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“Successful” Thailand hangs its fate on vaccine quest

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35 minutes ago, Anthony Br said:

I was in a flight to Amsterdam from Bkk last night. Zero social distancing. The flight was packed. 


The answer to this virus is to put your big boy pants on and get back to life. Realise that life ends, and once you accept that, go and live a worth while life, contributing to society, knowing it could be over in a short time frame. Stop wasting the time you have because you think you have a tight to live to 85 and beyond, so there is always tomorrow isn't there !?!?!?

Well said,this virus has been a big set up con,yes a very nasty virus, but the media in their feeding frenzy have blown it out of proportion on purpose,if everyone had carried on as normal and the elderly and people with serious conditions had voluntarily stayed indoors for their own good, like what happens every winter time, it would have gone by now,yes many would have died,all viruses seek out the vulnerable and sick,it always has done,and always will.

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1 hour ago, RedPill said:

But he already had billions, why should he do this or what is the motivation? I hear this theory a lot, but have a hard time to get my head around it.

All part of the NWO.

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1 hour ago, Neeranam said:

I'm sure Bill Gates is involved somehow, and will make billions!



Check out what happened when non-medically educated Bill ran around Africa sticking his hypodermic needles into children,hundreds are just vegetables now,it's okay though,Bills wallet kept it quite.

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20 hours ago, lkv said:

Well not in this case, apparently. 


Quick quick, let's vaccinate. Doom and gloom otherwise. 


“Successful” Thailand hangs its fate on vaccine quest - a thread title full of dramatism.

A successful Thai vaccine? Really? They are just making a cocktail of already existing vaccines,but for other strains of viruses. 

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On 5/8/2020 at 6:05 PM, mr mr said:

my god is this stuff actually happening ? that divider thing is so stupid it is laughable. so you can sit on a scooter together while on your way to eat but gotta divide while you do ? 




all of this <deleted> is becoming so mind numbing. social distancing and all that goes along with it is the biggest joke ever played out on humans. 

The whole CVD19 plandamic is laughable, but the sheeple buy it. This forum is a congregation of sheeple, with sometimes a real mind that thinks for him/herself... 

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49 minutes ago, RedPill said:


There is a lot of panic and fear spreading around .... up to the extend that you are almost a criminal now when you want to buy a beer, in the eyes of the brainwashed. No walk on the beach? My god ... really. All taken a bit too far. I've been long time a good boy and defender, still are, for good habits. But now, after 7-8 weeks, with the facts on the table ... it's all over the top and if this doesn't stop soon, I start to believe those conspiracy stories soon, which I never really liked ????

I is not going to stop soon...so get ready for the stories, many of which will become facts with time...


Yes, this beach story in Thailand is totally over the top.


Just imagine what the potential tourists ate thinking when they see photos of the "do not enter" boards along Pattaya beach.


There is no better repellent for keeping them from coming

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20 hours ago, mr mr said:

my god is this stuff actually happening ? that divider thing is so stupid it is laughable. so you can sit on a scooter together while on your way to eat but gotta divide while you do ? 




all of this <deleted> is becoming so mind numbing. social distancing and all that goes along with it is the biggest joke ever played out on humans. 

Quite fed up of misinformed people such as yourself, spreading BS online about a global pandemic. 
In the graphs shown, you can clearly see how South Korea, Germany, and Italy have all practiced social distancing and have taken the pandemic seriously. Even after relaxing lockdown, they still continue to wear masks, social distance and be aware. Then the other 2 graphs you can see the US and the UK, 2 nations that have not taken social distancing and mask wearing seriously, see a difference? 
An English scientist who lives in Germany that I follow on Youtube recently talked about how that Germany has recently relaxed lockdown, and how everyone wears a mask, social distances on public transport, is careful not to touch things others have touched, and then I look at the UK and US, where people are living as normal whilst on lockdown, and when it is going to be relaxed, will do so even more. This is because they think like you do, and when lockdown is relaxed, the cases and deaths there will rise again simply because they are not taking it seriously. 



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Edited by Mung
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2 minutes ago, Choochai said:

This forum is a congregation of sheeple, with sometimes a real mind that thinks for him/herself... 

Let's be fair, it's 50/50...as usual...


There is the 50% supporters of the herd immunity vs the 50% supporters of the herd mentality...

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1 hour ago, Anthony Br said:

I was in a flight to Amsterdam from Bkk last night. Zero social distancing. The flight was packed. 


The answer to this virus is to put your big boy pants on and get back to life. Realise that life ends, and once you accept that, go and live a worth while life, contributing to society, knowing it could be over in a short time frame. Stop wasting the time you have because you think you have a tight to live to 85 and beyond, so there is always tomorrow isn't there !?!?!?

Yeah sure, lets live life as normal like we do with influenza? Right so lets run the numbers shall we. With the current R0, it would take 8 weeks before the entire population of the US would have the chance of infection, if nothing was done to prevent the spread. With even a 1% fatality rate, that is 3.6million deaths, and that's not taking into consideration when hospitals are overrun and adequate medical care can be implemented. Also with mass infection the virus can mutate to be more virulent and more dangerous that much easier. 

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3 hours ago, Crossy said:




My understanding of the fairly short social distances is that they, combined with masks, minimise the (potentially virus loaded) aerosol from normal breathing, speaking, yelling at the kids, rather than addressing sneezing (anyone sneezing shouldn't be out and about anyway).


what virus? half of the people don't believe it is any worse than the flu, half of those don't think the COVID-19 exists, and half of those think that viruses don't exist at all. 


Screenshot 2020-05-09 at 09.09.05.png

Edited by Mung
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29 minutes ago, Choochai said:

The whole CVD19 plandamic is laughable, but the sheeple buy it. This forum is a congregation of sheeple, with sometimes a real mind that thinks for him/herself... 

I don't think it has necessarily something to do with sheeple.


If you take under consideration that many expats on here are pensioners, and sit at home, and can sit at home, most with steady income ... and fall into a vulnerable category, it's quite a logic point of view to have. At least, I could imagine this playing a role.


But I think that even the most supportive people sooner or later are going to wonder, whether all the measures make sense or are hyped up.



Edited by RedPill
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21 hours ago, mr mr said:

my god is this stuff actually happening ? that divider thing is so stupid it is laughable. so you can sit on a scooter together while on your way to eat but gotta divide while you do ? 




all of this <deleted> is becoming so mind numbing. social distancing and all that goes along with it is the biggest joke ever played out on humans. 

Control by fear....

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1 hour ago, Anthony Br said:

I was in a flight to Amsterdam from Bkk last night. Zero social distancing. The flight was packed. 


The answer to this virus is to put your big boy pants on and get back to life. Realise that life ends, and once you accept that, go and live a worth while life, contributing to society, knowing it could be over in a short time frame. Stop wasting the time you have because you think you have a tight to live to 85 and beyond, so there is always tomorrow isn't there !?!?!?


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They are still living in pre-covid era. Even if there is a vaccine, the big wheel has turned. People had time to rethink while cooped up in their concrete boxes. Thailand must pivot away from tourism if they are to rebound.

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44 minutes ago, Mung said:

Yeah sure, lets live life as normal like we do with influenza? Right so lets run the numbers shall we. With the current R0, it would take 8 weeks before the entire population of the US would have the chance of infection, if nothing was done to prevent the spread. With even a 1% fatality rate, that is 3.6million deaths, and that's not taking into consideration when hospitals are overrun and adequate medical care cannot be implemented. Also with mass infection the virus can mutate to be more virulent and more dangerous that much easier. 


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22 hours ago, snoop1130 said:

[T]he biggest nightmare can still come true. What if no vaccine is available in the next two years? What if there will be no vaccine at all?

Then the various governments of the world will collectively destroy their economies and crush their populations until the majority have had enough - then the world will fundamentally change forever. 
The real question is: "Ten years from now - who is going to survive the original man-made nightmare no less its consequences?"

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5 minutes ago, connda said:

Then the various governments of the world will collectively destroy their economies and crush their populations until the majority have had enough - then the world will fundamentally change forever. 
The real question is: "Ten years from now - who is going to survive the original man-made nightmare no less its consequences?"

Well, for the very short term ... the unemployment numbers take an unprecedented take off ... and the stock market is booming. 


That was something else yesterday.




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7 hours ago, Retarded said:

It is bureaucracy. To comply to the ordinance now it is every where. 

I think it will be lot more effective just to ban all Chinese tourist. 

Don't rely on that cheap tourist.  

Cannot see any governments asking china questions why?

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2 hours ago, Lacessit said:

Malaria has killed millions of people across the world, far more than COVID-19 ever will. There is only one recently approved vaccine, with limited efficacy. On the other hand, Jesuit's bark, otherwise known as quinine, has been treating malaria patients since the 1600's.

There is no HIV vaccine. However, antiretroviral drugs have succeeded in giving many HIV patients normal life spans.

IMO, a preferred option for COVID-19 would be the development of treatment drugs and prophylactics.

A vaccine takes a long time to develop and test for effectiveness. A drug treatment has a much shorter path from testing to approval.

The other positive would be depriving the anti-vaxxers of another drum to beat.

The drug you spoke about is being used all over the place right now with great success, it's just being hampered by a little fellow and his mate trying to flog their own.......  

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22 hours ago, lkv said:

Well not in this case, apparently. 


Quick quick, let's vaccinate. Doom and gloom otherwise. 


“Successful” Thailand hangs its fate on vaccine quest - a thread title full of dramatism.

"Thaivisa.com hangs its fate on overly dramatic headlines and text"

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2 hours ago, Logosone said:

If Thailand was "successful" then Nigeria was even more successful. Less testing per capita, so less deaths from Covid19 per capita.


If you don't test for Covid19, of course how could you know if someone died of Covid19? You can't.


That's why the death figure for Covid19 depends on testing for Covid19. 


Thailand's low death figure is merely a result of Thailand not testing for Covid19 on a meaningful scale. So of course it can not indentify deaths from Covid19.


To call that a "success" is to make a mockery of the term. By that measure Nigeria is even more successful.

Totally agree, high numbers in Singapore and most of Europe because testing is done daily on thousands, high volume of tests equals high infected numbers,even though many don't have any symptoms!! Also I've noticed in the UK  and Ireland the media has changed it wording ftom, say, 15 people died today of covid, to 15 people have died today with covid RELATED, big big difference!! But it's recorded as a covid death in the daily covid death rate!! 

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Opinions in this forum vary across a broad range, from those expecting (relishing even) successive waves, with massive death tolls globally. possibly ending life as we know it; to the "grow up and put your long trousers on, it's only a nasty bout of flu" brigade! Both sides seem to have marshalled statistics and collected expert opinions to support their hypothesis - perhaps a result of having too much time on their hands during "lock-down" and the astonishing amount of contradictory opinion on the internet. I am somewhere in between, aware of the deaths, but conscious of the fact that in societies where more exhaustive records have been kept many were elderly, with other health problems - put callously, they were likely to die from many causes soon anyway!


I am also like many struck by the disparity between the effects of the virus in South East Asia and Western Europe, and even more so the USA. I am sure that geographical factors (climate, social habits, open air living, diet, comparative lack of access to air conditioning [in my mind perhaps the biggie] and general genetic and population wide immunities) play a very wide part in this. I am sure that social distancing, personal protective habits and school closures have played a part as well - I teach primary and junior secondary so I know what a disease incubator a classroom can be.


There are so many variables in play here, that I expect it will take a long time before any definite answers emerge, perhaps never as they will inevitably be viewed through various political prisms. But as I said, I tend to the middle view, and have some confidence in humankind and natures ability to come through it; perhaps despite our political establishment's best efforts.


I am also concerned, like many, that over authoritarian responses could lead to massive damage - greater than maybe the effects of the epidemic - on our societies. Again, I am sure that I am not alone in questioning some of the motivations of those in power.


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23 hours ago, Crossy said:

Those dividers do at least allow couples to dine together and still keep to the rules. The office have similar with very thin cling-film type plastic and the offer very little resistance to normal conversation.


These thin dividers will still stop droplets and aerosols. You couldn't blow a candle out through any of them. This is what matters. Every bit helps.

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