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Is File Sharing Breaking The Precepts?


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I was just wondering what you guys thought the Buddhist position on file-sharing copyrighted material should be. Is it stealing? Will it produce much negative karma?

Easy to answer: Yes, but...no :o

Is quoting (and passing on) the words of Buddha stealing?

My guess is we would end up with a discussion on whether copyrighting is moral or not....

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I think the Theravada Buddhist take on this is that that one should not take anything that is not freely given.....determine if the material is freely given and then act accordingly. I guess when in doubt it is probably best to not take....but of course this is only my view and we each need to figure these things out for ourselves.


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I was just wondering what you guys thought the Buddhist position on file-sharing copyrighted material should be. Is it stealing? Will it produce much negative karma?

i guess it depends on if the file in question will help you to reach enlightenment.

there are books that you can 'buy' in a bookshop that are copyrighted. if you borrow a bought book from a friend does that mean you are infringing on copyright laws? the same goes for movies.

i think that it would probably be ok as long as you do not profit from those files economically. hopefully you will profit from them philosophically, intelectually, and spiritually.

(© Copyright 2007 mrt273nva: All rights reserved)

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I would say that if your intent is not selfish it does not break the precepts. Buddhism is based on natural law (an unchanging normative order that is part of the natural world). Things like patents and copyrights are artificial constructs designed to increase the income capabilities of their owners. I'm not against these things and I understand why creators of intellectual content would desire them, but I don't in all cases abide by these constructs and it is my belief, given my intent, I have not broken a precept if I sometimes ignore them.

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