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Is There Are Word For This?


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I have been reading about how some drunk guys on holiday are putting their hands down shirts, pants and dresses of total strangers! They tend to be unapologetic and downright insulting when defending their actions.

A friend of mine has been a victim of vacationer harassment on almost every trip to Thailand. They have been groped and had to struggle to remove the offending hands of fellow vacationers.

It has gotten so bad that I try to avoid being introduced to other vacationers.. I can only imagine how the Thai people must feel.. I have been groped and felt-up a few times and it made me so angry that I am not surprised my head did not pop off my neck due to them raising my blood pressure! The offering of money only added insult to the injury! (Getting pissed off all over again)...

Anyway... What is it about Thailand that causing these visitors to act as if they do not have any respect for others and have lost all of their common sense?

Edited by PaulUSA302
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Stuff happens.. But I am wondering what makes people come to Thailand and think they can treat people as if they are put there for their amusement? In the news stories, the drunk guys dig themselves in deeper by saying that all the women are for sell and only care about how much money. Even I know that this is going to cause those in power to feel as if something is going to have to be done....

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The stories I am talking about are of guys abusing women. But it is not only a heterosexual thing. Women are just as bad... Well maybe not in the quantity of harassing acts but they are just as annoying and offensive.

Edited by PaulUSA302
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Does this kind of behavior happen to you in the malls or shopping areas like Tesco? Or are you getting assulted on the sky train or busses running around Bangkok?

Although I have never had this happen to me, perhaps it would be a good idea for you to inform us on the location if these incidents so others can avoid them in the future or at least be on our guard not become a victim.

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With me it has happened in Silom while looking at CD's It happened so fast and when I looked around I was not able to tell who did it.

In Phuket, walking on the sidewalk and being pinched by giggling Thai women as I pass them, but that is not so bad.

But I don't want to discuss me, I am more interested in your thoughts on why people act the way they do when they are on Holiday in Thailand.... By me going into detail about all of my experiences on the streets of Thailand, although entertaining, would be boring for me due to all the nasty and insulting comments that would come my way, and who wants a part of that? And as if that were not enough, I would offer an opinion in another topic only to have something from this thread thrown in my face... I will say no thanks to that LOL :o

Does this kind of behavior happen to you in the malls or shopping areas like Tesco? Or are you getting assulted on the sky train or busses running around Bangkok?

Although I have never had this happen to me, perhaps it would be a good idea for you to inform us on the location if these incidents so others can avoid them in the future or at least be on our guard not become a victim.

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hm it happens to a lot of traveller girls in bars but that is because there are a lot of drunk men on holiday in them. normally i have never noticed this problem? OP are you saying you, as a man, get felt up by other farangs? weird! where?

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I will answer you in Private Message.

hm it happens to a lot of traveller girls in bars but that is because there are a lot of drunk men on holiday in them. normally i have never noticed this problem? OP are you saying you, as a man, get felt up by other farangs? weird! where?
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The stories I am talking about are of guys abusing women. But it is not only a heterosexual thing. Women are just as bad... Well maybe not in the quantity of harassing acts but they are just as annoying and offensive.

Hm.......where exactly did this harrassment from women take place? Not that I want to go there, you understand?

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With me it has happened in Silom while looking at CD's It happened so fast and when I looked around I was not able to tell who did it.

In Phuket, walking on the sidewalk and being pinched by giggling Thai women as I pass them, but that is not so bad.

But I don't want to discuss me, I am more interested in your thoughts on why people act the way they do when they are on Holiday in Thailand.... By me going into detail about all of my experiences on the streets of Thailand, although entertaining, would be boring for me due to all the nasty and insulting comments that would come my way, and who wants a part of that? And as if that were not enough, I would offer an opinion in another topic only to have something from this thread thrown in my face... I will say no thanks to that LOL :o

Does this kind of behavior happen to you in the malls or shopping areas like Tesco? Or are you getting assulted on the sky train or busses running around Bangkok?

Although I have never had this happen to me, perhaps it would be a good idea for you to inform us on the location if these incidents so others can avoid them in the future or at least be on our guard not become a victim.

I think your problem has a lot to do with the places you choose to spend your time. I think they act the way they do is because they think.....because your in one of thoes places......that you want them to touch you.

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Shopping in Silom can't be a green light to be molested hehehe... And the women who ran into problems... one was at a restaurant and the other was standing at a bus stop.

With me it has happened in Silom while looking at CD's It happened so fast and when I looked around I was not able to tell who did it.

In Phuket, walking on the sidewalk and being pinched by giggling Thai women as I pass them, but that is not so bad.

But I don't want to discuss me, I am more interested in your thoughts on why people act the way they do when they are on Holiday in Thailand.... By me going into detail about all of my experiences on the streets of Thailand, although entertaining, would be boring for me due to all the nasty and insulting comments that would come my way, and who wants a part of that? And as if that were not enough, I would offer an opinion in another topic only to have something from this thread thrown in my face... I will say no thanks to that LOL :o

Does this kind of behavior happen to you in the malls or shopping areas like Tesco? Or are you getting assulted on the sky train or busses running around Bangkok?

Although I have never had this happen to me, perhaps it would be a good idea for you to inform us on the location if these incidents so others can avoid them in the future or at least be on our guard not become a victim.

I think your problem has a lot to do with the places you choose to spend your time. I think they act the way they do is because they think.....because your in one of thoes places......that you want them to touch you.

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Sorry this is getting a bit silly now, even assuming it was serious in the first place.

On Silom Road if one is shopping for CD/DVDs on the street, there scarcely enough room for anyone to move without brushing each other. Even with Vivian Westwood barb wire knickers :o Further think about where you are, I can assure you that such brushes, even the occasional lingering one are all part of life's rich tapestry there, if you are so nervous go elsewhere.


/edit typo //

Edited by A_Traveller
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It was a full-on grope, not an accidental brush.. It was a full hand squeeze of the family jewels....

Sorry this is getting a bit silly now, even assuming it was serious in the first place.

On Silom Road if one is shopping for CD/DVDs on the street, there scarcely enough room for anyone to move without brushing each other. Even with Vivian Westwood barb wire knickers :o Further think about where you are, I can assure you that such brushes, even the occasional lingering one are all part of life's rich tapestry there, if you are so nervous go elsewhere.


/edit typo //

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Did you explain to the person that groped you, that you weren't that sort of man? :D

It was a full-on grope, not an accidental brush.. It was a full hand squeeze of the family jewels....
Sorry this is getting a bit silly now, even assuming it was serious in the first place.

On Silom Road if one is shopping for CD/DVDs on the street, there scarcely enough room for anyone to move without brushing each other. Even with Vivian Westwood barb wire knickers :o Further think about where you are, I can assure you that such brushes, even the occasional lingering one are all part of life's rich tapestry there, if you are so nervous go elsewhere.


/edit typo //

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Well said Richard. We've live here for a long while and I've never been groped, grazed, harassed, harried or even looked at sideways. I can't ask Mr Man as he has gone to work, but I think he would have told me if it had happened to him

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It was a full-on grope, not an accidental brush.. It was a full hand squeeze of the family jewels....

:D was it a small Thai sized hand or Farang sized hand......there's a difference you know.

ps: sorry, I couldn't resist... :o

LaoPo :D

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