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Trump says he doesn't want to talk to Xi right now, could even cut China ties


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13 hours ago, Tie Dye Samurai said:



Fox News Reports: China knew about the coronavirus and patient Zero one month earlier than it claimed:



Fox News Reports on April 1 the number of deaths in China: Coronavirus deaths top 4,000 in US, surpass China



Fox News saying China is not telling the truth about their death rate:
Fox reports and attribute 3 US Intelligence officials as saying "As coronavirus cases have jumped in recent days, China misled the world by purposely underreporting its numbers of patients and deaths"


So the first one is Fox telling us about how China was not telling the truth about when they first discovered the virus and Patient Zero


The second one is Fox reporting China's death rate on April 1 which is LAUGHABLE a month and half later that anybody would believe that a country as populous as China has that few deaths, especially when Fox News reports that is where the virus started.


The third one is Fox News actually reporting that US Intelligence says China is under reporting their numbers


Oh wait....is Fox News one of those fake media sources you were talking about? 









The news from Fox is usually accurate (it is THE news after all), but their opinion pieces (Hannity, Tucker Carlson, Laura Ingraham etc) are absolutely biased, full of conspiracy theories, bad investigative journalism and fake news.

Over the years they have been mired in controvesy (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fox_News_controversies) and they absolutely tried to minimise the C19 crisis when it first hit (https://edition.cnn.com/2020/03/12/media/fox-news-coronavirus/index.html). This eventually saw a complete u-turn from them (https://www.theguardian.com/media/2020/mar/17/fox-news-coronavirus-outbreak-trump) when it became apparant the C19 crisis wasn't just 'another flu' or the 'Democratic hoax' they so desperately wanted and when lawsuits holding them responsible for calling Covid a hoax (https://www.forbes.com/sites/legalentertainment/2020/04/10/covid-19-lawsuit-against-fox-news/#4ed1a16d5739) started to happen, they started to quickly change their tune.

So when Fox nows turns it's attention to blaming China (just like Trump), people are rightly highly sceptical.    

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