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Border restrictions tightened to curb illegal crossings into Thailand

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Interior Minister Sar Kheng yesterday called on local authorities to tighten measures at border checkpoints and prevent Cambodian migrant workers from crossing into Thailand as the country recently decided to extend its lockdown until June 30 in an effort to stem the spread of COVID-19. The order came following the recent attempts of Cambodian migrant workers to cross into Thai territory in the hopes of searching for jobs to support their families


Mr Kheng yesterday acknowledged the plight of the displaced workers and noted the vulnerable position they are in, making them easy targets for human trafficking and forced labour rings. Speaking during the annual meeting for the dissemination of the 2019 National Report on Human Trafficking, Mr Kheng ordered for the tracking and arrest of labour brokers


who persuade and recruit Cambodian migrant workers to cross the border despite the travel bans. “The borders are currently closed so make sure that no illegal migration to Thailand occurs, especially while a state of emergency is still effected in the country. I call on the cooperation of relevant officials to stop migrant workers from crossing to the other side and arrest the labour brokers,” said Mr Kheng.


read more https://www.khmertimeskh.com/50727686/border-restrictions-tightened-to-curb-illegal-crossings-into-thailand/

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People do not go to friendship bridge but cross the river into Laos via a boat taxi for 100B. Same when they came back in to Thailand. No 14 days, no nothing, and the cops on both sides do not seem to care.

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