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Little Johnny Strikes Yet Again….

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Little Johnny strikes yet again….

(Sorry if you’ve heard this before)

Its coming up towards Friday afternoon home time at School and the teacher sets homework for the weekend…

Teacher: “Right Children, your English assignment for the weekend it to come up with a phrase involving the word contagious – every one understand ?

Class: “Yes Misssss”

Come Monday afternoon its close to home time and the teacher rounds up her pupils in the book corner…..

Teacher: “Ok children, over the weekend I asked you to come up with the phrase involving the word ‘contagious’, does everyone have their phrase ?”

Class: “Yes Missss”

Teacher: “Ok, who wants to go first?”

The usual suspects in the class are eager with their arms raised high fighting for recognition.

Young Mary is a level headed girl and the Teacher picks her first….

Teacher: “OK, Mary, let us hear your phrase”

Mary: “Miss, my brother has the Measles, my mother tells me I have to keep away from him because his measles are contagious”

Teacher: “very good Mary, excellent ! – any more volunteers ?”

Sarah is keen, so the Teacher picks her….

Teacher: “OK, Sarah, let us hear your phrase”

Sarah: “Miss, my father is going to work in Africa, he has to take some medicine to protect himself because the doctors tell him he will be working in a contagious area”

Teacher: “very good Sarah, excellent ! – Who’s next ?”

Well.. by this stage little Johnny is beside himself, he’d been thinking long and hard all weekend, and finally he’d struck gold and was ready to impress his favorite teacher. With the assumption that not much can go wrong with the word contagious, the Teacher picks Johnny…

Teacher: “Ok Johnny, what do you have for us?”

Johnny: “Miss Miss, my next door neighbor is painting his house white, he’s using such a tiny brush… my father says it’ll take the contagious” !!!

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