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Prayut’s warning doesn’t faze youth groups planning to continue protests


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2 hours ago, mark131v said:



Coup d etat's are illegal last time I looked...

Under pain of death even.  But I'm not a violent person, if an objective court could look into the coup (and yes also any of the other people in power this century) and if they would be found guilty (likely so if the court would apply the laws that were active then), then prison time for the generals would be fine and fair with me.


I do keep wondering if Steven is actually being sarcastic,  I find the contents rather absurd, absurd enough that I can't really believe anyone would seriously think what he expresses here.  But so many people, so many views I guess. Even though those in power don't like people expressing their views.

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1 hour ago, Donutz said:

It's good to see people admitting they changed their views. Personally I always opposed the  junta though I can see why some people believed their 'we will bring an end to the red-yellow fights'. Even though the cosy relations between Suthep's PDRC and the elites and the military were clear to see. For me  the coup was an excuse to act on artificial protests that were against the Yingluck government (which I also wasn't a fan of due to the smell of her brother, it was however a democratically elected coalition which tried to hold new elections as requested by the people). 


Anyway, the fear of new unrest, more blood, an other october 6 is also what deeply worries my friends. Many of them support the protests, few dare to actually go but some said they will go attend some of the announced protests as they are sick and tired of the green and corrupt elite tentacacles holding on to power. 

Thing was the Shins were so corrupt and i got so fed up with their untouchable corruption that i supported the junta. Now an other group is so corrupt and untouchable. So nothing changed. So to me both sides are wrong. 


I liked the future forward and its leader. I liked how he had all his shares and stuff put in a blind trust so he could not benefit from being in government. Those kind of things are what i like. I hate corruption. 

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There is a lot more to this movement and it’s origins. Can not be discussed but a lot more . How it will play out is yet to be seen but unlike all previous ones, this ones also have coverage in EU.

I wonder if thaksin supporters will join 

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6 hours ago, webfact said:

Prayut’s warning doesn’t faze youth groups planning to continue protests

They'll change their tune after they begin to be put in reeducation camps.

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18 hours ago, robblok said:

Yes i loved part of what the junta did when i thought they would have been gone quickly. Now i see that they are as corrupt as the Taksin goverments (if not worse). 


Problem is even if there is blood on the street without a party that is good like future forward to vote upon nothing will change. A corrupt Taksin party or a corrupt junta party. I mean without a 3rd good choice nothing will change. 

No government has ever been as corrupt as taksin's, and I'm not sure future forward is much different from taksin's parties 

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I don't believe that any Government in Thailand will be without corruption of some kind. I guess it depends on the level of acceptability.


No Thai government has had the cojones to sufficiently hamstring the military to prevent the elected governments from being overthrown. I wonder why this is. 


The generals in the army have said they are not qualified to run a country, and yet this is what they are doing right now, and have done over many years and on many occaisions.

Politicians are not qualified either, but they are elected to represent the people, the people who are protesting against the policies and people in power currently. 

A law that specifically protects one person or one institution says more about that person or institution than anything else. In a similar fashion to laws stating women must not do anything provocative lest it inflamed males, says more about the men than the women.


Whilst I agree with the right to protest, it has to be properly controlled, no violence, must not obstruct other people from going about their business and never actually achieve anything. 


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20 hours ago, robblok said:

Nothing will change, the only good party was future forward the rest is all bad and in it for themselves. So without a good alternative nothing will change. Stupid junta for disbanding them.

That's democracy : parties are in for themselves. 

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FYI    placard on front page says :

   VIP airplane    1,348.5  million baht


   The people       0  baht


   i won't take it.... or stand for it    ( mai yawm)     (my translation, close to the meaning i think)



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On 7/22/2020 at 9:09 PM, johnray said:

His sign says ''Airplane VIP 1 million baht.  Normal people 0 baht.  I will not give up!''

oh,  i didn't see your post.      sorry

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On 7/22/2020 at 8:52 AM, mark131v said:

God knows somebody needs to stand firm against the generals. Said all along though there will be blood before this is over and that hasn't changed, would love to be wrong but somethings are inevitable if the people want their country and freedom back...

Yes. Only way to send them on their way is for millions to get out there. It was great they sorted the impasse, but should have stepped aside soon after. It is now 2020 and the military is still in charge. Thailand is not the happy country I once knew. 

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On 7/22/2020 at 3:40 PM, robblok said:

Yes i loved part of what the junta did when i thought they would have been gone quickly.

The junta is gone. Thais now have a democratically elected government ... ????

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On 7/22/2020 at 4:07 PM, herfiehandbag said:

If the Junta falls ( and it won't step aside in the interests of fairness, that is as naive an expectation as imagining that the Junta only took power for very limited objectives over a short time!) then there is nothing to prevent Future Forward from reforming

I think there would be a need to disband the Privy Council as this is their war think tank control group. I honestly think there needs to be an uprising in the military pitted against this evil other side junta to be able to turn things into a real society run by the people and for the people. Not impossible. Just needs to go that way. But always hope for the best antidote which would be them completely stepping down and bowing out graciously. 

Edited by holy cow cm
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On 7/22/2020 at 2:45 PM, webfact said:

Prayut’s warning doesn’t faze youth groups planning to continue protests

Careful, Prayut. These lot are so scary they made the army chief cry. 

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3 hours ago, rkidlad said:

Careful, Prayut. These lot are so scary they made the army chief cry. 

What if he called for the troops to follow him and protect all the holy institutions that are holding the country back and the troops said no.  We want to 'cross the line.'

Best solution.

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