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Thailand reports nine new coronavirus cases, no new deaths


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If u return to aust only citizens allowed and then locked up 14 days.I,am sure they are cases still there,but few.Thailand is closed off too and a few cases still around.so overall if the facts are true then they have done ok.facts and figures are not a strong pt in thailand as we know.

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5 hours ago, timendres said:


On 24 May 2020 at 18:00, Thailand announced that 3,536 additional people met the criteria for PUI, raising the total to 153,991 PUI, as shown in Table 1.



The last one raised my eyebrows, i.e. were they detected at the airport/ports and off they went or did these people just rock up at hospitals as locals ?


Results of screening implementation to detect patients with suspected symptoms of COVID-19 Situation. 


Total number of PUI


Total number of people who met the criteria of patients under investigation (PUI) divided by ports 153,991


● Detected from the airport screening 1,214

● Detected from seaports 2

● Sought medical services on their own at hospitals 152,687

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7 hours ago, Anton9 said:

This super scary and dangerous virus which so many people don't even know they have it.


60-70 percent might have it and they are 






and a virus will cure / prevent nothing either due to mutation

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4 hours ago, ftpjtm said:

Then why are schools closed, beaches closed, no alchohol allowed to be served at restaurants, islands closed, a state of emergency extended, interprovincal travel restricted, and why do a litany of other regulations remain in place which deny Thais to earn a  living?


It seems from the government figures that the ban on foreign arrivals is all that's needed. 


Let Thais get back to work!

remind me how to block stupid guys like anton.  

Many Thais are back at work.. but with no tourists,  Samsung leaving, orders down, demand down,  many dont have work.   get used to it.  billions of people have learned they can save so much money and enjoy a simpler life.  imho the excesses are gone for a long time.   Only fools or those who cant cook will be going out to eat at fancy restaurants and bars and paying 3-10 times the  food or beverage prices to wait for service,  sit next to strangers, eat saturated fat foods.  Now that we know how many ignorant SOB there are in USA.   I just wish people had to get a permanent trump  stamp or virus   naysayer tattoo on there forehead so I could not waste a word,  or benefit them with my business  until I die. 

Edited by Elkski
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13 minutes ago, Bender Rodriguez said:

60-70 percent might have it and they are 






and a virus will cure / prevent nothing either due to mutation

Hasn't been the case in Europe where they've done serological antibody studies. 5-10% in Spain and Sweden. Italy will conduct it's own study soon. It has been longer in Thailand without anybody noticing, I think, so might be 15-20%. But, "too expensive" say the usurpers at 300-400b/test.

Edited by DrTuner
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4 hours ago, 5633572526 said:

Do you think the government is just enjoying its people out of work and starving.

Do you think the Thai government actually gives a damn about unemployed starving people? There are hundreds of thousands, possibly millions that haven't had the 5000 baht per month handout with no explanation.  There are 7 adults in my wife's family village group - all qualify but only 1 has had the handout.


I very much doubt Chan-O-Cha and the generals will go hungry tonight. My wife normally supports herself but has not been allowed to work. She won't go hungry either because she's being supported through this by someone who's not allowed to visit her - me!

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9 hours ago, ThailandRyan said:

There you have it, It is all the dirty foreigners fault.  They infected our poor Thai people before they could come home and return to the cradle of no infection.  Bad Farang, no tourism for you.


Sill trying to figure out how they were cleared to fly....but whatever, they are here now and getting treatment.



All countries  have the fear about it coming from airports.


Remember it started in China they are to blame for all of this mess. You and your deep bitterness towards Thailand 


Why don't  you leave as you sound not happy here


The door is that way

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8 hours ago, totally thaied up said:

Think about it if they open borders to tourist then. If we get a few Covid-19 cases with each plane load of returning Thais, think about how many imported cases that their will be once they do open borders up. People will slip between the cracks for certain and away we will be back at the start of lockdown again.

There are already very reliable C19 detection quick tests that deliver the results after just 20 minutes. Costs in Thaibaht around 1400. If you organize it properly, the arriving travelers could be examined relatively quickly and safely.

it makes sense to carry out the screening before the departure. If all countries could agree on such a procedure, air traffic could be carried out normally again.


However, as long as there is no global agreement, a test can be carried out at the destination airport. If the result is negative: off to the beach. If the result is positive: quarantine or hospital.



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It's amazing to me how much hostility there is in here toward people who question Thai government policies. I think governments and their leaders should be prepared to respond meaningfully to robust criticism and questioning and be under close scrutiny. Policies should be coherent and flaws should be recognized and corrected. Forums like this could be the setting for related debate. However, so many posts in this and other threads are antagonistic to that type of critical thinking and questioning. The questioning is reframed as people hating Thailand or wanting more people to die from Covid 19 variously. Strange. Is it that there are folks here who just equate provisional acceptance but with questions as hatred, really? Or is it that there are pro-Thailand trolls who are employed in squelching questions that point too strongly at the centers of issues? Confused. 

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23 minutes ago, BigC said:

All countries  have the fear about it coming from airports.


Remember it started in China they are to blame for all of this mess. You and your deep bitterness towards Thailand 


Why don't  you leave as you sound not happy here


The door is that way

Read a little deeper into my posts.  Sarcasm drips from them..   

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9 hours ago, Anton9 said:

"Ergo no one has Covid" it's not the case since a very high percentage has either very mild or no sympthoms at all.

And it's another proof this massive overreaction over this Flu like virus is ridicolous.

Tell that to 100,000 dead in the US, or over a milluon cases. It can kill you no doubt about it

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31 minutes ago, NightSky said:

Are you living under a rock?


There are many many more deaths with covid-19 than flu.



That is not true.

Seasonal flu kills 291,000 to 646,000 people worldwide each year, according to a new estimate that's higher than the previous one of 250,000 to 500,000 deaths a year. 

Source: https://www.medicinenet.com/script/main/art.asp?articlekey=208914


C19 death worldwide all together around 350.000 (stat. Date 26. May 2020)

Source: https://www.statista.com/statistics/1093256/novel-coronavirus-2019ncov-deaths-worldwide-by-country/


The general statement: "There are many many more deaths with covid-19 than flu." is scientifically unsustainable.


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45 minutes ago, tomacht8 said:

That is not true.

Seasonal flu kills 291,000 to 646,000 people worldwide each year, according to a new estimate that's higher than the previous one of 250,000 to 500,000 deaths a year. 

Source: https://www.medicinenet.com/script/main/art.asp?articlekey=208914


C19 death worldwide all together around 350.000 (stat. Date 26. May 2020)

Source: https://www.statista.com/statistics/1093256/novel-coronavirus-2019ncov-deaths-worldwide-by-country/


The general statement: "There are many many more deaths with covid-19 than flu." is scientifically unsustainable.


But the media just talk about Covid so I will just be scared of Covid.

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1 hour ago, NightSky said:

Are you living under a rock?


There are many many more deaths with covid-19 than flu.



How about you document yourself? There have been many virus which killed way more than this one but it's the first time the cure it's worse than the disease itself.

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10 hours ago, Anton9 said:

"Ergo no one has Covid" it's not the case since a very high percentage has either very mild or no sympthoms at all.

And it's another proof this massive overreaction over this Flu like virus is ridicolous.

Tell that the family of an Australian guy who died yesterday at the age of 30

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43 minutes ago, White Christmas13 said:

Tell that the family of an Australian guy who died yesterday at the age of 30

You forgot to mention he had " many other health complications".




Guess it didn't follow the scaremongering agenda.

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24 minutes ago, Anton9 said:

You forgot to mention he had " many other health complications".




Guess it didn't follow the scaremongering agenda.

Maybe he had, but he would not have died without contracting covid-19

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11 hours ago, Phil McCaverty said:

You need to do more research.


You could start by asking Dr Thira Woratanarat, the nationally renowned swimming pool expert who has informed the Thai public that "coronavirus is a virus".



Not exactly sure what you are getting at there, but there has been a study circulating around Thai social media.


Originally in Italian i believe, (well, a so called study) saying Covid is not a virus, but just a bacteria in the gut

and Aspirin will cure it. lol.


That is the sort of fake news and rubbish that is getting around that unfortunately many Thais actually believe.


Translated to Thai, It stated the whole thing was uncovered by "Italian scientists who went against the WHOs orders not to do autopsies on Covid bodies."





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8 hours ago, NightSky said:

There are many many more deaths with covid-19 than flu

Not in Thailand there aren't. The rough average for type a and b flu deaths in Thailand is around 4000 per year.

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11 hours ago, ThailandRyan said:

That information does not support ' a few 20 and 30 something healthy patients suffer greatly and die, as well as a few young children.'

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18 hours ago, ThailandRyan said:

And your point being.  Oh I see this should only be a positive forum, free of naysayers, critics and such, Thank you so much for making me realize the error of my ways.  I think I will go sulk now in the corner while righteous people explain all the positive things in the world as there really no is reason to believe that there is anything wrong with the way things are.  Good to know that I can rely on others to think for me and tell me what to do and when....wait this is Thailand.......They have told me how to do things.....It can not be Do as I say, but not as I do...

Get a life, before it is gone.

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14 minutes ago, Wullie Mercer said:

Get a life, before it is gone.

8 Km Run in Lumpini Park just finished, doing well and please tell me how your doing.  I have office hours if you need to talk to a therapist.  Life is good and always will be.  If you believe half of what you read you will also be in a good position to tell sarcasm from reality.  Enjoy your day.  Mine has started out great, and you have just made it better.

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So just following up on yesterdays Nine new cases I found that:


"Two of the new patients were Thai men aged 18 and 27 who returned from the United States on May 12.

They were quarantined in Chon Buri province. During the 14 days in quarantine they showed no symptoms, but on being tested Tuesday, just before they were to be released tested positive."


"These two cases had been quarantined since May 12 and had been asymptomatic. However, as I said above they were found with the infection only on their final confirmation test on the day they were to be released from state quarantine,"


Dr Taweesilp has now made the following statement:  "This prompts us to think that 14-day quarantines may not be long enough for some people. However, we have not extended the quarantine period from 14 days yet."


Good to know and now have further information from what was first posted.  Stay safe and enjoy life, one day we may see the end of lockdowns

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12 minutes ago, ThailandRyan said:

So just following up on yesterdays Nine new cases I found that:


"Two of the new patients were Thai men aged 18 and 27 who returned from the United States on May 12.

They were quarantined in Chon Buri province. During the 14 days in quarantine they showed no symptoms, but on being tested Tuesday, just before they were to be released tested positive."


"These two cases had been quarantined since May 12 and had been asymptomatic. However, as I said above they were found with the infection only on their final confirmation test on the day they were to be released from state quarantine,"


Dr Taweesilp has now made the following statement:  "This prompts us to think that 14-day quarantines may not be long enough for some people. However, we have not extended the quarantine period from 14 days yet."


Good to know and now have further information from what was first posted.  Stay safe and enjoy life, one day we may see the end of lockdowns

There's also the possibility they got it during the quarantine. Was it a hotel or a tent city?

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24 minutes ago, DrTuner said:

There's also the possibility he got it during the quarantine. Was it a hotel or a tent city?

The information did not say where they were quarantined, but the last bunch that I heard of being in Chonburi were out at the naval air training barracks out at Utapao

Edited by ThailandRyan
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