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Far-right and anti-racism protesters scuffle in London


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43 minutes ago, tribalfusion001 said:

He will be popular with the police lol. The hypocrisy of it, desecrate a policemans memorial.


To be fair, it was next to the memorial and he may not even of know it was there or what it was .

Anyway, he isnt deliberately peeing on the memorial otherwise he would have peed on it and not beside it

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7 minutes ago, evadgib said:


In 6hrs looking absolutely everywhere I saw no such activity.

On Twitter #londonprotests filmed on peoples phones, one tweet leads to another and so on. It's all there if you look.

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1 minute ago, CorpusChristie said:

To be fair, it was next to the memorial and he may not even of know it was there or what it was .

Anyway, he isnt deliberately peeing on the memorial otherwise he would have peed on it and not beside it

I'm sure the police are treating him nicely.

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6 minutes ago, CorpusChristie said:

To be fair, it was next to the memorial and he may not even of know it was there or what it was .

Anyway, he isnt deliberately peeing on the memorial otherwise he would have peed on it and not beside it

They were my first thoughts too, given the camera had a far better view than he alledgedly did.

(Disclaimer: I am not defending him!)

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1 hour ago, tribalfusion001 said:



Of the course the lives images of these guys doing "monkey actions and noises", singing "we are racists and we don't care" and "nazi salutes" isn't racist ha ha ha.

Any proof of that ?

We have already had one allegation of the people doing Nazi salutes and that allegation was proven to be incorrect .

  Do you have any proof of the allegations that you make ?

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21 minutes ago, CorpusChristie said:

Churchill went to South Africa as a Journalist and then joined the SA Army as a lieutenant , how was he "involved" in the  concentration camps

By saying involved I didn't mean he built them or populated them, I had read of the link before though couldn't remember the detail. However this quote puts his feelings about them into perspective.


"When concentration camps were built in South Africa, for white Boers, he said they produced “the minimum of suffering”. The death toll was almost 28,000,"

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4 minutes ago, CorpusChristie said:

Any proof of that ?

We have already had one allegation of the people doing Nazi salutes and that allegation was proven to be incorrect .

  Do you have any proof of the allegations that you make ?

Twitter #londonprotests #hopenothate I was scanning twitter on my phone whilst watching the live feeds, you will need scroll through lots of posts to find them now.

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1 minute ago, Nigel Garvie said:

By saying involved I didn't mean he built them or populated them, I had read of the link before though couldn't remember the detail. However this quote puts his feelings about them into perspective.


"When concentration camps were built in South Africa, for white Boers, he said they produced “the minimum of suffering”. The death toll was almost 28,000,"

Did he have any involvement with those camps at all ?

He was a low ranking soldier in the S.A army at the time 

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7 minutes ago, tribalfusion001 said:

Did you see the guy in the green polo shirt and baseball cap doing his Saturday Night Fever impression when strolling up to the police to throw a punch?

Yes, Queensbury rules

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10 minutes ago, tribalfusion001 said:

So you are too lazy to check for yourself. Spoon fed information instead of doing your own research, khun farang kikiet mak mak

I am quite sure that they dont  exist , so , I would just be wasting my time .

Rather ironic that you are calling me "lazy" , when you cannot be bothered to find something that you claim exists and you expect me to do that work for you . 

  But maybe you werent being lazy ; like me, you know that you would just be wasting your time, as, they dont exist 

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47 minutes ago, vogie said:

"BBC reporting that yesterdays protests in London were violent. Last week, the BBC reported the protests as "largely peaceful".  The BBC are activists, not reporters."

:David Vance

NIce attempt at diversion 

I think you will find your precious Boris called them worse


Edited by Kadilo
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7 minutes ago, CorpusChristie said:

I am quite sure that they dont  exist , so , I would just be wasting my time .

Rather ironic that you are calling me "lazy" , when you cannot be bothered to find something that you claim exists and you expect me to do that work for you . 

  But maybe you werent being lazy ; like me, you know that you would just be wasting your time, as, they dont exist 

I have already seen the footage, up to you if don't believe me or can't be bothered to look. I'm not scrolling through hours of Twitter posts to prove a point, I'm preparing my salad for lunch.

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1 minute ago, tribalfusion001 said:

I have already seen the footage, up to you if don't believe me or can't be bothered to look. I'm not scrolling through hours of Twitter posts to prove a point, I'm preparing my salad for lunch.

Can you post a photo of your salad on here .

I want to make sure that that exists .

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