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How Different Are "normal" Girls To Bar Girls?

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So what’s the difference between bar girls and normal girls? Very little other than a willingness to admit their needs and ask you to make an honest, reasonable contribution.

Well, I've got news for you. You might not have noticed in the places you hang out at, but ordinary women don't have sex with anybody they don't like within 10 minutes of meeting them.

There are a few more differences, most have been discussed already. :o

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Thanks, and I am not that handsome, either, but the right attitude paired with intelligence and manners more likely than not will increase chances dramatically! :o:D

What a terrible thing to call any girl - I've never met a girl who would like being called "normal" and certainly not in Thailand! :o

My girlfriend refers to herself as "normal" all the time. Excuse my ignorance, but what is wrong with being called normal? The only place I ever heard complaints about that was in California. I didn't understand how it was an offense then and I still don't.

My girlfriend refers to herself as "normal" all the time. Excuse my ignorance, but what is wrong with being called normal?

Your g/f may refer to herself as "normal" (or "ordinary" which is now being used on this thread) - but surely she would be offended if you called her that?

Why go out with a normal or ordinary girl when there are so many beautiful, lively and exciting ones with whom you can build a better than normal or ordinary relationship? Maybe a girl will come along some day who is better than normal for you. :o


What a terrible thing to call any girl - I've never met a girl who would like being called "normal" and certainly not in Thailand! :o

My girlfriend refers to herself as "normal" all the time. Excuse my ignorance, but what is wrong with being called normal? The only place I ever heard complaints about that was in California. I didn't understand how it was an offense then and I still don't.

Come on, you can't call a girl normal anywhere in the world. Hardly bahk wahn is it? :D

Anyway, in SoCal you call them Biatches :D

Your g/f may refer to herself as "normal" (or "ordinary" which is now being used on this thread) - but surely she would be offended if you called her that?

Why go out with a normal or ordinary girl when there are so many beautiful, lively and exciting ones with whom you can build a better than normal or ordinary relationship? Maybe a girl will come along some day who is better than normal for you. :o

I suppose if you take normal to mean ordinary, average or even mundane then I can see it could be an insult. I was using normal to mean "direction perpendicular to a surface." No wait, that's not it. I was thinking more on the lines of "conforming with or constituting a norm or standard or level or type or social norm; not abnormal." In particular, I was using normal mean to mean non-prostitute. I am not sure how "normal" became to mean average, which in my opinion, it does not.

Somehow, in California I believe people take offense at being considered normal because they feel it makes them less of an individual. Ironically, their need to be outside the norm, IMHO, takes away from their individuality. For example, think of the people who dress differently to get attention, like Gothes or Punks. Well, if they hung out in a crowd of non-Gothe's or non-punks, they would stand out. But they normally hang out in a group that dress, act, and even think they way they do. This makes them less unique, therefore less of an individual in a sense.

My GF is beautiful. And having a girlfriend that is not a prostitute does not mean it is not exciting. It is true that I don't get to take her to some of her old hang outs and drink with all of her prostitute friends, because she doesn't have any. And while, I do think that is fun every now and again, I do not feel that my relationship is lacking in this sense. I feel that I am in a very meaningful relationship with her, and to me that is very exciting.


Compare them to the 3 bond classes. Long term, intermediate and short term.

They come in many different sectors and returns. It is as simple as that.

My GF is beautiful. And having a girlfriend that is not a prostitute does not mean it is not exciting. It is true that I don't get to take her to some of her old hang outs and drink with all of her prostitute friends, because she doesn't have any.

1. Your girfriend is beautiful.

Of course, otherwise she would not be your girlfriend.

2. I do not get to take her to her prostitute friends for a drink.

Because she is not a prostitute.

And once a prostitute, always a prostitute.

So if she would have been one before, you would have ALWAYS hanged out with prostitutes.

What a shame.

I agree.

Lucky you,...

I suppose if you take normal to mean ordinary, average or even mundane
No wait, that's not it. I was thinking more on the lines of "conforming with or constituting a norm or standard or level or type or social norm;  not abnormal.
Gothes or Punks. Well, if they hung out in a crowd of non-Gothe's or non-punks, they would stand out. But they normally hang out in a group that dress, act, and even think they way they do. This makes them less unique, therefore less of an individual in a sense.

The survival instinct of seeking safety in numbers and of trying to synchronize one's behavior in order to fit in and to achieve conformity within the norm of any given group is often times so strong for a person that it can even prevail over the instinctive human urge of expressing one's individual uniqueness from the mundane surroundings!

Man is a social animal!

"Birds of the same feather flock together"! :o

Prostitution is quite normal in Thailand and those kinds of "birds" often flock together in huge colonies at their particular breeding grounds during the mating season.

Their mating season always lasts throughout the whole year and then often for several consecutive years,during which they constantly mate with multiple partners on numerous occasions! :D

This mating behavior is usually motivated by pecuniary reasons,and sometimes those pecuniary reasons can even be penury in nature as well.

Some of those Thai"birds" also migrate in groups to promising breeding grounds all over the World!

I think that a vast majority of Thai birds,including the migratory ones, are neither promiscuously inclined nor prostitutes by persuasion and profession.

Most of them are searching for a pair bond and when each one has found her soul mate and formed a couple,she then stays attached to him in monogamous fashion as long as possible!

However;males,both local and foreign specimens,tend to show a much higher incidence of promiscuity than females do!

This promiscuity is probably brought on partly due to the biological impetus that forces a male to compete with other males in the race to sire as many offsprings as he possibly can,who will then carry his own egotistical genes into future generations.

Of course,this impetus also exists to a certain degree for the female too.

An interesting statistics of normal Western pair-bonds shows that more than twenty percent of children are not biologically related to the father of the family while they are in fact so to the mother.

Those "cuckoo" hatchlings true origin are usually unbeknownst to and with the truth safely hidden from the male himself,who happily and diligently tries to provide for their sustenance in the belief that they're in fact from his own loin!

Some females' instinct of seeking to get the best possible genes for their own offspring's survival is obviously so strong that the risk of destroying an existing pair bond is an acceptable one!

The benifit for her propagating clandistinely in that way is,of course, that she gets both a good provider and good genes for her kids at the same time!Two birds in one shot. :D

By understanding the underlying biological factors that influence our behavior,we might shed some light on why lovers are sometimes unfaithful to each other in such an incomprehensible fashion! :D

Cheers. :D


  • 2 weeks later...

Emuu you talk such good sense!

Does anyone think that so called 'Normal' females don't get involved with men for their money???

My old Dad told me once that "Men want Sex and Women want Money" was he wrong?

How many married men go with Pros, and condemn THEM for doing something bad?

Anyway, we all sell ourselves one way and another..........

  • 2 years later...

Suspect member 'bangkok' is a troll purely to cause a stir by opening up these old threads. Continuing them will add nothing to the body of human knowledge. Closing the thread.

Take it to www.thaigeezer.com.

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