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Thailand To Prepare Racism Report For United Nations

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if you realy want to see the colours then just ask a "white" mother how she realy feels about her son getting married to a Thai girl....

ofcourse thailnd is racist.. just as bit as any other country but in Thialnd every one knowes it and dont hide behind "politicaly correct"


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You are charged out of state tuition like any student from another state. You are not charged a separate fee based on being foreign. I had to pay out of state tuition when I went to a state supported university in a state where I was not a resident. I could have stayed out a term or two and established residency and then qualified for in state rates but I chose to pay and get on with my education.

I see. It's like if farangs in Thailand obtain Thai citizenship then they will charged the same to national parks as Thais then.

You don't need to obtain citizenship, just produce your work permit or tax card.

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Nowadays, in America as I see it, you rarely know a true color of a white person until you see an outburst from him/her.

It's very revealing how in a rather muddled tirade against alleged American racism, this rather nasty little racist squib slips out.


if you realy want to see the colours then just ask a "white" mother how she realy feels about her son getting married to a Thai girl....

ofcourse thailnd is racist.. just as bit as any other country but in Thialnd every one knowes it and dont hide behind "politicaly correct"

Lets see, my mother, "white", changed her will after I was married. My Thai wife is now the secondary beneficiary and will be well provided for in the event I die before she does. I am the primary beneficiary. Obviously she hates my Thai wife so much she wanted to make certain she was specifically provided for from her trust in the event of my death. My cousin married a girl from Vietnam he met in church in the US. His parents absolutely hate her too. They hate her so much they always speak highly of her and they make certain she is always included in family gatherings along with her husband. I don't know the specifics of their will but I suspect they hate her so much she is included too. Another cousin married a muslim from the middle east. His family hates her too. They always talk about how good she is to him.

Yes, some Americans would complain. But, it is not national policy. Yes America still has pockets of racism. But national policy and national laws prohibit the practice. Below are a few more examples of how America turns a blind eye to racism.


EEOC Secures Ruling in Minnesota Sexual Harassment Case Against Perkins Restaurant & Bakery

CHICAGO – The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) today announced that it has secured another federal court ruling sharply limiting the ability of employers sued for harassment and other forms of employment discrimination to make an issue of the victims' immigration status.

Judge John R. Tunheim of the U.S. District Court for the District of Minnesota wrote in the ruling, "Discovery regarding the immigration status of plaintiffs in civil rights cases is generally prohibited, especially in the early stages of litigation. First, the immigration status . . . is usually not relevant to the issue of whether the employer discriminated [and second] permitting employers to use the discovery process to inquire into worker's immigration status would have an unacceptable chilling effect on the bringing of civil rights actions, which would result in 'countless acts of illegal and reprehensible conduct' going unreported."


Case Centers on Racist Supervisor Involved in Firing Black Employee, Agency Says

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. – In a significant legal victory for the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), the Denver-based U.S. Court of Appeals for the 10th Circuit has reversed a New Mexico lower court's dismissal of a race discrimination lawsuit brought by the EEOC against BCI Coca-Cola Bottling Company of Los Angeles (BCI) – which owns Phoenix Coca-Cola Bottling Company and Coca-Cola Bottling Company of Albuquerque.

In its litigation, the EEOC charges BCI with committing race discrimination against Stephen Peters, an African American employee of the Albuquerque facility, when it fired him for not working his scheduled day off, even though he had called in sick and provided medical documentation. The federal district court in Albuquerque had previously dismissed the case on a summary judgment ruling.

In its decision, the 10th Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that EEOC may proceed to trial on the race discrimination claim, filed under Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act. The court found that a jury might reasonably conclude that Peters' termination was based on his race because there was evidence that one of his supervisors, Cesar Grado, treated African Americans more harshly than other employees. EEOC asserts that Grado made such racial remarks as: "Black guys don't look good in trucks, they should drive Cadillacs" and "Brothers don't like the cold."

In its opinion, the court observed that, "In making the decision to terminate...the human resources official relied exclusively on information provided by Mr. Peters' immediate supervisor, who not only knew Mr. Peters' race but allegedly had a history of treating black employees unfavorably and making disparaging racial remarks in the workplace."


FedEx Refuses to Cooperate in Federal Investigation

PHOENIX -- The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) announced today that it has filed a subpoena enforcement action in its race discrimination investigation of FedEx Corporation to force the company to furnish key information on personnel procedures.

The EEOC is investigating a race discrimination charge by Tyronne Merritt against Fed Ex which accuses the company of engaging in a pattern and practice of discriminating against African Americans and Latinos in promotion. According to Merritt's charge, FedEx requires passage of a Basic Skills Test (BST), a cognitive ability test, for promotion from the entry-level position of handler to positions of customer service agent, ramp transporter driver, or courier. Merritt further alleged that the BST has an adverse impact on African Americans and Latinos, disproportionately impacting those groups, thus constituting race discrimination in violation of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.


PITTSBURGH C AK Steel Corporation will pay $600,000 to settle a racial harassment lawsuit brought by the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), the agency announced today. The EEOC had charged that the Fortune 500 company violated federal law at its Butler, Pa., facility by creating and condoning a racially hostile work environ­ment for a group of African American employees, which included widespread racist and threatening displays for years.

The consent decree settling the lawsuit provides Patterson's estate and a class of seven African American employees with $600,000 and includes a commitment that all employees who work at the Butler location will receive annual training in the company's equal employment opportunity policies.


PHILADELPHIA -- Target Corporation, the Minneapolis-based retail sales giant, has agreed to pay $775,000 to a group of black workers as part of a litigation settlement of a race discrimination and retaliation case brought by U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), the federal agency announced today. The settlement also includes employer training and other remedial relief.

The EEOC charged that Target violated Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act by creating and condoning a racially hostile work environment at its Springfield, Pa., store for a class of African American employees. The racial harassment included inappropriate comments and verbal berating based on race. Further, when one of the black employees objected to this treatment, he was allegedly retaliated against, leaving him no choice but to resign.

EEOC said in the suit that Michael Hill, a senior merchant at the Springfield store (an apprentice in training to become a store manager) and others were subjected to racial harassment by a white store manager, whom they reported for the unlawful conduct. Hill ultimately left the job due to the negative health effects of the discrimination and the lack of effective response to his internal complaints. EEOC charged that Hill's resignation was forced upon him, amounting to a constructive discharge.

The consent decree settling the lawsuit provides Hill and a class of 13 African American employees with $775,000 and requires that all managers and supervisors at the Springfield store will receive training in the company's equal employment opportunity policies. The decree also requires Target to post a notice about the settlement; ensure that its complaint procedure is effectively communicated to the workforce; and take remedial action if an employee violates its equal employment opportunity policy.

EEOC, Quietflex Manufacturing Company, L.P., and Others Announce Final Approval of Settlement with Hispanic Employees on Discrimination Claims

HOUSTON – U.S. District Judge Lee Rosenthal granted final approval yesterday to the settlement of discrimination claims against Quietflex Manufacturing Company, L.P. (the company). Under the terms of the settlement, the company's insurer will pay $2.8 million to 78 current and former Latino employees. In addition, the company has agreed to implement policies and practices to advance equal employment opportunity.


CHICAGO – The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) and JPMorgan Chase & Co. (Chase) today announced the $2.2 million settlement of a claim brought under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) against Bank One Corporation.

The EEOC issued an administrative determination on March 11, 2004, finding that there was reasonable cause to believe that Bank One violated the ADA by failing to properly accommodate a group of employees who were medically released to return to work after leaves of absence exceeding six months. Bank One automatically protected employees' jobs when employees went on a leave of absence for less than six months. However, for employees who went on longer leaves of absence, the EEOC found that Bank One violated the ADA by terminating some employees without first attempting to determine on an individual basis whether they required additional job protection or other accommodations because of a disability. In 2004, after the EEOC's finding was issued, Bank One merged with Chase. Chase assumed negotiations with the EEOC following the merger of the two companies.


Women Rejected for Jobs at Armour Sausage Plant Because of 'Strength Test'

DES MOINES, Iowa – A federal appeals court has upheld a lower court's decision that a pre-employment "strength test" discriminated against female applicants for jobs at the Dial Corporation's Armour Star sausage-making plant in Fort Madison, Iowa. The decision also affirmed the award of approximately $3.3 million to 52 rejected female job applicants. The case arose from a lawsuit by the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) on behalf of the discrimination victims.


$2,355,000 Awarded to Three Saleswomen for Sexual Harassment and Retaliation By Northlake, Ill. Trucking Company

CHICAGO - A federal court jury this afternoon returned a $2.355 million verdict in favor of the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) and three saleswomen who experienced sexual harassment and retaliation while employed by The Custom Companies, a Northlake, Ill. trucking company. The verdicts included punitive damages in the amount of $2.05 million and compensatory damages in the amount of $245,000. One woman was awarded, in addition, $60,000 to compensate her for her expenses in defending a retaliatory lawsuit filed against her by Custom Companies.


Settlement by EEOC and Private Plaintiffs Mandates Systemic Changes

BIRMINGHAM, Ala. – The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) today announced a major litigation settlement with Tyson Foods for $871,000 on behalf of black workers who alleged that they were racially harassed and retaliated against at a chicken processing plant in Ashland, Alabama. The three-year consent decree entered today by U.S. District Court Judge Karen O. Bowdre also includes significant injunctive relief that will foster a discrimination-free workplace at Tyson Foods in Ashland.

The decree resolves two race discrimination and retaliation lawsuits against the poultry giant under Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act: one filed by the EEOC in August 2005, and another filed by a group of 13 former and present African-American employees. The cases, resolved during the discovery stage, had been consolidated by Judge Bowdre in U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Alabama (In Re Tyson Foods Litigation, Consolidated Case No. CV-05-BE-1704-E).

Collectively, the litigation charged Tyson Foods with maintaining a racially hostile work environment at the Ashland facility – including a racially segregated bathroom facility, racial slurs, and intimidation – and retaliating against employees who complained about the unlawful conduct. As part of its suit, the EEOC said that a Tyson employee established a locked, segregated bathroom facility, which on occasion had signs posted. Keys to the facility were allegedly distributed by that employee to white employees only.


At Issue: Failure to Provide Reasonable Accommodation for Medical Leave

BALTIMORE -- The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) announced today that it filed a federal discrimination lawsuit under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) against Denny's, Inc., which operates more than 500 corporate-owned restaurants in 30 states, on behalf of disabled employees nationwide who were not provided reasonable accommodation and were fired after being denied medical leave needed in connection with their disabilities.


$940,000 Settlement To Be Shared Among Class of African Americans and Women Denied Hire

CLEVELAND – The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) announced Friday that it had resolved its lawsuit charging that S & Z Tool & Die Co. discriminated against African American and female applicants in hiring due to their race and sex.

The lawsuit (Case No. 1:03CV2023) was filed in September 2003 under Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act and resolved by consent decree in the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Ohio Eastern Division. The EEOC alleged that S & Z Tool & Die Company, a Cleveland-based metal manufacturing firm founded in 1943, engaged in a pattern and practice of refusing to hire female applicants for employment because of their sex, and black applicants because of their race. Molly Baron-Prodan and a class of other black and female applicants were denied hire into non-clerical entry-level positions such as laborer, or semi-skilled jobs such as machine operator.

The settlement provides $850,000 as monetary remedy to an estimated class of at least 20 women and black applicants who sought employment since 1999. Additionally, Baron-Prodan will receive an offer of employment and $90,000, which includes compensatory damages. Other provisions include annual EEO training to all supervisory and management employees and human resource employees, and the appointment of an EEO Coordinator.


EEOC Presented Evidence That Retail Giant Failed to Hire Four African Americans in Milwaukee Stores Because of Race

CHICAGO – The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit in Chicago has reversed a lower federal court in Milwaukee and ruled that an U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) race discrimination suit against the giant retailer Target Corporation should go to trial. The appeals court found that the EEOC had presented sufficient evidence -- that Target refused to hire four African American applicants for entry-level management positions because of their race -- to require a full trial. The court also held that a trial was required on the issue of whether Target had destroyed employment applications in bad faith, and whether its changed policies with respect to retaining records were sufficient.

"We find," the court wrote, "that the EEOC did present sufficient evidence to establish a genuine issue of material fact as to whether Target's reason for not interviewing [the African-American applicants] was a pretext for race discrimination."

Edited by ChiangMaiAmerican
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You don't need to obtain citizenship, just produce your work permit or tax card.

Oh, all right. Thanks. That's even easier imo.

Yeah, right. Fancy popping along to Erewin National Park and advising the guard of this. It's 20 baht for a thai and 400baht for a farang to enter. If you check an earlier thread, I'm sure you haven't forgotten, you will see that the op was informed that it's still 400 baht for himself, regardless of whether he had a work permit or not simply 'cause he was farang

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I think most people and governments try to deny racism. However this thread I believe was based on a Thai govt report that included:

"Mr Jarun expressed confidence that the country has no problems related to racial discrimination, saying Thailand would be in the forefront of giving and protecting racial equality."

ThaiGoon can do his usual rant and rave and continue his life of denial, in fact his comments are very illuminating. They are indicative of why there are problems here that wont be resolved as Thais try to pretend they don't exist. The above quote I believe speaks for itself.

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Correct me if I am wrong here, but are not Burmese workers under curfew in the evenings after work. I also beleived they were banned from owning or even using motorbikes, cars and mobile phones. I could of course be wrong as I was in rather a state of shock when reading the article

Frankly, I don't know if that's a gov't policy or it's just a rule imposed by the governor of Phuket. Anyway, I'm not denying that there's no racism in Thailand, but the attempt by farangs to try to paint Thailand as a very bad example of racism is just a bit hypocritical and dishonest to me.

Reminds me how my kids (3 and 5 years old) argue: "I didn't do it , and he did it too!"

Racism doesn't get any better because there is also racism in other countries. If we argue that we don't need to do anything because elsewhere the problem is worse, we will never be able to accomplish anything.

The Thai government and it's institutions (for which the Govt. is ultimately responsible) are blatantly racist in the meaning of the UN), and such behavior is also against the Thai constitution. Ooops, there is no more Thai Constitution...

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I think there's a little discrimination in everyone. Thailand definitely discriminates more than the US does. When was the last time you heard of someone in Thailand going to court to get justice for being discriminated against. There's that girl who got her arm chopped off by a cop and still she has a hard time getting anyone to take interest in her plight. This country just protects the wealthy and corrupt. It's funny how so many sons and daughters of the wealthy and corrupt can go abroad to study and yet still can't seem to see the differences between their country and other countries. Most don't want to see the differences and don't want to give their countrymen education or true freedom.

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Thailand is an example of racism to the extreme. Unfortunately it is sooo ingrained into society from birth; I sincerely believe the thais can't see it exists at all.

It does however exist in every level of the society, in every workplace, in every school, in short everywhere. Be it status i.e.; financial niche in society, the color of their skin, their birthplace, their education level, or their accent when speaking 'official thai', it permeates the country. You would be hard pressed to find a society which so readily embraces racism. Of course it is all done with the infamous ‘thai smile’ along with the ‘national catch phrase’; ไม่เป็นไร..

The statement in the paper says it all quite succinctly; "Thailand would be in the FOREFRONT, of giving and protecting racial equality". I went back over several months of news archives but am hard pressed to find a more incongruent statement regarding the glorious “Land ‘O Thais”.

As an aside;

Thaigoon's infinite wisdom on all things thai are a source of great enjoyment & amusement. While I don’t sit on the edge of my seat with bated breath, I do enjoy perusing the posts for the ‘we-b-thai’ take on things. Granted, the constant lashing out at people with opposing viewpoints as well as the endless rhetoric does get old. However it is refreshing to know mindless sock puppets will not be added to the CITES endangered species list in the foreseeable future..

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if you realy want to see the colours then just ask a "white" mother how she realy feels about her son getting married to a Thai girl....

ofcourse thailnd is racist.. just as bit as any other country but in Thialnd every one knowes it and dont hide behind "politicaly correct"

My brother married a Japanese, my cousin married a Hispanic, aunt a Samoan blah blah blah. We are a rainbow.

I dated a few black girls in my day. Dated an American Indian, dated an Indian, dated Vietnamese, Half Korean, Tiawanese, Japanese.... heck I enjoyed being an ambassador.

I asked my father if he would mind if all his grandsons that carried on the family "white"name were not technically "white." My dad said,

"it would be an honor son." Smart man, my pop is.

"Foreingers and pay out of state tuition."

I almost fell out of my chair!

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Its only the politically correct who expound their theories on racisim and why, in their eyes, it is wrong. Thailand are quite open about their No 1 desrie to protect their own nationals first, others next. Is that a problem?

Why - in the UK the Police Force, that highly respected bastion of British life, are now considering discriminating against whites, i.e. inherently true British, in favour of Blacks and Asians. So to those do-gooders - what goes round, comes round so look forward in a few years time to your the weekends being officially Thur/Fri and having your traditional family weekend pub lunch of a pint and BBQ goat ! Oh yes forget your bacon buns.

You can read more here http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/6570545.stm

This is quite perverse in my opinion and maybe goes someway to explain the disillusionment that has resulted in many 100's of thousands of British leaving the UK due to crackpot policies over the years.

Let us hope that Thailand maintains it's traditional stance. As a guest of Thailand for 20 years it is nice to see that Thailand is still predominently Thai, and may it remain that way.

Edited by gummy
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Nowadays, in America as I see it, you rarely know a true color of a white person until you see an outburst from him/her.

It's very revealing how in a rather muddled tirade against alleged American racism, this rather nasty little racist squib slips out.


if you realy want to see the colours then just ask a "white" mother how she realy feels about her son getting married to a Thai girl....

It may not have something to do with the color but the general reputation of Thai ladies in the world. I do NOT say that they are bad but I am saying that they have bad reputation. :D

ofcourse thailnd is racist.. just as bit as any other country but in Thialnd every one knowes it and dont hide behind "politicaly correct"

Thailand is probably in the top 5 most racist countries, if not the top most. However, the second sentence of yours is completely wrong, they never show and accept that they are racists, in fact they say something and believe in something. :o and the reason is "It Thai cultule na" :D

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Nowadays, in America as I see it, you rarely know a true color of a white person until you see an outburst from him/her.

It's very revealing how in a rather muddled tirade against alleged American racism, this rather nasty little racist squib slips out.


if you realy want to see the colours then just ask a "white" mother how she realy feels about her son getting married to a Thai girl....

It may not have something to do with the color but the general reputation of Thai ladies in the world. I do NOT say that they are bad but I am saying that they have bad reputation. :D

ofcourse thailnd is racist.. just as bit as any other country but in Thialnd every one knowes it and dont hide behind "politicaly correct"

Thailand is probably in the top 5 most racist countries, if not the top most. However, the second sentence of yours is completely wrong, they never show and accept that they are racists, in fact they say something and believe in something. :o and the reason is "It Thai cultule na" :D

I assume your remarks specifically refer to your own small minded world rather than the real one. Clearly a person who has convinced themselves of the world's opinion of Thai ladies by their own extensive travel - solely in their dreams.

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Its only the politically correct who expound their theories on racisim and why, in their eyes, it is wrong. Thailand are quite open about their No 1 desrie to protect their own nationals first, others next. Is that a problem?

Why - in the UK the Police Force, that highly respected bastion of British life, are now considering discriminating against whites, i.e. inherently true British, in favour of Blacks and Asians. So to those do-gooders - what goes round, comes round so look forward in a few years time to your the weekends being officially Thur/Fri and having your traditional family weekend pub lunch of a pint and BBQ goat ! Oh yes forget your bacon buns.

You can read more here http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/6570545.stm

This is quite perverse in my opinion and maybe goes someway to explain the disillusionment that has resulted in many 100's of thousands of British leaving the UK due to crackpot policies over the years.

Let us hope that Thailand maintains it's traditional stance. As a guest of Thailand for 20 years it is nice to see that Thailand is still predominently Thai, and may it remain that way.

Maybe the op hasn't been in the UK for a long time as a resident, but the UK is now a multi-cultural society, whether we agree or not. The reason the police force (the so called bastion of British life) is positively discriminating against whites is that proportionally other sectors of the community are under represented.

We can debate all day about the pros or cons of having other nationalities in the UK or not. The fact is we do, we needed a work force in the 1950s and the rest is history.

I can't agree with you gummy about Thailand taking a traditional stance and staying Thai. There must be give and take. At the moment I just see Thailand, as taking. The concept of keeping everything nationalistic just reminds me a bit like the Nazis.

Another great comment mentioned before is about many Thais not realising that they are racist. This I would have to agree with. It is so ingrained into society that they don't even realise the way they behave is racist. Very much like when I was a boy in the UK and people called black dolls n***** dolls. It was racist, people just didnt know.

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If you were not an idiot, you should have seen that I said I'm not denying the racism in Thailand

Ok, this has nothing to do with race, but if you look back through your own posts Thaigoon, you constantly are referring to others as "idiot", "stupid", etc. (If you don't believe me do a keyword search of your own posts)

Regardless of your race or nationality, you are a rude and ill-mannered person who needs to learn a few manners. I have never seen anyone on this forum be so consistently resort to name calling, and I've been here a long time and seen many such people come and go.

You like to lecture others a lot, but I think you might serve yourself well to watch your own manners and stop posting like a belligerent teenager.

I think he is crying out for help.... Just my opinion. I would imagine the "institution" he attends has counselors. If TG does not attend a Thai student association as of yet, I would suggest that he does.

He is probably under a lot of stress, with his home work, dead lines, lack of sleep, campus job and the quest to make Thaivisa a bastion of propaganda. Not to mention being far away from his doctor girlfriend... that has got to be hard on him. It would be on anyone.

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Its only the politically correct who expound their theories on racisim and why, in their eyes, it is wrong. Thailand are quite open about their No 1 desrie to protect their own nationals first, others next. Is that a problem?

Why - in the UK the Police Force, that highly respected bastion of British life, are now considering discriminating against whites, i.e. inherently true British, in favour of Blacks and Asians. So to those do-gooders - what goes round, comes round so look forward in a few years time to your the weekends being officially Thur/Fri and having your traditional family weekend pub lunch of a pint and BBQ goat ! Oh yes forget your bacon buns.

You can read more here http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/6570545.stm

This is quite perverse in my opinion and maybe goes someway to explain the disillusionment that has resulted in many 100's of thousands of British leaving the UK due to crackpot policies over the years.

Let us hope that Thailand maintains it's traditional stance. As a guest of Thailand for 20 years it is nice to see that Thailand is still predominently Thai, and may it remain that way.

Maybe the op hasn't been in the UK for a long time as a resident, but the UK is now a multi-cultural society, whether we agree or not. The reason the police force (the so called bastion of British life) is positively discriminating against whites is that proportionally other sectors of the community are under represented.

We can debate all day about the pros or cons of having other nationalities in the UK or not. The fact is we do, we needed a work force in the 1950s and the rest is history.

I can't agree with you gummy about Thailand taking a traditional stance and staying Thai. There must be give and take. At the moment I just see Thailand, as taking. The concept of keeping everything nationalistic just reminds me a bit like the Nazis.

Another great comment mentioned before is about many Thais not realising that they are racist. This I would have to agree with. It is so ingrained into society that they don't even realise the way they behave is racist. Very much like when I was a boy in the UK and people called black dolls n***** dolls. It was racist, people just didnt know.

Utter rubbish. The UK has an almost democratic electoral system. If those so beloved "under represented" groups of yours wish to have a greater representation in UK affairs then this should be done through the electoral system, not the back door approach by politically motivated do-gooders, none of whom who has the retention of true Britishness at heart. It is prattle like you describe that has seen the fabric of Britishness go down the pan over the last 50 years. That is a proven fact as even this current UK governement has recognised something must be done, just unfortunate that they are incompetent or unwilling to make hard decisions.

Further, to attempt to liken racism with nationalism is a profound mockery, again only attempted by the do-gooders and politically correct people - or so they wish to appear. Biggest example of this hypocrisy is the treatment of travellers, or Gypsies in the UK, even local authorities, 99.9% of the residents and certainly many MPs don't have time for them or their welfare. Why not let this minority group be represented in the police force ? well we know why don't we -no chance of votes or honours for the supporters of them !!

You are now even suggesting that Thais are racist through ignorance, even attempting, poorly, to equate Thailand to Nazi Germany.

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once agian it seems that cultural barriers seem to alude most of the members out there.

i belive the following text should esplain why most Thais and Asian in that fact will not understand your western views about racisem.

its not about who is wrong or right but a differnt culture.

the western culture has allways tried to change the culture of those they entred into. it started with missioneries and continued in the techings of westgern Ethics.

Some westerners still belive that waht they view is the "truth "should be accepted by others as such.

So if you guys are living in thailand at least understand why the thai behave the way they do.

no one is expacting that after you were raised by a western mantality you will accept or jusstify it but please be aware that in most asian countries they relate to this issue the same way.

In most western countries it is perceived that all people are equal. and man are born equal. This is the opposite in Thailand and infact in most of asia and india as well.

All social relations are based on the relative status between Thais and the way a person perceives oneself is also based on his or her status. A person’s status is determined by many factors. The two most important ones are family relations and social connections. Others are education, wage, rank at work, occupation, age and superficial appearance. It is important for a Thai person to have a high esteem in the eyes of family, friend, colleagues, and people in the general public.

In Asia this esteem is called ‘face’. All cultural traits of the Thai derive from the paramount importance of status, esteem and ‘face’.

Both in private and in business it is of paramount importance for Thai people not to loose face. Any act of a person that would cause the loss of face for another person should therefore be avoided. The person who has lost face will remember this and will maybe in the future be less willing to help the other person. In worse cases will the offended part be directly counterproductive toward the other person. A number of actions of one party can make another party loose face. The obvious ones according to western terms also hold in Thailand. These are simple insult and embarrassments.

so when the minister adresses the issue of the Un request he knows that thailand is considered a racist country but he is saving face. the govermant will take mesures to try and rectify this with out having to be emberesed by the whole world.

Most westerners do grasp that this "face" culture along with what the Thais call Greng Jai are foundations of the thai culture. and when westerners go about trying to push the western culture they realy dont understan it.

When in Rome be a Roman does not only apply to western countries. it applies to all those wonderfull forigners taking residence in thailand.

to those of you that were ticked off by my racist remark about the white mother reaction to her son marring a thai girl.... I am sure you all married wonderfull ladies and that your supporting non racist families are great. but racisem is out there in many forms all around the world and specially by westerners towards orientals and i wish there more like you.

from you my dear chang mai american who is married to a Thai. i would assume that she has tought you the concept of Greng Jai. once you realy understand it you will understasnd the Thais and stop trying to make them westerners.

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Thais have an uncanny way of weaseling themselves out of legal questions like this racism thing. We all know that a foreign woman married to a Thai man has more rights than a foreign man married to a Thai woman yet Thais were able to legally prove that there's no discrimination here. Nothing will come out of this "racism" accusations either.

IMO, generally Thais are getting better at treating blacks and arabs, and farangs are getting less special treatments, too.

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once you realy understand it you will understasnd the Thais and stop trying to make them westerners.

What you are saying is is acceptable for Thais to ignore agreements, to change rules that result in foreigners being cheated out of their investment, to cheat foreigners. to lie to foreigners, to over charge foreigners? This is part of having face in Thailand? My wife, a devout Buddhist who actually spends time studying scriptures, tells me this isn't what Buddha taught. Yet, this behavior appears to be a big part of having face. If a foreigner offers a Thai a fair deal where both can make a good profit and the Thai has control of the enterpise with the foreigner holding a minority interest, the foreigner will likely lose his investment once he has transfered the knowledge needed to make the enterprise successful. Under Thai law a minority interest in a small business is worthless and the majority owner can do as he pleases. My wife even warns me not to readily trust members of her own family when I suggest expanding their roles in our business. Since she married me she has been shocked to see just how badly Thailand treats foreigners and how Thailand ignores treaties and other agreements. She really didn't pay attention before since she had no previous close involvement with a foreigner. She knew there were problems but she didn't believe they were as severe as they are. Her eyes have been opened since. At her urging we have made contingency plans to relocate to another country, perhaps the US or Malaysia, in the event the business climate here continues to decline. I hope the business climate here improves but at this point I have to wait and see.

Edited by ChiangMaiAmerican
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once you realy understand it you will understasnd the Thais and stop trying to make them westerners.

What you are saying is is acceptable for Thais to ignore agreements, to change rules that result in foreigners being cheated out of their investment, to cheat foreigners. to lie to foreigners, to over charge foreigners? This is part of having face in Thailand? My wife, a devout Buddhist who actually spends time studying scriptures, tells me this isn't what Buddha taught. Yet, this behavior appears to be a big part of having face. If a foreigner offers a Thai a fair deal where both can make a good profit and the Thai has control of the enterpise with the foreigner holding a minority interest, the foreigner will likely lose his investment once he has transfered the knowledge needed to make the enterprise successful. Under Thai law a minority interest in a small business is worthless and the majority owner can do as he pleases. My wife even warns me not to readily trust members of her own family when I suggest expanding their roles in our business. Since she married me she has been shocked to see just how badly Thailand treats foreigners and how Thailand ignores treaties and other agreements. She really didn't pay attention before since she had no previous close involvement with a foreigner. She knew there were problems but she didn't believe they were as severe as they are. Her eyes have been opened since. At her urging we have made contingency plans to relocate to another country in the event the business climate here continues to decline.

My wife has a very similar reaction/feeling as your CM. She lived in the US for 6 years and can see/feel first hand the difference falangs are treated here, as apposed to foriengers in America. She is a manager within a business, when she hears of an employee trying to bend over the falang.... she come unglued. You can see the employee's look on their face... they give an appearance of... "Yea, whatever, whitey got the money, so what does it matter?"

I tip my barber 60 baht. He charges me 40. I do this out of appreciation. He takes a lot of time, he is honest and does not try to cheat . He remebers me, and I remeber him. My point is, I am sure a lot of falangs would not mind spending more, if they did not feel that they were "expected" to spend/pay more!

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Its only the politically correct who expound their theories on racisim and why, in their eyes, it is wrong. Thailand are quite open about their No 1 desrie to protect their own nationals first, others next. Is that a problem?

Why - in the UK the Police Force, that highly respected bastion of British life, are now considering discriminating against whites, i.e. inherently true British, in favour of Blacks and Asians. So to those do-gooders - what goes round, comes round so look forward in a few years time to your the weekends being officially Thur/Fri and having your traditional family weekend pub lunch of a pint and BBQ goat ! Oh yes forget your bacon buns.

You can read more here http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/6570545.stm

This is quite perverse in my opinion and maybe goes someway to explain the disillusionment that has resulted in many 100's of thousands of British leaving the UK due to crackpot policies over the years.

Let us hope that Thailand maintains it's traditional stance. As a guest of Thailand for 20 years it is nice to see that Thailand is still predominently Thai, and may it remain that way.

Maybe the op hasn't been in the UK for a long time as a resident, but the UK is now a multi-cultural society, whether we agree or not. The reason the police force (the so called bastion of British life) is positively discriminating against whites is that proportionally other sectors of the community are under represented.

We can debate all day about the pros or cons of having other nationalities in the UK or not. The fact is we do, we needed a work force in the 1950s and the rest is history.

I can't agree with you gummy about Thailand taking a traditional stance and staying Thai. There must be give and take. At the moment I just see Thailand, as taking. The concept of keeping everything nationalistic just reminds me a bit like the Nazis.

Another great comment mentioned before is about many Thais not realising that they are racist. This I would have to agree with. It is so ingrained into society that they don't even realise the way they behave is racist. Very much like when I was a boy in the UK and people called black dolls n***** dolls. It was racist, people just didnt know.

Utter rubbish. The UK has an almost democratic electoral system. If those so beloved "under represented" groups of yours wish to have a greater representation in UK affairs then this should be done through the electoral system, not the back door approach by politically motivated do-gooders, none of whom who has the retention of true Britishness at heart. It is prattle like you describe that has seen the fabric of Britishness go down the pan over the last 50 years. That is a proven fact as even this current UK governement has recognised something must be done, just unfortunate that they are incompetent or unwilling to make hard decisions.

Further, to attempt to liken racism with nationalism is a profound mockery, again only attempted by the do-gooders and politically correct people - or so they wish to appear. Biggest example of this hypocrisy is the treatment of travellers, or Gypsies in the UK, even local authorities, 99.9% of the residents and certainly many MPs don't have time for them or their welfare. Why not let this minority group be represented in the police force ? well we know why don't we -no chance of votes or honours for the supporters of them !!

You are now even suggesting that Thais are racist through ignorance, even attempting, poorly, to equate Thailand to Nazi Germany.

Well firstly yes I do suggest that Thais are racist through ignorance. They do have a distinct class and caste system, although they just don't see it. As equating it poorly to the nazis, I was equating that to your comment of "lets hope Thailand maintains its traditional stance and may it remain that way" We could discuss the very same ideology made by the Germans before the second world war, but that would be for another topic.

As for your saying that "those so beloved "under represented" groups of yours. I am a white European. But whether you like it or not and it seems from your writing you don't, the UK is fast becoming a multi cultural society. An example for you is when I was at schoool some 30 years ago there was 1 ethnic person in the class. he was from Kenya. now in the same school there are over 45% from Ethnic or mixed race children. Soon it will be more. So my point is this. We are not a white nation any more. So we should live with it and move with the times.

Using the concept of a democartic vote to get in the electoral system or as you put it "in the back door" is a mockery. That's what happened in South Arica and other countries until near civil war broke out. the Uk does a pretty good job in my opinion at being a multicultural society and having representation in all of it's important jobs is important. How many gypies want to be in the police force. From my knowledge zero.

Anyway I think I know where you are coming from. You are the person who says that he isn't racist and he doesnt mind black people etc. As long as they don't take our jobs, girls and country. It is to late for that we are integrated, whether you like it or not.

Edited by Laughing Gravy
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One MAJOR difference, in the US the governmental system of checks and balances is bringing these people to account for their actions. In the US there are laws prohibiting this behavior. In Thailand this ever happens. For example, if a US Merchant tried to double prices goods and services based on race and nationality he would be in court. They took the big insurance down for that policy a few years ago. In Thailand the word is, "This is Thailand".

By the same token, I'm an international student in America. My tuition fees are always higher than those of state residents. Is that some kind of racism as well? Where are the US laws that prohibit this kind of behavior? I'm just curious. Or this is America?

I grew up in arizona, went to the university of Missouri and paid out of state fees. State universities are first and foremost for state students. As for Katrina...the Mayor was help up in a posh hotel and refused to released the hundreds of buses to evacuate the affected areas...teh governor is head of the National guard of that state and she has to be the one to release the state national guard. It was GWB who, in affect, had to prod her to do so. She was expecting federal troops and not relying on her own state troops who there and ready. compare this to Denver had had those three Class III (the highest and worst, I believe) which could have shut down the state and destroyed it but somehow they managed. Or Florida which get hit every month, it seems, by a natural disaster and somehow they seem to manage it. Local government have the first responsibility to react because they are closest to the situation. As well, the President cannot acctive any national guard with a governor's approval and also must seek her consent to send in federal troops. There is a military base in Lousiana but the both the mayor and the governor did not ask for their assistance. How come the rest of the nation can deal with natural disasters and not Lousiana...because they are considered to be the most corrupt state in the union...corrupt police force...corrupt local governing agencies...ect. It is controlled by Democrats...what would you expect.

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Its only the politically correct who expound their theories on racisim and why, in their eyes, it is wrong. Thailand are quite open about their No 1 desrie to protect their own nationals first, others next. Is that a problem?

Why - in the UK the Police Force, that highly respected bastion of British life, are now considering discriminating against whites, i.e. inherently true British, in favour of Blacks and Asians. So to those do-gooders - what goes round, comes round so look forward in a few years time to your the weekends being officially Thur/Fri and having your traditional family weekend pub lunch of a pint and BBQ goat ! Oh yes forget your bacon buns.

You can read more here http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/6570545.stm

This is quite perverse in my opinion and maybe goes someway to explain the disillusionment that has resulted in many 100's of thousands of British leaving the UK due to crackpot policies over the years.

Let us hope that Thailand maintains it's traditional stance. As a guest of Thailand for 20 years it is nice to see that Thailand is still predominently Thai, and may it remain that way.

Maybe the op hasn't been in the UK for a long time as a resident, but the UK is now a multi-cultural society, whether we agree or not. The reason the police force (the so called bastion of British life) is positively discriminating against whites is that proportionally other sectors of the community are under represented.

We can debate all day about the pros or cons of having other nationalities in the UK or not. The fact is we do, we needed a work force in the 1950s and the rest is history.

I can't agree with you gummy about Thailand taking a traditional stance and staying Thai. There must be give and take. At the moment I just see Thailand, as taking. The concept of keeping everything nationalistic just reminds me a bit like the Nazis.

Another great comment mentioned before is about many Thais not realising that they are racist. This I would have to agree with. It is so ingrained into society that they don't even realise the way they behave is racist. Very much like when I was a boy in the UK and people called black dolls n***** dolls. It was racist, people just didnt know.

Utter rubbish. The UK has an almost democratic electoral system. If those so beloved "under represented" groups of yours wish to have a greater representation in UK affairs then this should be done through the electoral system, not the back door approach by politically motivated do-gooders, none of whom who has the retention of true Britishness at heart. It is prattle like you describe that has seen the fabric of Britishness go down the pan over the last 50 years. That is a proven fact as even this current UK governement has recognised something must be done, just unfortunate that they are incompetent or unwilling to make hard decisions.

Further, to attempt to liken racism with nationalism is a profound mockery, again only attempted by the do-gooders and politically correct people - or so they wish to appear. Biggest example of this hypocrisy is the treatment of travellers, or Gypsies in the UK, even local authorities, 99.9% of the residents and certainly many MPs don't have time for them or their welfare. Why not let this minority group be represented in the police force ? well we know why don't we -no chance of votes or honours for the supporters of them !!

You are now even suggesting that Thais are racist through ignorance, even attempting, poorly, to equate Thailand to Nazi Germany.

Well firstly yes I do suggest that Thais are racist through ignorance. They do have a distinct class and caste system, although they just don't see it. As equating it poorly to the nazis, I was equating that to your comment of "lets hope Thailand maintains its traditional stance and may it remain that way" We could discuss the very same ideology made by the Germans before the second world war, but that would be for another topic.

As for your saying that "those so beloved "under represented" groups of yours. I am a white European. But whether you like it or not and it seems from your writing you don't, the UK is fast becoming a multi cultural society. An example for you is when I was at schoool some 30 years ago there was 1 ethnic person in the class. he was from Kenya. now in the same school there are over 45% from Ethnic or mixed race children. Soon it will be more. So my point is this. We are not a white nation any more. So we should live with it and move with the times.

Using the concept of a democartic vote to get in the electoral system or as you put it "in the back door" is a mockery. That's what happened in South Arica and other countries until near civil war broke out. the Uk does a pretty good job in my opinion at being a multicultural society and having representation in all of it's important jobs is important. How many gypies want to be in the police force. From my knowledge zero.

Anyway I think I know where you are coming from. You are the person who says that he isn't racist and he doesnt mind black people etc. As long as they don't take our jobs, girls and country. It is to late for that we are integrated, whether you like it or not.

Very well integrated. That is why 5 children of immigrants thought it would be a good idea to murder 52 people in July 2005. How long does it take to become integrated? 1 generation 2 or until the entire indigenous population has been murdered ? Go back to sticking your head in the idealistic bucket of sand. As you say you were at school only 30 years ago which is the generation that bore the fruits of poorly thought out teachings that bred the do-gooders of today like yourself. As I said before, it won't be too long before you can enjoy your BBQ goat with a pint on Friday weekend lunchtime.

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I wish I had saved the Thai newspaper I was reading a couple of days ago. In the jobs section the first large posting for a Thai airline looking for flight attendants specifically requested:

Gender: Female.

Marital Status: Single.

Age: 24-29 (I believe).

I should have checked at the time, it might have even asked for "Stewardess" and not "Flight Attendant."

The next job posting was for the UN; "Statistics Assistant" I believe. Although it was worded in a different way from the first, there was a section in bold stating: <<Women are encouraged to apply>>. Although not exactly the same as "Only women need apply," it does sound like a discouragement for men. Oh, just for reference, NET salary 76,000 baht per month :o

Anyway, specifically limiting job applicants based on gender, marital status or age is usually against the law in many countries. Not racism per se but definitely discrimination.

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Its only the politically correct who expound their theories on racisim and why, in their eyes, it is wrong. Thailand are quite open about their No 1 desrie to protect their own nationals first, others next. Is that a problem?

Why - in the UK the Police Force, that highly respected bastion of British life, are now considering discriminating against whites, i.e. inherently true British, in favour of Blacks and Asians. So to those do-gooders - what goes round, comes round so look forward in a few years time to your the weekends being officially Thur/Fri and having your traditional family weekend pub lunch of a pint and BBQ goat ! Oh yes forget your bacon buns.

You can read more here http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/6570545.stm

This is quite perverse in my opinion and maybe goes someway to explain the disillusionment that has resulted in many 100's of thousands of British leaving the UK due to crackpot policies over the years.

Let us hope that Thailand maintains it's traditional stance. As a guest of Thailand for 20 years it is nice to see that Thailand is still predominently Thai, and may it remain that way.

Maybe the op hasn't been in the UK for a long time as a resident, but the UK is now a multi-cultural society, whether we agree or not. The reason the police force (the so called bastion of British life) is positively discriminating against whites is that proportionally other sectors of the community are under represented.

We can debate all day about the pros or cons of having other nationalities in the UK or not. The fact is we do, we needed a work force in the 1950s and the rest is history.

I can't agree with you gummy about Thailand taking a traditional stance and staying Thai. There must be give and take. At the moment I just see Thailand, as taking. The concept of keeping everything nationalistic just reminds me a bit like the Nazis.

Another great comment mentioned before is about many Thais not realising that they are racist. This I would have to agree with. It is so ingrained into society that they don't even realise the way they behave is racist. Very much like when I was a boy in the UK and people called black dolls n***** dolls. It was racist, people just didnt know.

Utter rubbish. The UK has an almost democratic electoral system. If those so beloved "under represented" groups of yours wish to have a greater representation in UK affairs then this should be done through the electoral system, not the back door approach by politically motivated do-gooders, none of whom who has the retention of true Britishness at heart. It is prattle like you describe that has seen the fabric of Britishness go down the pan over the last 50 years. That is a proven fact as even this current UK governement has recognised something must be done, just unfortunate that they are incompetent or unwilling to make hard decisions.

Further, to attempt to liken racism with nationalism is a profound mockery, again only attempted by the do-gooders and politically correct people - or so they wish to appear. Biggest example of this hypocrisy is the treatment of travellers, or Gypsies in the UK, even local authorities, 99.9% of the residents and certainly many MPs don't have time for them or their welfare. Why not let this minority group be represented in the police force ? well we know why don't we -no chance of votes or honours for the supporters of them !!

You are now even suggesting that Thais are racist through ignorance, even attempting, poorly, to equate Thailand to Nazi Germany.

Well firstly yes I do suggest that Thais are racist through ignorance. They do have a distinct class and caste system, although they just don't see it. As equating it poorly to the nazis, I was equating that to your comment of "lets hope Thailand maintains its traditional stance and may it remain that way" We could discuss the very same ideology made by the Germans before the second world war, but that would be for another topic.

As for your saying that "those so beloved "under represented" groups of yours. I am a white European. But whether you like it or not and it seems from your writing you don't, the UK is fast becoming a multi cultural society. An example for you is when I was at schoool some 30 years ago there was 1 ethnic person in the class. he was from Kenya. now in the same school there are over 45% from Ethnic or mixed race children. Soon it will be more. So my point is this. We are not a white nation any more. So we should live with it and move with the times.

Using the concept of a democartic vote to get in the electoral system or as you put it "in the back door" is a mockery. That's what happened in South Arica and other countries until near civil war broke out. the Uk does a pretty good job in my opinion at being a multicultural society and having representation in all of it's important jobs is important. How many gypies want to be in the police force. From my knowledge zero.

Anyway I think I know where you are coming from. You are the person who says that he isn't racist and he doesnt mind black people etc. As long as they don't take our jobs, girls and country. It is to late for that we are integrated, whether you like it or not.

Very well integrated. That is why 5 children of immigrants thought it would be a good idea to murder 52 people in July 2005. How long does it take to become integrated? 1 generation 2 or until the entire indigenous population has been murdered ? Go back to sticking your head in the idealistic bucket of sand. As you say you were at school only 30 years ago which is the generation that bore the fruits of poorly thought out teachings that bred the do-gooders of today like yourself. As I said before, it won't be too long before you can enjoy your BBQ goat with a pint on Friday weekend lunchtime.

In America, it is not uncommon to see the Bean Burrito & hamburger on the menu. I don't mind that. What I do mind, is if I call a bank, and I get a recorded message, and the first language on the message is in.... Spanish! When that happens, I question if I dialed Mexico or something????

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In America, it is not uncommon to see the Bean Burrito & hamburger on the menu. I don't mind that. What I do mind, is if I call a bank, and I get a recorded message, and the first language on the message is in.... Spanish! When that happens, I question if I dialed Mexico or something????

Can you guess why the first language on the message at the bank was in Spanish? I wonder which customers they treasure most and why. :D

In any case, Bean Burritos are not Mexican, they're a tex-mex invention... and, Mexico is in America, and so is the USA. :D

Oh, and pretty much half the USA used to be Mexico, I hope it doesn't bother you that cities and states have ... Spanish! names, such as: Colorado, California, Boca Raton, Cabo Cañaveral, El Paso, Florida, Fresno, Las Cruces, Las Vegas, Los Angeles, Los Gatos, Montana (from Montaña), San Antonio, Nevada, San Francisco, Sangre de Cristo Mountains, Santa Fe, Texas, and the list goes on... But hey, those dirty Mexicans are taking over your country; better build a wall fast! :o

Hasta la vista... :D

Edited by tamaique
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I agree there is racialism in Thailand regarding foreigners,

but that is largely to protect Thailand, and I feel other nations may have to

enact similar policies soon as foreigners are taking over in many places.

Look at the recent race riots in France.

I'm sorry but i don't understand how being racsit is protecting any country in the world as a nation?

If you go back in history by 62 (not even a life time) years, millions of people had die for feedom, there really wasn't too many coutry's bowing down to it, surly thats the way? or have i missed it?


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