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Hyperkalemia- Anyone Familiar With This?


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i take a drug called spironolactone (for about 5 years now). i have polycystic ovarian syndrome and this drug balances my hormones and keeps my skin clear. it is also used as a diuretic for some types of heart disease etc.

lately i have noticed irregularity in my heartbeat. i get the feeling like the area around my heart is congested and it feels like it suddenly speeds up and pumps harder for a few seconds on and off throughout the day. it makes me a bit lightheaded and nauseous.

i read up on spironolactone and it is a potassium-sparing diuretic, which means it removes excess water from the body but leaves potassium. too much potassium can be toxic and cause heart problems or even death.

nothing has changed in my routine recently other than it has been super hot and i have been drinking a lot of gatorade, but it occured to me that i might be putting too much potassium in my body this way, and that excess might be causing irregular heartbeat.

anyone with experience of this? i can't go to a hospital to check my blood potassium levels until the end of the month (when i will be in bangkok). i cut down my dose of the drug hoping that might help but it hasn't. just wondering if anyone has any other experience or advice to share, or knows if this might be an emergency.

i also have a history of anxiety, but nothing is going on in my life lately to prompt this response...

thanks for reading...

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stop drinking gatorade for one. unless u are working in the fields or running a marathon, why do u have to drink it just cause its hot?; eat fruits (varied) and drink water, every time u pee drink a full glass;

and go for that check up (cant a local place do an ekg? and blood test for salts etc?)?

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Can check your potassium and sodium levels in Samui easily enough.

If you are sweating a lot (who isn't in this weather?) this plus the diuretic could be causing low sodium. Spironolactone conserves potassium but not sodium.

Or you might just be a bit dehydrated.

Drink a lot of water, and if it persists, get your electrolytes checked.

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There is a new branch of Samui Intl hospital in Thong Sala that could probably do a full blood work up. Worth asking next time you are in town. Turn right at the light and its the new building just in front of Wat Thong Sala (next to the gas station).

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