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How Different Are "normal" Girls To Bar Girls?

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I have just found this forum and have been reading it quite a lot in the last few days. Much of what I have read paints a dark picture of Thai wives. But frequently, whether or not the Thai wife was a bargirl is ommitted. I have a "normal" Thai girlfriend that is a secretary and has never been involved in the sex industry. I do love her and am considering marrying her, but I do worry about some of the horror stories I have read here.

Also, I have some friends that do have bar girl girlfriends. I have frequently warned them to be careful, but I wonder if I should be taking my own advice to them more seriously for myself. What rate do bargirl relationships succeed? Are the success rates any different for "normal" Thai girls?

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There are plenty of posts discussing this topic already, use the 'search' facilities in this forum on the top or the bottom of the page after you log in.

Sorry to put a damper on your first post, but is has been discussed before.


As a relitive newcomer here, just like to say its been discussed, many,many times, maybe it should have its own forum?, and what is "normal"?, people talk about BG like they were a different species or something.

May as well ask are shop assistants better than office workers. They are all people and you have good and bad in all of them, There are many factors that make a relationship work, not just the previuos occupation of the wife/GF.


They are worlds apart, morals and values.

You are on the correct path my friend, stay with a normal relationship. You have had or are having the courtship so enjoy, the feelings she has are real, they are not bought.

A BG is an animal that will do anything for money so has absolutely zero morals or self respect.

All about values, Thailand is a wonderous country so enjoy it within a normal RELATIONSHIP.



Whats this mean Tornado????????????????????????????

It means this has been a topic every week for the last year, go to page 2 or 3 or 4 or 5......... I think you get the point....... the poster is a troller and these kinds of posts end up being a "war"........ close it is my idea :D

the poster is a troller

When it starts with Dave, I guess you can expect he is Dave's friend,...

As well as Spook, by the way.

If they're not the same Erco,... :o

They are worlds apart, morals and values.

You are on the correct path my friend, stay with a normal relationship. You have had or are having the courtship so enjoy, the feelings she has are real, they are not bought.

A BG is an animal that will do anything for money so has absolutely zero morals or self respect.

All about values, Thailand is a wonderous country so enjoy it within a normal RELATIONSHIP.


A BG is an animal that will do anything for money so has absolutely zero morals or self respect.

I imagine some of them get like that because they go with people like you.



Sorry to have posted a topic that has been discussed ad nauseam. I figured it had when I posted it. I did try to do a search, but the signal to noise ratio was such that I was unable to find a similar topic. It is difficult to come up with a good set of keywords to find what I am looking for.

I am a moderator of another discussion board in the States (it involves travel to Thailand). And I am aware of newbie low post count posters. A few are Trolls, but I am not. I don't take offense at being thought of as a troll, as I said I know how it goes.


We're very sorry.

If indeed we have to be.

BTW, where is the nickname Daveh coming from?

Dave's name is a very popular name on this forum but very, very seldom for the right reasons,... :o


The search button in the tool bar on the top gives a more specific search.

Alternatively, pose a more specific question or make a statement, so people know where you are coming from, and won't take you to be a troll -sorry, no offence.

They are worlds apart, morals and values.

You are on the correct path my friend, stay with a normal relationship. You have had or are having the courtship so enjoy, the feelings she has are real, they are not bought.

A BG is an animal that will do anything for money so has absolutely zero morals or self respect.

All about values, Thailand is a wonderous country so enjoy it within a normal RELATIONSHIP.


This is the biggest crock of <deleted> ive ever had the misfortune to read...

You really need to get out more, you have this closeted view of the world which couldnt be much further from the truth...

Shame really

They are worlds apart, morals and values.

You are on the correct path my friend, stay with a normal relationship.  You have had or are having the courtship so enjoy, the feelings she has are real, they are not bought.

A BG is an animal that will do anything for money so has absolutely zero morals or self respect.

All about values, Thailand is a wonderous country so enjoy it within a normal RELATIONSHIP.


This is the biggest crock of <deleted> ive ever had the misfortune to read...

You really need to get out more, you have this closeted view of the world which couldnt be much further from the truth...

Shame really

Wolfie, I couldn't agree more.

I'll say it's a safe bet that Spook has been with a few bargirls and treated them like cheap whores and been stung by one so he now has a chip on his shoulder.

I was re-united with an old friend this weekend. She worked at Nana Plaza until recently and now her new boyfriend has sent her to business college.

He is away at the moment so she can see me without him getting jealous and we can do stuff she can't do with him like play pool and go and visit the girls she used to work with and get drunk.

She is totally faithful to him and he treats her well so I wouldn't try it on, as much as I miss her. He gives her a monthly spending budget which last night she spent most of as we hadn't been out in ages.

That's right, a BARGIRL took me to Fuji for an 800bht meal and picked up the tab.

Treat Thai's with respect and be a good friend to them and it doesn't matter if they are bargirls, dentists, businesswomen or motorcycle taxi drivers - you'll get it back and it'll be appreciated.

'll say it's a safe bet that Spook has been with a few bargirls and treated them like cheap whores and been stung by one so he now has a chip on his shoulder.

But bargirls are cheap whores... isn't that the whole point?!

I don't condemn them for being prostitutes, but I do advise guys not to get into relationships with them.

There is afterall no need to do so.

BUT if a guy marries a prostitute then she should be respected as the guy's wife.

I have just found this forum and have been reading it quite a lot in the last few days. Much of what I have read paints a dark picture of Thai wives. But frequently, whether or not the Thai wife was a bargirl is ommitted. I have a "normal" Thai girlfriend that is a secretary and has never been involved in the sex industry. I do love her and am considering marrying her, but I do worry about some of the horror stories I have read here.

Also, I have some friends that do have bar girl girlfriends. I have frequently warned them to be careful, but I wonder if I should be taking my own advice to them more seriously for myself. What rate do bargirl relationships succeed? Are the success rates any different for "normal" Thai girls?

But Bar girls are also "normal" girls, and not all bar girls are the same

Don't be fooled a lot of freelancing by secretaries etc... so she might not be that "normal" in your book.

There is no such thing as "normal" in Thailand...

This country is insane for insane farangs :o

But bargirls are cheap whores... isn't that the whole point?!

Bargirls are not 'cheap whores'.

Cheap whores are cheap whores whereas bargirls IF THEY CHOOSE TO will go home with a guy for protected sex which won't be cheap if she is attractive and smart, unless she likes him and he treats her decently in which case he will only have to pay the barfine, a few drinks, the taxi fare and breakfast.


Gentleman Scamp

So you think someone that goes out when her boyfriend is away and gets smashed and pays the tab but is not allowed to mention it to her boyfriend is a good sort. She did not pay, the stupid westen fool paid as he thinks like they all do he has found a good one.

Agree with medicinebox

A whore is a hooker is a brass is a prostitute is a bar girl is a freelancer.

Enough nonsense already!

Enough said.

Why does he bother with a proven prostitute, get a nice one.


"A whore is a hooker is a brass is a prostitute is a bar girl is a freelancer."

Perhaps you guys, spooky, medicinebox, et al, could explain the difference between the above category (all the same in there?) and a human being? Given subtlety isn't your strength, one or two easily verifyable points will suffice to start.

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