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Farangs In Thailand


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I cannot speak for all, but the ones who stand out are the ones that give all of us a bad name.

In patong, you always notice the loudest, most obnoxious ones.

I am australian, so i can say, a lot are Aussies, but i am sure that all countries have their people that should never be issued passports.

Some are obviously here to have a good time without thought for the other people around then at the time.

I cringe at times and wonder what Thai's must think of us all...

There are a lot of others that seem to go about unnoticed.

They are quiet and respectful, just normal families.

I am sure that there are some strong opinions on this issue, and look forward to reading the following posts.

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Do you mean those who come here on holiday or the ones who live here - big difference.

I never see many on Phu kradteung.

I usually laugh at them, forgetting I am one myself.

They also seem to be coming here a lot older these days due to those internet dating sites.

Not nearly as adventurous as a decade or two ago.

Edited by Neeranam
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How can you generalize or summarize about a million people? Not all Americans are the same; not even the middle-aged, pony-tailed, native Americans on a reservation.

Not all farang resemble that harried Austrian with three misbehaving children at the Burger King in Hua Hin, trying to get change from a 1000 baht bill to pay the tuktuk driver while the kids screamed bloody murder. Nope.

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So far most of the ones I've net have been pretty decent. However I usually avoid the areas where the "kii noks" congregate.

I can remember being in the Canadian embassy one day when this unwashed specimen who was not one of our finest exports came in loudly complaining that a bunch of "f***ing gooks" has beat him up and stole his passport.

I was tempted to wait outside till he got his replacement and do it to him again. I'm certain the Thai security staff wouldn't have said anything. You can tell the ones who just ask for trouble.

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I can remember being in the Canadian embassy one day when this unwashed specimen who was not one of our finest exports came in loudly complaining that a bunch of "f***ing gooks" has beat him up and stole his passport.

I was tempted to wait outside till he got his replacement and do it to him again.

hahaha................ :o

Edited by Maigo6
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That's it,

What do you think of the Farangs in Thailand, manners, appearance, behaviour, attitude etc etc.....

There are nice apples and rotten apples in a basket....

The rotten ones draw attention, you never hear about the good ones which are the silent majority.


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Met 2 or 3 on the train from BKK to Nakhon Sawan and they were friendly and informative.

Met others in Irish pubs in BKK none were loud and obnoxious at all and were in the main quite friendly.

In Pattaya I saw many and spoke to a few and did not see or hear anything untoward.

Others I have seen have usually been reserved and quiet.

As for dress sense and general appearance ... does that really matter? Isn't it what you are comfortable wearing? Unless you are going to some specifiic place / function that requires you to have a dress code.

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Seems to me that alot of peolpe come here and behave in ways they never would back at home.

I notice alot of expats lack any routine / discipline in their life and end up drinking alcohol 24 / 7.

Not saying these people are bad or rude, but I do find it sad


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So far most of the ones I've net have been pretty decent. However I usually avoid the areas where the "kii noks" congregate.

I can remember being in the Canadian embassy one day when this unwashed specimen who was not one of our finest exports came in loudly complaining that a bunch of "f***ing gooks" has beat him up and stole his passport.

I was tempted to wait outside till he got his replacement and do it to him again. I'm certain the Thai security staff wouldn't have said anything. You can tell the ones who just ask for trouble.


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Most of the foreigners I've met, living here and holidaying, are decent enough. One of my very very best mates here in Thailand is English. Of course, there are a few nasty or ignorant people... or simply pains in the arse.

I once saw a group of young foreigners at the Indian Embassy. They were loud. They were dirty. They were not dressed appropriately. One of them wasn't even wearing shoes. :o

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Many need to be thai-trained (broken-in)!

Imagine if you will you are a thai and you are with a loved one - be it a wife, daughter, brother, sister, son, husband, friend, lover, etc. and you see a farang checking out your loved one with - $$$ - in his eyes. How would you feel?

Looking is fine - BUT - don't stare - at a girl, women, mother, wife when they are with someone - it's just plain rude.

When this ridiculous superiority that they come with just because they were born somewhere developed allows them to have an advantage should not be a reason to disregard civility. Or perhaps it is asking too much from luddites.

Imagine this happeneing every time they venture out from their homes.

I am not surprised the sentiment of late.

It can only get worse as more and more people retire and vacation in LOS.

But there are some fine people here too!

I would be all too happy if the baht hits higher than 20-1 and the prices here double. It would still be a great place to visit and live part time. And we would lose a lot of the problem.

Hopefully this sentiment is now a sign of a recognition of a problem and change is in the wings.

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you should seperate patters from the rest of thailand here, because really, its a whole nother ball game down there. so much scum...

The scum manage to ooze everywhere. Lot's of good people in Pattaya too.

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you should seperate patters from the rest of thailand here, because really, its a whole nother ball game down there. so much scum...

Pattaya has probably got the biggest ex pat community in Thailand and the majority of them are nice guys. Most of us do anything to help someone out of problems. "So much scum" what do you mean? We who live here, us who work here, charity workers or those that are retired here? Who please clarify???

Edited by bmanly
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Looking is fine - BUT - don't stare - at a girl, women, mother, wife when they are with someone - it's just plain rude.

Dear Shochu

Thai people stare at farangs all the time, and especially at the farang women. Maybe they do this because we are unusual to see, different from them, although there are so many of us you think they would get used to it. However, I wonder if you are worried about people being rude to the woman, or rude to you? It is insulting for other men to look at your property? But, if the woman IS NOT "with someone" it is okay to stare, glare, whatever?

I appreciate that maybe you think this is rude behaviour from any people, Thai or Farang, and maybe you were not thinking carefully about the way you just stated it ... in terms of being insulting to you.

But please, in case you only think it is rude when a woman is "with someone" please try to rethink your values.

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ok, I'm maybe gonna be flamed or cut, but I'll say it whatsoever :

let's face it : a vast majority of residents here a old guys coming to buy young females, and that's it.

love for the country ? yeah, right, so why aren't they able to speak more than 20 words of thai after living here many years (I speak fluently, read and write but slowly, after not even 2 years in thailand and I'm not einstein).why the immense vast majority is totally blankly ignorant about thai culture, arts, history ?

love for their wives/girlfriends ? well, this is the part that's gonna get me cut : who can talk about love when you have no more than 20 words possibly understable by each other, and everybody knows the first reason of your relationship is you're rich (as per thai standard), she's not ????

and then the usual spectacle in major expat cities : bunch of red skinned farangs drinking beer after beer, waiting to have fun with the girls at night, talking about it and about beer at day.

those same that stare at your girlfriend/daughter, thinking any thai woman is available for money


(though I agree, this is only the really smelly ones that you notice, not all of us)

yes, there are a lot of descent expats over there, certainly not the majority in my experience.

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ok, I'm maybe gonna be flamed or cut, but I'll say it whatsoever :

let's face it : a vast majority of residents here a old guys coming to buy young females, and that's it.

love for the country ? yeah, right, so why aren't they able to speak more than 20 words of thai after living here many years (I speak fluently, read and write but slowly, after not even 2 years in thailand and I'm not einstein).why the immense vast majority is totally blankly ignorant about thai culture, arts, history ?

love for their wives/girlfriends ? well, this is the part that's gonna get me cut : who can talk about love when you have no more than 20 words possibly understable by each other, and everybody knows the first reason of your relationship is you're rich (as per thai standard), she's not ????

and then the usual spectacle in major expat cities : bunch of red skinned farangs drinking beer after beer, waiting to have fun with the girls at night, talking about it and about beer at day.

those same that stare at your girlfriend/daughter, thinking any thai woman is available for money


(though I agree, this is only the really smelly ones that you notice, not all of us)

yes, there are a lot of descent expats over there, certainly not the majority in my experience.

Are you here or there ?

You can't be in both situations, I would guess you are not in Thailand, yet want to give the impression you are, but slipped up at the end of your post.


Edited by Maigo6
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That's it,

What do you think of the Farangs in Thailand, manners, appearance, behaviour, attitude etc etc.....

Generally OK. Some are backpackers who will do anything to learn more and see more of Thai culture.

Some are married to Thais, love their wife, family and Thai people in general. Usually good people will do anything to conform.

Some are just tourists, just looking about and know nothing about Thai culture but are willing to learn and experience anything Thailand has to offer.

Some are here for sex, come only for sex and have no real on going respect for the country, up to them and the girls who participate in this industry.

Some work here, maybe by force or voluntarily, up to them if they like it.

Some are absolute yobs and are only here for 2 weeks and we are thank full when they leave.

Some own businesses here, I admire these people because they have the guts and determination to make it work.

Me, I'm retired here, love the place and I will dress appropriately depending on the occasion.

and you? Why are you here?

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lot of descent expats over there, certainly not the majority in my experience

is what he said at the conclusion, and does not contradict what he said at the start.

Over there and over here are 2 different things.

Over here, implies that the OP is in Thailand.

Over there, implies he is not in Thailand.

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yes, sorry but I can't see any contradiction in my speech though checked to be sure as my english is very far from perfect.(now sherlock could possibly wonder why I did check if I was sure of what I was saying)(but I wont argue for long over this one)(yes, that COULD sound like someone trying to cut an argument because he has no way to prove his point)(ouch, pwat hwaa, but then, what's the point ?)

and I'm definitively here, a bit anxious about my next TV as everybody ...

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ok, last post from me on this one.

here and there seems to be a big deal for you, sorry pal, I'm french, and tend to use "over there" where obviously I should put "over here", fought bloody english for more than a thousand years, won't be sorry to misuse their bloody language (that was humor, BTW)

big deal.

do you ever use the right classifier when speaking thai ?

(though I admit me neither :o )

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and you? Why are you here?

I like Thailand, beats the miserable UK, that's for sure.

At least your honest, by the way what happened to your Pattaya bashing threads? Hmm :D Mods told ya to turn it down did they? :o

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I've found the ones that hang out in establishments that represent their life "back home" to be the hardest to get on with. WHy come here to spend almost every evening in an "English Style" pub? You could do that in England. I've also found the ones who live by a "THEM AND US" code. Typically these are the ones with a Thai partner and who choose not to learn the language particularly well as "she" can take care of all the dealings. These same specimins tend to come back later complaining they've been ripped off or taken to the cleaners and yet they didn't see it coming... The shallow end of the gene pool beckons...

THen there are those who blankly ingore other farangs. I have not worked these out yet. I guess they must not want to get into conversatins that would lead to their past or anything else that might result in some for of judgement being made.

There there are those normal types who you miight bump into anywhere and just have a normal chit chat with. Met a few of those. I find I come here to the forum for a bit of a sanity check but I kjnow that the people out there are also on here. Overall my impression remains that I like to make friends with Thai folk first and foremost. Its their home land and I enjoy learning their language and culture. some lessons more than others but thats life and growth.

Sorry if any of this offends.

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