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Need Help About Us Visa...

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I'm going to submit my application for US visa for the second time after I was refused on June 3, 2004. All the documents are the same, just add more information and may be money in my account. So I would like to ask that I have any chance to get visa.

My documets are:

- Letter from my company ( I work there for 6 months now)

- Copy of my Company ID card (At my last interview, interviewer asked me but I didn't bring it with me)

- My name card (At my last interview, interviewer asked me)

- Brochure of my company (Interviewer didn't believe that my company is in travel business)

- Copy of TAT licence from Tourist Autority of Thailand of my company (Interviewer didn't believe that my company is in travel business)

- My salary slip (My salary is 12,000 Baht/month)

- Letter from my University (I'm a fourth year university student in Thailand now. Last time I try to give this letter to interviewer but he said "it's ok")

- My Book bank (I don't have saving money. I have only my salary every month in my account)

- Copy of my mother's ID card, her house registation and her company ID card.

- Her book bank account (Her salary is 7,000 baht / month. She don't have saving money)

- Copy of my father's ID card, his house registation (He is now retired and get a life pension given in the form of monthly payment. )

- My flight detail

- Essays of myself, my work, my friend in US and my family.

- Invitation letter from my friend in US (He will take care of all the expenses for my trip. But last time, interviewer didn't ask anything about him. Don't even mention about him)

- Letter from his company where he work.

- His bank Statement.

- His driving licence.

Those all I have. Would you suggest me what should I have more? I will accept all of the suggestion.

One thing that I'm worrying now. I don't know how to prove that I have family here and we are very close. Picture? or what else.... I'm the one who pay all the house expenses except the name of my Father is on every bills(Telephone, Electric City. etc) I really don't know. Please suggest me this one too.

Thank you very much for you kindly help.


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They wont let young Thai lady go to USA easily these days. In your case, you have to emphasis the fact that you are 4th years uni student and you have to be back to graduate, then that might help ( I hope you are not studying at open uni!) Your salary and parents bank account are lower than their standard,( eventhough you have other sponsor) they think that you would not come back. Dont put your expectation too high. Visa to USA has granted mistyriously. I wish you have a good luck ( and you do need luck to get one!!)

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The key to whole process is to prove you are returning to Thailand.

I would take out the stuff about your US friend. These raises the suspicion you are going to get married while in the US and apply for change of status. Have your friend wire the money for the trip to you and put it in your bank account to prove you can afford the trip.

I agree, your chances are slim, but there is no reason to not keep trying, except the non-refundable application fee.


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Many of us are looking to the same issue, so here are some thoughts that I had that should strengthen your application.

1. Buy your round trip ticket (make sure it is refundable if turned down)

2. Provide a detailed itenerary of your entire stay including arrival and departure flights, times, who picks you up at airport, brings you back, what plans are for each day of your stay (If possible, or make up reasonable expectation)

3. Document your University attendance, grades and any continuing responsibilities with organzations. If your near graduation, that is a big plus, thus document when you will graduate, how close you are, current class ranking, current courses in progress. If your traveling during break in school, make sure you document your next term enrollment and classes enrolled in if possible.

4. If possible, transfer one of your parents properties into your name, so you can show home ownership by deed.

5. Document by pictures your relationship with U.S. friend, if possible.

6. Document relationship with boyfreind, fiance or the like in Thailand motivating you to return.

7. Anything you can do to document, ie pictures, etc. your close relationship with your parents and any care giving you provide them that would cause you to return to Thailand and take care of them vs. abandoning them.

8. Practice responses to questions you know will be comming in interview to improve them and your ability to answer quickly and strongly. At any suggestion from the interviewer that you would stay over in U.S., your response should be why you wouldn't. If you job is good here then the answer might be "Why would I want to stay in U.S. and be waitress in Thai restaurant when I can work in Thailand and make more money and be with my family" or words like that.

Have an answer ready if the suggestiong is made that you might stay over with American friend as lover or fiance. (Possible answer is friend not eleigible lover, you have lover in Thailand or you would get fiance visa if that was the case)

Good luck and please let us know how it goes as many of us are going to deal with that situation and would learn a lot from you.

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You don't mention the type of visa you were refused but we assume it was a tourist type visa. As you seem to be a newly working/student with no savings or family resources do not believe you have much of a chance to convince Consulate that things have changed since your first request or that you will return to Thailand. The officer was doing you a favor by not talking about the sponsor and that would be another indication that you may not return.

I believe it would be a waste of your money to try again without a major change in your situation. If you have a romantic relationship with your sponsor you might consider waiting until your graduation and then apply for a finance type visa.

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Thank you for all of your suggestion.

First of all, I'm a man and so is my friend. We are friend for 2 years since his last visit to Bangkok. So I can't marry him... hahahaha.

You know for me it's really dificult to visit US. This is a good chance for me to see the world. He promise to take care all the expenses for returning my favor.

I want to try. Although in the next 1 year all of my documents won't be changed. I wil work at the same place or move to another company. My income won't jump from 12,000 Baht/month to 30,000 Baht/month because I have BA degree.

I'm sorry to say this but I saw many Go-Go girls get visa easily. Don't you think they are worse than me. I say again I'm sorry for saying this.

This is very good chance for me and I don't wanna miss it.


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The main criteria for getting a tourist visa to the US is financial. If you've got plenty of money, you're in! :D I sometimes joke that based on that criteria, it's easier for an Arab Terrorist to visit the US than a Thai Tourist! :o

If you do use your friend as a sponser, they might want to see two or three years worth of tax returns. The requirements for being a sponser for a Thai visitor are fairly clearly spelled out at this website:


Good luck.

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