gave them a copy and checked to see that they had placed it on file.    I then discussed the antibiotic they would normally give for a similar operation and the antibiotic they use was unsuitable for me, they checked and found an alternative.

It may seem overkill but it could save your life if you are found to have an allergic response.

Hope all goes well with you.



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What you were told about having to stay overnight if you have a penicillin allergy is frankly not normal medical practice.  When a patient has a history of penicillin allergy, the normal practice is simply to avoid medications closely related to penicillin. Which are not usually given after prostate biopsy anyway.


This is odd enough to make  me also question the prostate biopsy i.e. is it necessary and if so is the doctor performing it who, you are best treated by.


I suggest you go to Siriraj Hospitral which is in Bangkok on the Thonburi side of the river, bring all your records and test results with you and consult Prof. .Sittiporn Srinualnad there regarding whether prostate biopsy is indicated, and if it is, have it done there, not in Hua Hin. While there you can consult a doctor in the immunology dept for skin testing to verify the allergy if you want (NOT a pre-requisite to having a biopsy, though).




Siriraj has a private wing which, if you can afford it, saves a great deal of time and is more convenient but of course costs more







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