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NOISIEST ROOSTER CONTEST!! Please Enter Here: (No Rules Need Apply)

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What could be better, during self-isolation in our rooms, than a Noisiest Rooster Contest?  I ask you.


Now is the perfect time to hold this contest, a time when neighborhood rosters are most easily heard among the sudden peacefulness brought on by the virus, a period during which almost all other racket has been muted.


There are no rules to this contest, but only the goal of proving you are blessed by the noisiest rooster in all the Land.


Do whatever you need to do to prove you are the winner.

I leave your creativity to your imagination and resourcefulness.

What else should we do with too much time on our hands, while locked in our rooms?


Recently, about two weeks ago, the builders next door seem to have moved a rooster into their building site.

As we all know, most guys who work in building sites, those coming from the sticks, or from some country to the west of us, love to bring noisy roosters with them to keep them company, and to help them avoid feelings of loneliness and homesickness. The builders working on the site next door are no exception to this rule.


So, just how noisy is the rooster living near you, or maybe even living with you?


Please join this contest.

We won't be sorry you did.

Edited by JohnBarleycorn
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14 minutes ago, brokenbone said:

i lived in the most quiet soi in south pattaya,

until a resturant opened at the end of the soi.

after that it was cars revving their engines until 3.30 am every_single_night,

i had to leave, it was otherwise my favorite place

Did the restaurant have roosters?

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Never stopping being an Rooster


Every day the Rooster cross the road

Why did he

Many time motorbikes and car hit Rooster

Why did they

Sometimes Rooster was in multiple parts

Why did you

Next day Rooster is crossing the street again

Why was he


 - Cookledoodledoo



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Does anyone really understand the psychology and personality of a rooster?

It's now about 4:27 AM, and this morning the rooster here decided, for whatever reason, to begin crowing.

This behavior seems totally pointless to me.

If it were my rooster, I would behead the foul fowl, posthaste.

The thing that bugs me is that the guys that moved this rooster into our residential area where there are no other roosters are not from around these parts.

They are living in a construction site.

The other houses in the immediate vicinity are residential, expensive, and large.

Nobody here would disturb their neighbors with an animal that cackles at odd hours.

Every day, almost, I dream of walking over to speak to these laborers and ask them to send their bird back to where it came from.

I doubt it came from anywhere in Thailand.

Seems like a foreign bird to me, by the way it sounds I mean.

Just one lousy bird and this can totally change a very nice neighborhood.

A few months ago, the same individuals had fires smoldering in the evenings, and this was during the smokey season, too.

Smoldering away for hours and they had no clue.

Where do these people come from, I wonder.

How can they even sleep through all this cackling?

Do you think that they enjoy it?

And their bird seems crazy, too.

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