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Trump calls COVID school closures a 'terrible decision' as cases and deaths rise


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13 hours ago, Opl said:

good questions, I believe you know the answers, reason why opening schools when cases are on the rise is a terrible life and death decision,  as "7.9% of the population of the USA had asthma in 2018, Asthma is more common among females and children aged 5 to 14 years",  without systematic testing and tracing, good luck!



Bar chart showing most Americans, including parents, think stopping COVID-19 should take priority over opening schools. U.S. Adults: 77 percent; Parents with children in K-12: 72 percent; Democrats: 95 percent; Independents: 72 percent; Republicans: 58 percent.

Glad I don't live in the increasingly scary dystopia we used to call the Land of the Free. If I did, I would regard COVID as less of a risk to my children than the egregious Common Core education system inflicted upon US students by the billionaire nerd now playing doctor to the world

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