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Single Guys, Any Advice On Chiang Mai Women?

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UFC . - when a person trty to attack you with a kick . the force is reduce when you are closer .

keep yourself in motion , like a boxer . will help you to move out of attack .

Lock is better then attack .

A painful arm or leg lock , any lock . which out break off yuor attacker hand , leg , is good , in a real fight your break them .. without thinking twice . there is no fair fight . so i suggest learn any kinda of fight , with a lighter mind .

as and art to imporve your balance and health . but waiting to go fight someone and win .

in thailand you end up . dying for under 10 baht cos that what bullet cost .

Guns are not allowed in the UFC or K1.

I suggest you watch the "Fight Science" film. They used crash test dummies to test the force of punches and kicks. The Muay Thai fighter scored the highest kick with a knee to the chest by a huge margin. The boxer scored the highest punch with the punch to the jaw. They also tested reflexes by flashing a light by a pad that had to then be struck with either the hand or foot. The Wu Shu Kung <deleted> fighter could strike faster than a person can blink his eye. It was 3 times faster than a rattle snake can strike. they also showed him responding to multiple flashes at several locations in succession. Very amazing stuff.

As far as locks are concerned in the UFC I watched a match with Gracie and another I do not remember his name. Gracie won the fight because the ref did not stop it when he should have. Gracie got pummeled and his face showed it. The other guy got worn out beating on him and Gracie finally choked him out but he did not even look like he had been in a fight. Now the fighters that win in the UFC are those that are trained in both styles of fighting.

In street fighting is where you have to worry about a gun and i do not advise anyone to run around looking for street fights. In the case where it is unavoidable the well rounded fighter is the best. One who can do both stand up and on your back fighting. An on your back fighter or a arm lock fighter will be at a severe disadvantage to a stand up fighter when there are more than one opponent.

Another point about your arm lock suggestion. The Muay Thai fighter that can break a baseball bat with his kick can surely break your leg or head before you will be able to get in a position to place him in an arm lock. These sports are for non lethal combat. I studied martial arts with a guy that was a registered teacher of 4 different styles. We learned many ways to permanently incapacitate a person the least of which are strikes to the knee and throat. We were also taught to only use these when we thought our life was in danger.

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Ok, I'm 27, single, no kids, coming here to chiang mai to learn to be a good stand up fighter, study, and have fun. I'll be here a couple of years, and would love to find a nice girlfriend while I'm there?

Ideally, I'd like a relationship where I pay for everthing, but she is eager and willing to massage, everyday...I found a muay thai school there, and I guess it's 8-10 hours a day, no pads, no gloves...I'm gonna need worked over nice everyday...just to have fun. I'm a starving college student, so I'm not looking for the nice girl who caters to my needs in exchange for me sending money to her family every month, at least not until I'm in the states again working and earning money. I intend to live in squalor and poverty while in Chiang Mai myself.

Anyway, what about the women? How are they different? How do we approach them different? What to look for, what to expect? Where do I meet the good ones? Do they like American, do they not? Any observations? Private emails are welcome, but I think this post will be more fun left open for EVERYONE to read, but I do enjoy private emails on these types of things.

So you want to pay for everything, and in exchange she will give you massages and probably anything else you ask for like cooking dinner, cleaning the house - basically providing "services" in exchange for your money supporting her. There is a word for that - maybe you can figure it out...

Unfortunately Chiang Mai is chock full of dodgy phalang like you, and from the demand, unfortunately there are plenty of dodgy chicks to supply that demand. Try the bars/restaurants around tapai gate, spotlight, spicey, bubbles, Loi Kroh road. With the kind of woman you are looking for, make sure you wear a rubber or you will probably catch AIDS, and while I don't care if you catch it, you will probably spread it to others.

<snip>... you need to look at yourself and ask yourself "What do I have to offer?" If we judge from your post, next to nothing

QFT (Quote For Truth).

He even says he doesn't have much money ... so I think he's got himself a bona fide dilemma. :D

:o Yeah right!! :D Are you a Master Fitness Trainer as well?
i wonder where did our MASTER trainer went ?

Lol ... I like where this thread is going :D

Ok, I'm 27, single, no kids, coming here to chiang mai to learn to be a good stand up fighter, study, and have fun.

Can we assume that you want to join in the UFC or some similar sport ? If so then learning Muay Thai is a good idea. I watched fight science and it had a muay thai fighter that broke a baseball bat by kicking it with his shin bone. It also measured his knee kick to be about the same as a 60 kilometer per hour head on crash.

I'll be here a couple of years, and would love to find a nice girlfriend while I'm there?

Good luck!! Many have tried and many have failed. A few lucky ones succeed.

If you are serious about learning Muay Thai and have no previous experience in any stand up fighting then you will be too sore to worry about a girl in the first few months. You can get a massage for 70 baht per hour or maybe less. There should be plenty of places around the school. For sex, the place mentioned by others is probably too expensive for a starving college student. Look on other newsgroups for a list of cheap sex places or ask the other fighters. By the way how are you going to pay for 2 years in thailand ? You can not maintain a fighters stamina on rice and even that cost money.

Ideally, I'd like a relationship where I pay for everything, but she is eager and willing to massage, everyday...I found a muay thai school there, and I guess it's 8-10 hours a day, no pads, no gloves...I'm gonna need worked over nice everyday...just to have fun. I'm a starving college student, so I'm not looking for the nice girl who caters to my needs in exchange for me sending money to her family every month, at least not until I'm in the states again working and earning money. I intend to live in squalor and poverty while in Chiang Mai myself.

What is your definition of a nice girl anyway? A "nice" girl in Thailand will not spend time with you without an escort until you are engaged and a massage would be out of the question.

Anyway, what about the women? How are they different? How do we approach them different? What to look for, what to expect? Where do I meet the good ones? Do they like American, do they not? Any observations? Private emails are welcome, but I think this post will be more fun left open for EVERYONE to read, but I do enjoy private emails on these types of things.

Approach then with politeness and respect. Just go with the flow and do not go on a quest for a girl. If you are a nice guy then you will meet someone though your contacts at the school or by being around the neighbor hood.

Thank you for your answer. I'm not sure what I said to imply that I wanted to pay for a hooker or was looking for sex. I apologize you got this impression as did so many others. I appreciate your advice on the women and a slight insight into the Thai culture. I have of course heard many different things about the women of Thailand. I was not intent on a slave girl by any means, in fact most times I will cook and I can pick up after myself. But I can't rub my own back.

Again, thanks for your answer. I'm sorry so many of the replies have put me on the defensive.

Joseph ,mate, i could be wrong but i get the impression this will be your first time to Thailand.If this is the case, spend a bit of time, now learning a little bit of language and cultural differences.You may find it quite a culture shock when you first get here.

Just chill out when you arrive and get a feel for the place and the people before you rush into anything.You will learn to be patient pretty quickly, the Thais will make sure of that.

Have a wonder around, try different bars , restaurants , clubs etc and get a feel for the way things work out here.Dont worry about finding a girl, that will happen and you will soon work out that side of life in Thailand.

Many people from the western world come here for the first time guns blazing and ready to go. Its very easy to (and many do ) make a complete **** of yourself . Like i say, chill out when your here, learn a bit about the people and culture before you fly then relax and let your adventure unfold. good luck to you mate

Ha ha, thank you very much for good, solid, genuine encouragement. I've read on several occasions that thai's are very relaxed where as Westerners, we're used to just that, coming out guns a blazing, planning, working ahead etc. There is something to be said for both.

You're absolutely right, I'm trying to come out with every move in this chess game planned in advance. I was using this forum as a way to try to get more insight into the Thai Culture and people, plan ahead, gain more personal knowledge and make friends. No harm in that.

Anyway, I look forward to coming, and I suppose I'll just have to give up on researching ahead on so many of these matters and just "wing it." That is very much not my personality, but this adventure is about growing and developing.

Thanks again

UFC . - when a person trty to attack you with a kick . the force is reduce when you are closer .

keep yourself in motion , like a boxer . will help you to move out of attack .

Lock is better then attack .

A painful arm or leg lock , any lock . which out break off yuor attacker hand , leg , is good , in a real fight your break them .. without thinking twice . there is no fair fight . so i suggest learn any kinda of fight , with a lighter mind .

as and art to imporve your balance and health . but waiting to go fight someone and win .

in thailand you end up . dying for under 10 baht cos that what bullet cost .

Guns are not allowed in the UFC or K1.

I suggest you watch the "Fight Science" film. They used crash test dummies to test the force of punches and kicks. The Muay Thai fighter scored the highest kick with a knee to the chest by a huge margin. The boxer scored the highest punch with the punch to the jaw. They also tested reflexes by flashing a light by a pad that had to then be struck with either the hand or foot. The Wu Shu Kung &lt;deleted&gt; fighter could strike faster than a person can blink his eye. It was 3 times faster than a rattle snake can strike. they also showed him responding to multiple flashes at several locations in succession. Very amazing stuff.

As far as locks are concerned in the UFC I watched a match with Gracie and another I do not remember his name. Gracie won the fight because the ref did not stop it when he should have. Gracie got pummeled and his face showed it. The other guy got worn out beating on him and Gracie finally choked him out but he did not even look like he had been in a fight. Now the fighters that win in the UFC are those that are trained in both styles of fighting.

In street fighting is where you have to worry about a gun and i do not advise anyone to run around looking for street fights. In the case where it is unavoidable the well rounded fighter is the best. One who can do both stand up and on your back fighting. An on your back fighter or a arm lock fighter will be at a severe disadvantage to a stand up fighter when there are more than one opponent.

Another point about your arm lock suggestion. The Muay Thai fighter that can break a baseball bat with his kick can surely break your leg or head before you will be able to get in a position to place him in an arm lock. These sports are for non lethal combat. I studied martial arts with a guy that was a registered teacher of 4 different styles. We learned many ways to permanently incapacitate a person the least of which are strikes to the knee and throat. We were also taught to only use these when we thought our life was in danger.

Wow, that Wu Shu Kung &lt;deleted&gt; is pretty exciting, I definately need more speed. I hit like a pillowcase full of bricks, but, its pretty easy to jump out of the way of a pillowcase full of bricks :o

I don't plan on getting in street fights there, and do a pretty good job of avoiding it here as well. With the exceptions of my ex girlfriends brother, I haven't been in a street fight in years.

You're absolutely right about it taking both styles to win, thats why I want to study them both. What good does a groundfigthers skills do him when he only reaches the ground through being knocked out? What good is a muay-thai fighters baseball bat breaking roundhouse when losing conciousness in a rear naked choke?

I disagree on only one thing, and that is on the fight not being called in one of Gracies earlier matches that he won. The point of calling a fight, in my humble opinion, is only when the referee feels that the fighter is no longer able to defend himself, that loss is 100% guaranteed, and to protect the fighter from unnecessary harm. The fact that Gracie submitted his opponent even AFTER that pummeling proves that it was a wise decision not to stop the fight, because Gracie did have fight left in him, and Gracie WAS able to submit his opponent and win despite the pounding he received.

That is one thing that makes UFC such a phenonemon organization, knowing that at ANY point the fight can turn around and end in anyones favor. Every punch, every kick, every takedown can lead to victory at any time, and anyone can with with a lucky punch.

Ok, I'm 27, single, no kids, coming here to chiang mai to learn to be a good stand up fighter, study, and have fun. I'll be here a couple of years, and would love to find a nice girlfriend while I'm there?

Ideally, I'd like a relationship where I pay for everthing, but she is eager and willing to massage, everyday...I found a muay thai school there, and I guess it's 8-10 hours a day, no pads, no gloves...I'm gonna need worked over nice everyday...just to have fun. I'm a starving college student, so I'm not looking for the nice girl who caters to my needs in exchange for me sending money to her family every month, at least not until I'm in the states again working and earning money. I intend to live in squalor and poverty while in Chiang Mai myself.

Anyway, what about the women? How are they different? How do we approach them different? What to look for, what to expect? Where do I meet the good ones? Do they like American, do they not? Any observations? Private emails are welcome, but I think this post will be more fun left open for EVERYONE to read, but I do enjoy private emails on these types of things.

So you want to pay for everything, and in exchange she will give you massages and probably anything else you ask for like cooking dinner, cleaning the house - basically providing "services" in exchange for your money supporting her. There is a word for that - maybe you can figure it out...

Unfortunately Chiang Mai is chock full of dodgy phalang like you, and from the demand, unfortunately there are plenty of dodgy chicks to supply that demand. Try the bars/restaurants around tapai gate, spotlight, spicey, bubbles, Loi Kroh road. With the kind of woman you are looking for, make sure you wear a rubber or you will probably catch AIDS, and while I don't care if you catch it, you will probably spread it to others.

<snip>... you need to look at yourself and ask yourself "What do I have to offer?" If we judge from your post, next to nothing

QFT (Quote For Truth).

He even says he doesn't have much money ... so I think he's got himself a bona fide dilemma. :D

:o Yeah right!! :D Are you a Master Fitness Trainer as well?
i wonder where did our MASTER trainer went ?

Lol ... I like where this thread is going :D

I appreciate your inferring that I was looking for a made or prostitute, but I meant what I said, the way I said it. In fact, I like to cook, and I don't mind doing my own laundry. I don't dust or wash windows, so if I meet a girl who has a problem with that, then she'll have to do that, but I'm not going to ask her too. Basically, just like I said, I'd like a girlfriend and maybe something more later. Like I said, I'm a college student so I'm pinching my pennies now, and later will have plenty of money to spend in the land of milk and honey when and if I come back to the US (which I will certainly have to do if only to earn enough to pay off my student loans).

So, based on what I actually said, and not on what you inferred, do you have an actual answer to my post? I'd appreciate a constructive, positive, helpful reply if you can supply one.


2 bhatt worth of free advise [from one who was looking for that perfect one for 8 yrs in Asia and finally met one in the daytime].....don't take the girls that you meet at night seriously, they are mostly for play. it's the ones that you meet in the daytime that are [generally] the 'keepers'.

and, why do you want to learn a sport [science?] that harms others????

Peace to you man........ make love, not war.......and look 5 times before you cross the street in LOS!!!!

So, based on what I actually said, and not on what you inferred, do you have an actual answer to my post? I'd appreciate a constructive, positive, helpful reply if you can supply one.

You don't seem to be getting the point. If you are living on almost nothing, you have almost nothing to offer a "good girl". Most Thai people live for the moment; they are not going to wait around hoping that you will graduate from Uni and get a job some day.

I have met some bar girls who will live with and support a handsome, young farang with no money in return for sexual favors while they go out and service horny old drunks every night. This might be worth considering under the circumstances. Free massages might be a bit much to ask for however. :o

So, based on what I actually said, and not on what you inferred, do you have an actual answer to my post? I'd appreciate a constructive, positive, helpful reply if you can supply one.

You don't seem to be getting the point. If you are living on almost nothing, you have almost nothing to offer a "good girl". Most Thai people live for the moment; they are not going to wait around hoping that you will graduate from Uni and get a job some day.

I have met some bar girls who will live with and support a handsome, young farang with no money in return for sexual favors while they go out and service horny old drunks every night. This might be worth considering under the circumstances. :o

wow, you're pretty well close to useless. time to put you on block, and hopefully that will shut you up so you can waste the time of others, and not mine.

I appreciate your inferring that I was looking for a made or prostitute, but I meant what I said, the way I said it. In fact, I like to cook, and I don't mind doing my own laundry. I don't dust or wash windows, so if I meet a girl who has a problem with that, then she'll have to do that, but I'm not going to ask her too. Basically, just like I said, I'd like a girlfriend and maybe something more later. Like I said, I'm a college student so I'm pinching my pennies now, and later will have plenty of money to spend in the land of milk and honey when and if I come back to the US (which I will certainly have to do if only to earn enough to pay off my student loans).

So, based on what I actually said, and not on what you inferred, do you have an actual answer to my post? I'd appreciate a constructive, positive, helpful reply if you can supply one.

Ok, I'll try be a bit more objective.

Most phalang come here because they think thai girls are easy. They think that thai girls think phalang are like celebraties.

There is a particular brand of thai women here who look for phalang. These are the ones you've heard about. Almost all of them are quite dodgy, and these are the ones that almost evey single phalang is with here (whether they know it or not).

Meeting one of the others is more of a challenge. You will need to meet some friends (preferably thai friends), hang out with them and meet their friends and their friends and so on, and you will be on your way to meeting some of the not-so-well-known-to-phalang thai women. These ones speak less english, and often almost none, so you will often have issues there if you want to have any meaningful conversations (tho thai lessons - not necessarily long hours but steadily throughout your stay here would help a lot). These one's are less interested in your wealth, and will be less likely to want to be your slave and smile about it. Having a massage every day is absurd. Think about it. If they are as good as the ones you pay for, then they probably do it for work and don't want to do it outside of work. It's also quite hard work to do, and when you can pay someone almost nothing for it, why do you need your chick to do it for you? Of course, if you are referring to what is colorfully known as "Ping Pong", then you might want to be concerned about this kind of chick. The less dodgy thai chick will expect to be treated decently well and will be with you because she wants you for who you are.

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