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Is This Women Lying To Me/saving Face?


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OK, I have been buying tshirts from this chick for over 3 months now in a major BKK shopping mall. Everytime I go in, I will flirt with her, touch her gently on varioius parts of her body and she will usually giggle and rub her backside into my groin, etc.

Well, after 3 months, I decide to ask her if she wants to meet outside of this atmosphere and I am thinking of setting her up as a Mia Noi.

She tells me she is actually married. When I ask her what have we been doing for the last 3 months, she claims that she didnt know it was flirting and thought we were just friends.

What do you think, is she lying?

Also, what is a good gift to bring her the next time I see her... She is in her early thirties, do you think a yearly pass to So-Soy-Am Water Park would be well recieved?

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OK, I have been buying tshirts from this chick for over 3 months now in a major BKK shopping mall. Everytime I go in, I will flirt with her, touch her gently on varioius parts of her body and she will usually giggle and rub her backside into my groin, etc.

Sunshine, do you have your underpants round your ankles when you sit at your computer dreaming up these fantastic tales ?

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OK, I have been buying tshirts from this chick for over 3 months now in a major BKK shopping mall. Everytime I go in, I will flirt with her, touch her gently on varioius parts of her body and she will usually giggle and rub her backside into my groin, etc.

Sunshine, do you have your underpants round your ankles when you sit at your computer dreaming up these fantastic tales ?

Hate to say it! but i couldn't agree with you more Maigo6. :o

sunshine, where is the sun coming from?


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