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Songkran Fever

rak sa_ngop

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I made the mistake of going down to Pattaya thinking Songkran was over but had to endure another two more days of it!

Anyway, I got wet and decided to have a beer in an outside bar with circulating fans. Two hours later I started to feel feverish and now for 3 days I have had a temperatiure up to 102 -103 F (39 - 39.5 C). I have no other symptons that I can detect i.e. no nasal congestion, no sore throat, no swollen glands no chest infection etc, just a fever and the stuffy head that goes with it.

If I take Lemsip (paracetamol lemon powder) my temperature drops below 100 F and I feel better but the fever returns within about 4 or 5 hours.

So is it better not to take any flu remedies and let the fever run its uncomfortable course or should I carry on with the medication.

Should I see a Thai doctor???

Any suggestions welcome.

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I made the mistake of going down to Pattaya thinking Songkran was over but had to endure another two more days of it!

Anyway, I got wet and decided to have a beer in an outside bar with circulating fans. Two hours later I started to feel feverish and now for 3 days I have had a temperatiure up to 102 -103 F (39 - 39.5 C). I have no other symptons that I can detect i.e. no nasal congestion, no sore throat, no swollen glands no chest infection etc, just a fever and the stuffy head that goes with it.

If I take Lemsip (paracetamol lemon powder) my temperature drops below 100 F and I feel better but the fever returns within about 4 or 5 hours.

So is it better not to take any flu remedies and let the fever run its uncomfortable course or should I carry on with the medication.

Should I see a Thai doctor???

Any suggestions welcome.

Sorry! Sorry!

And why's nobody replied to help you out?

Of course you must keep taking the correct dose of Paracetamol to keep the fever down.

It's probably just a virus but if it does not resolve plenty quick, a visit to a good doctor, ain't a bad idea.

I had a fever and went to a bad doctor and he said I had a bacterial infection of the throat and sold me a useless anti-biotic. After the course failed to correct the fever, I went to a good doctor who did blood tests and concluded that it was dengue fever. There's no specific treatment other than managing the symptoms and I had a fever for about 25 days. Mai sanuk!

Doctors never did any harm except to your wallet.

Actually I find this forum often gives me a headache.

Choke dee!


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I doubt that your symptoms were caused by being wet and getting cold. It is only Mother's that tell you that. I would see a doctor if you are still suffering and don't stop taking the paracetamol if they are working. Although there is one school of thought that suggests it is better to be febrile so the bug gets burned up quicker. That is simplisitic way of explaining it, but I know which I would rather be.

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It is possible you may have ingested some of the water that was less than clean. I had a similar problem about a month or two ago and it turned out to be the water. I ended up taking a treatment for a urinary track infection. You may want to consider a similar plan of action. This is not a diagnosis for you but just something to think about. A quick urinalysis will verify this.

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I doubt that your symptoms were caused by being wet and getting cold. It is only Mother's that tell you that. I would see a doctor if you are still suffering and don't stop taking the paracetamol if they are working. Although there is one school of thought that suggests it is better to be febrile so the bug gets burned up quicker. That is simplisitic way of explaining it, but I know which I would rather be.

Well each to his/her own. I'll go with my mother's advice who never even took ice in her drinks because it used to give her a sore throat.

Anyway going with the regular paracetamol route for a few more days seems to be the consensus.

This morning my temperature was down to 101 F and after some Lemsip it dropped to about 99 F so I could go out for some shopping. However I did dot take any more parcetamol in the afternoon and it has shot up to 102.5 F after a deep sleep!

I will now be more regular in the medication. I think the 'keeping febrile' approach might be OK for one day but as I have tasted the benefits of medication I will continue with that.

To reiterate I do not seem to have any other symptoms so I am wary of a Thai doctor who will probably prescribe anti-biotics willy-nilly before taking a more critical appraoch.

Thanks for your helps (sic).

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You are describing my symptoms exactly with 103 to 104 fever. It would never get below 100 and had no other noticeable symptoms. If you have had it for more than 2 or 3 days then treating the symptom is no longer the plan and you need to work on the cause.

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You are describing my symptoms exactly with 103 to 104 fever. It would never get below 100 and had no other noticeable symptoms. If you have had it for more than 2 or 3 days then treating the symptom is no longer the plan and you need to work on the cause.

I have noticed that when my temperature is rising I do not sweat, but after taking medication I always feel clammy and sweaty and my temperature drops.

Last night I took Ibuprofen and when I woke a 3 a.m. covered in sweat, but my temperature was 97 F well below normal. This morning it was back up to 101 F.

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You are describing my symptoms exactly with 103 to 104 fever. It would never get below 100 and had no other noticeable symptoms. If you have had it for more than 2 or 3 days then treating the symptom is no longer the plan and you need to work on the cause.

I have noticed that when my temperature is rising I do not sweat, but after taking medication I always feel clammy and sweaty and my temperature drops.

Last night I took Ibuprofen and when I woke a 3 a.m. covered in sweat, but my temperature was 97 F well below normal. This morning it was back up to 101 F.

Again exactly my symptoms. My entire visit to the hospital and medications was less than 700 baht and about 2 hours of my time. That included both a CBC (complete blood count) and urinalysis.

Sweating is a method of cooling so this is very normal.

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You are describing my symptoms exactly with 103 to 104 fever. It would never get below 100 and had no other noticeable symptoms. If you have had it for more than 2 or 3 days then treating the symptom is no longer the plan and you need to work on the cause.

I have noticed that when my temperature is rising I do not sweat, but after taking medication I always feel clammy and sweaty and my temperature drops.

Last night I took Ibuprofen and when I woke a 3 a.m. covered in sweat, but my temperature was 97 F well below normal. This morning it was back up to 101 F.

Again exactly my symptoms. My entire visit to the hospital and medications was less than 700 baht and about 2 hours of my time. That included both a CBC (complete blood count) and urinalysis.

Sweating is a method of cooling so this is very normal.

I have had the blood count test but does not show anything out of the ordinary apart from slight anemia (dehydration?). I will go back for further tests.


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You are describing my symptoms exactly with 103 to 104 fever. It would never get below 100 and had no other noticeable symptoms. If you have had it for more than 2 or 3 days then treating the symptom is no longer the plan and you need to work on the cause.

I have noticed that when my temperature is rising I do not sweat, but after taking medication I always feel clammy and sweaty and my temperature drops.

Last night I took Ibuprofen and when I woke a 3 a.m. covered in sweat, but my temperature was 97 F well below normal. This morning it was back up to 101 F.

Again exactly my symptoms. My entire visit to the hospital and medications was less than 700 baht and about 2 hours of my time. That included both a CBC (complete blood count) and urinalysis.

Sweating is a method of cooling so this is very normal.

I have had the blood count test but does not show anything out of the ordinary apart from slight anemia (dehydration?). I will go back for further tests.


Same for me the blood was fine, It showed up in the uranalysis as it was the water. Looking for a high white blood cell count would have been the reason for the CBC to check for other infections.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just to give an update of my Sonkran fever experience here is what transpired:

Day 5 of fever visited doctor but no obvious additional symptoms and no diagnosis.

Day 6 consulted with specialist with new symptoms of slight dry cough and slight sensitivity in right side just below rib area. Diagnosed possible bronchitis and anti-biotics prescribed and a series of blood tests made

Day 9 consulted with specialist with pains in the right side lower rib area. Immediate ultra-sound scan, identifies fluid filled abscess in the liver about 4 x 4 cm.

Day 10 consulted liver specialist, ultra-sound guided drainage of pus filled abscess in the liver followed by hospitalisation for observation and IV anti-biotics. Tests carried out on pus.

Day 11, 12, and 13 continued hospitalisation. Analysis of pus shows bacterial infection of Stapylococcus aureus (i.e. bacteria commonly found on mucous membranes, and skin, normally found outside the body). Additional tests to try and identify source of infection (incl heart ultrasound, body CT scan etc).

Day 14 discharge from hospital with a bag full of antibiotics.

Today, Day 16 fever has considerably diminished and close to normal but still present, only need to take 1 Tylenol a day. Still have pains around the liver area but these feel like 'good' healing pains which diminish in intensity every day.

Prognosis good. Will see specialist again tomorrow for review and follow up tests.

Without treatment, liver abscess' have a 100 % mortality rate. Makes you appreciate the power of modern medecine.

Moral of the story:



DON"T PICK YOUR ZITS (especially in the nasal area).

Hopefully I will now live to post another day.

P.S. All medical work carried out at the BNH hospital. I have nothing but praise for the service provided (except for some of the off-putting smelly fish dishes served up).

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