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Thailand to drive domestic tourism as economy rides out drop in foreign visitors


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The lack of international tourism is your own doing. You can't say that tourists do not want to come. They cannot because you have blocked your borders wheres, elsewhere, most are already open. Domestic tourists are weekend tourists. They rarely buy tour packages. 

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Maybe some other old guys can remember, but I remember the Tourism Minister in -- around about 2010/11/12 ish -- when there was a threat to the Tourist numbers (can't remember the occasion) , saying that as Tourism only amounted to about 7%  of the economy it wasn't overly important to the overall economy!


It was laughable at the time but a typical Thai reaction to a 'situation'.  Ignorance and incompetence!  And over the years nothing was done to improve tourism: scams, safety, sleaze increased; greed and corruption!  Even now on the islands the locals -- who rely on tourism to survive -- persist in dumping their rubbish on roadsides which is frequently left for months/years.  Local administrations run by incompetent and poorly educated officials!


A people who are poorly educated -- as seen by the vehicle drivers on the roads -- and the resultant acceptance of daily deaths by both authorities and the populace -- need strong and competent politicians with an efficient (and honest) infrastructure maintaining/enforcing policies.  Unfortunately, this will never happen in Thailand.

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Optimistic face on tourism but who knows, it may be partly led by nationals however I wouldn't put more than 50 satangs on this. I think many of very lowly paid hotel workers at all level were from other countries and thee people have gone back to their countries. It's tough to build from scratch and I wish them well.

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2 hours ago, sparticus1 said:


De value the Baht is the way forward  for Thailand and foreign tourism.(1) exports will increase. (2) more tourists will be motovated to visit when they are allowed. (3) Thai families will be able to live a better quality of life.


The Thai government is only interested in itself, as long as their personal income streams keep up, very little will change, but however, it their income streams start to drop because of a lack of tourists, and a lot of Thais not having jobs, what you are saying may well happen in the not too distant future.

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Looking forward to seeing the photos of Soi's... Nana..... 6.... and Bang-La ...packed to the rafters of Thai men chucking their money around. While  their wives and kids swan around the Malls with overladen designer shopping bags.


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8 hours ago, cracker1 said:

I am surprised to note Thai Airways web - page is closed so it's not possible to make a booking for later this year or next year or any other time ?

I know the Company is in financial strife but surely they should be promoting a product somewhere ?

They filed for bankruptcy. It might be a long time before they fly.

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3 hours ago, BigStar said:

One of the most amusing blind spots in TAT: TVF. Believe it or not, posters are totally unable to see the traffic jams in Pattaya on weekends and holidays caused by Thais flooding in. Can't see the packed parking lots in Central and T21. Can't see Jomtien Beach Rd. packed with cars and leaving hardly any space to park beside the beach. Can't see the mobs of Thais during festivals (Beach Rd. was widened partly to accomodate them.)


Most Thai beach goers are bring-their-own drink&food type of people and at best visit the nearby 7-11s. Places like Pattaya are geared towards farangs bringing a lot of money into the economy.


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12 minutes ago, Timwin said:

Most Thai beach goers are bring-their-own drink&food type of people and at best visit the nearby 7-11s. Places like Pattaya are geared towards farangs bringing a lot of money into the economy.




What part of "crowded malls on weekends and holidays" isn't clear to you?

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9 minutes ago, BigStar said:



What part of "crowded malls on weekends and holidays" isn't clear to you?

And what is the problem with that when the country has no new covid 19 cases for weeks (save from some imported)?


What are we supposed to wait for?

Negative numbers of cases?

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When there are package deals.   For example 4 days,  3 nights at not just good prices but good thai prices i would travel to the beach.   But the main reason I stopped going was because everything was overrun with chinese.   I don't mean the resort was just full but the yelling and rudeness was horrible.    They need travel schooling before they are allowed to board a flight out of china.

Even the resort staff told us when to come for breakfast and hang out at the pool to avoid the Chinese.  That being said i do miss the beach

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11 minutes ago, Brunolem said:

And what is the problem with that when the country has no new covid 19 cases for weeks (save from some imported)?


What are we supposed to wait for?

Negative numbers of cases?

The malls are already open, no? Domestic travel services either have resumed or are resuming. The plan is to coordinate the phases of opening with some promotions for the domestic tourism market as it will revive earliest. And that seems like a perfectly good idea. Any of our posters involved in catering to that market, perhaps with Thai partners, would totally agree--except of course not only are they not involved but also refuse to recognize it at all in front of their faces. Hence the constant hijacking of the topic.

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13 hours ago, bkk_bwana said:

Don't discount the value of domestic tourism. If the article is true, locals spend is almost half of that spent by foreigners. Fact 76% of tourists in Hua Hin in 2019 were Thai.  Average hotel rate 4k a night. Domestic tourism also puts more cash right back into the economy.

Given the current restrictions and financial woes , what percentage of Thai citizens do you imagine have the resources or inclination to spend on  luxury items such as vacations ?

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7 hours ago, tomauasia said:

Try opening the airport for international tourists lol. It's child's play. Health guidelines given to each arrival on leaflet. Medical check from departure country. Self quarantine carrying very heavy penalties for law breakers. This isn't rocket science lol. What a mess


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I'd happily help kick start the economy here by traveling all over Thailand, but not at double fares and increased rates.  It's just barely a good value at the previous fares and rates, double that, no value for me.  
The government can use some of their submarine money to help the economy.  

Should be entertaining to see how the pinheads spin this.

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14 hours ago, cracker1 said:

I am surprised to note Thai Airways web - page is closed so it's not possible to make a booking for later this year or next year or any other time ?

I know the Company is in financial strife but surely they should be promoting a product somewhere ?

Would you purchase a ticket from an airline going into bankruptcy? If so, I have an investment I'd like to share with you. 

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I was out last Sunday and we visited a favorite little dining place, usually packed with Thais for the delicious food this time it was empty.


It seems many Thais have tightened the purse strings at the moment.


TAT is on another planet.

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13 hours ago, crazykopite said:

I heard that they had gone bankrupt and the country is heading that way as well factories are closing or moving to neighbouring countries another major car manufacture is closing up shop there are millions unemployed and I would be amazed if foreign tourism was back up and running this year . 

And still the baht will grow in strength,( until " the markets " sniff an earner and decide a correction is in order)

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On 5/25/2020 at 9:44 PM, zeamonkey said:

I seriously cant think of another country who has messed up their tourism future as bad as this, primarily based on xenophobia.

Shot both feet at once and now starting on the head....... One of the best money spinners in the world turned into this mess in only a few years....... Well done...... 

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22 hours ago, Trillian said:

Agreed, many Western expats imagine themselves as being totally responsible for keeping the Thai economy afloat, it would crash if they all pulled their funds from Thai banks and unless Westerners visit the country quality tourism will collapse.....it's time many re-evaluated their true worth to the country, things have moved on from the 1970's.

Indeed they have moved on, to what ? The biggest mess unravelling at the moment since WW2  I think just about everyone in the country including the goons at the top would like to go back to 1970...... 

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10 hours ago, holy cow cm said:

What does this really mean? we the government want to suck all the Thai of their last money. Absurd and barbaric. 

I think what it means is the government wants local people to divert some of the THB 300 bill they spent on overseas travel last year and now spend some of it on domestic travel instead. Combine that money with the funds spent by nationals on domestic travel anyway and the total is a sizeable sum, even if they only realise 50% of it.

Edited by Trillian
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If only they'd realize that they couldn't run a bath !  Give the keys to the Mama San and go and play armies somewhere else........ Turn the clock back ten years just for good measure and don't let anyone near it with shiny buttons............ Oh and drop the baht back to 72 to the pound and Roberts yer fathers brother...... 

Simple as that......  

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On 5/26/2020 at 7:14 AM, cracker1 said:

I am surprised to note Thai Airways web - page is closed so it's not possible to make a booking for later this year or next year or any other time ?

I know the Company is in financial strife but surely they should be promoting a product somewhere ?

No problem booking from July 1st onwards, not that I`m going to but I just checked, BKK to LHR return 42,000 Baht.

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1 hour ago, SupermarineS6B said:

If only they'd realize that they couldn't run a bath !  Give the keys to the Mama San and go and play armies somewhere else........ Turn the clock back ten years just for good measure and don't let anyone near it with shiny buttons............ Oh and drop the baht back to 72 to the pound and Roberts yer fathers brother...... 

Simple as that......  

No. That myth has already been refuted for you here:

Please stop repeating it.


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On 5/26/2020 at 11:47 AM, newnative said:

     I would never claim that expats make a large contribution to the economy but I do think that we make a contribution that is often undervalued.  Many expats help keep small Mom and Pop shops open with their patronage.  Shops like laundries, car washes, small restaurants, maid service businesses, car repairs, handyman services, pool cleaning businesses, gardening services, renovation companies, property rental agencies, realtors, lawyers, and others.  Many expats, including myself, also travel around Thailand exploring this country that is new to us, helping the tourist industry.  No, we don't totally keep these businesses running but we do contribute.    

    Right now I am employing a work crew that is fixing up a condo for a friend who is in Europe.  This crew was also employed to do the same thing for a second condo she owns.  So, for several weeks or more, they have been earning money to feed their families, not insignificant if you are hungry and have no income coming in. 

     I, myself, have employed local work crews to renovate 18 condos, employing dozens of local people for each project, which lasted several months.  In addition, I have brought business at least a dozen times to wallpaper shops, lighting stores, plumbers, air-conditioning services, local artists, crafts people, ceiling fan installers, curtain/blind makers, and custom furniture makers, among others.                Tomorrow, my partner and I are meeting with a Mom and Pop flooring company to see about hiring them to do some floor work at our Bangkok condo and also our Pattaya condo.  Once the flooring is done we will be hiring a Mom and Pop Bangkok shop to re-do the Bangkok condo kitchen and then employing another another local shop to wallpaper the rooms.   Previously, we had hired another local Bangkok crew to re-do the tile on the balcony and do some ceiling and electrical work.

     I probably do a bit more than some expats in terms of hiring local workers for different projects and services but I'm definitely not alone.  I know many of my expat friends living here both full and part-time are often employing locally to have work done on their homes and condos when needed and using weekly services such as pool cleaning, gardening, and maid services on their properties.  Those of us in condos are helping to keep local management staff, maids, pool workers, gardeners, maintenance, and security staff employed.  No, as I said, none of this is a major contribution but it is a contribution all the same.  And, a contribution that is likely in some instances to be the difference in keeping a local business open. 


Could you PM me some contact details for a good handyman/repair crew in Bangkok to tile a 26sqm ground floor condo floor, if possible. Location is Sukumvit Soi 77, near Srinargarindra Rd, if possible, plse. Thanks. a bit off-topic, but still underlying your well-made point re grass roots cash injection into the economy at a non-tourist industry level by expats.

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