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Aviation authority expects sector to recover in the fourth quarter


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On 7/23/2020 at 10:34 PM, keithkarmann said:

When people worry about losing face I just wonder if part of the brain has not developed properly. When you have difficulty admitting you are wrong then you have big problems. Trying not to Thai bash but I have noticed that they have an inbuilt abilty to try and push the blame onto someone else, rather than accept blame themselves. If I do wrong I do not have a problem admitting it and I move on.

When I met my present Thai wife and something went wrong I usually got the blame. She has improved now and will admitt when she has made a mistake although not 100% yet.


The phrase I've heard sum it up well is "little emperor syndrome" - basically every family treats their kids/grand-kids like perfect little creatures. They're used to flex on the other parents and all the extracurricular activities as a way for the parents to gain social points over the other families.

Thus, anything the kid does wrong is a negative reflection on the parenting, so therefore their kid must be perfect.

What you get when you raise a kid with no objective sense of self worth or accurate measure of skills is an adult who has no idea where they fall on the bell curve, but who believe they must all be above average - because that's what they've been told their entire life.

In the West we get the participation trophies, but arguably the entire cultural and societal norm focuses around this in Asia so I'm not sure which side of the world is hankering for the bigger wake-up call.

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Hmm, well I wouldn't be betting your next paycheck on any real recovery in international travel until well into next year.


There is a reason most airlines have parked most of their widebody fleets in storage, since they don't see any real uptick until late 2021 early 2022 at the earliest.


Watch domestic flight load factors as a precursor to international flights.


I'm an airline employee, and I've seen an improvement in aircraft load factors but it needs to be seen in perspective.


Last week we had our flights to Denver almost full. But that being said, usually at this time of year we should have 8 daily flights. Right now we have two! 


Our mainline flights both on United & Delta have been downgraded to regional jets, so those 'full' flights are also because the aircraft used have half the capacity of a B737 or A320.


The other thing is peoples finances have been destroyed by this whole nightmare, so I just can't imagine the first thing that's on their mind is hopping on a plane to Thailand anytime soon.


You can 'wish' for things to pick up by the end of the year, but I just don't see it

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