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U.S. Postal Service watchdog to probe service woes as worries rise about mail ballots

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Maybe Jeff Bezos should help the postal service with a couple of billions. He has the money and he won't notice a couple of billions less in his account.


But it he would do that I am sure the GOP would protest that it's unfair that someone pays the US postal service to do the job they are supposed to do.

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39 minutes ago, J Town said:

Yes, they are pretty bad. Just not AS bad as the current occupant.


51 minutes ago, Baerboxer said:


Gee whiz, bet you sooooo wished honest Hilary had won! 


Never mind, creepy old sleazy corrupt Joe and the chameleon giggly Kamala might beat the Donald.


Just remember, you wished for it! 

so here's the thing..........i, and so many others in the last election, voted "NOT HER" rather than for trump.  this year is shaping up to be the same, many will be voting "NOT TRUMP" rather than for corrupt, sleepy joe.


jeeze, you'd think the world's greatest democracy would be able to find a few honest candidates instead of the same old same old corrupt sleazeballs.


i'd consider a third party write-in, but so many states, although they allow write-in votes, don't count them.  what a choice!  don't vote, throw it away with a write-in, or vote for one of the two essentially interchangeable gangsters.

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42 minutes ago, ChouDoufu said:


so here's the thing..........i, and so many others in the last election, voted "NOT HER" rather than for trump.  this year is shaping up to be the same, many will be voting "NOT TRUMP" rather than for corrupt, sleepy joe.


jeeze, you'd think the world's greatest democracy would be able to find a few honest candidates instead of the same old same old corrupt sleazeballs.


i'd consider a third party write-in, but so many states, although they allow write-in votes, don't count them.  what a choice!  don't vote, throw it away with a write-in, or vote for one of the two essentially interchangeable gangsters.


Totally agree with you. The UK faced much the same. Boris the bozo, known serial liar, back stabber and puppet versus Jeremy the UK hating terrorist hugging neo-Marxist. The LibDems had a great opportunity but squandered with a crazy choice as leader.


Next time around who knows. But will most likely be another least worst choice.


It's astounding that the US, with all it's brilliant people, can't come up with better than these. 


But all around the world in seems inept, corrupt lying bozos are becoming the norm. Brazen ones at that!

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30 minutes ago, Tippaporn said:

This piece is written to lead the reader to draw conclusions using a smattering of disparate facts which it subtly attempts to tie together.  The facts provided in the article are inconclusive of anything.  But it worked for the libs here.


As this piece offers no solid information and resorts merely to speculation then what is there to comment on?  I did find the thread entertaining as the complete absence of "Trump apologists" created a singular echo chamber.  LOL

No solid information?

"The Postal Service's top lawyer, Thomas Marshall, also encouraged election officials to use its first-class mail service to ensure prompt delivery, rather than the cheaper and slower bulk-mail rate.

In past elections the Postal Service has given priority to all political and election mail, no matter the postage rate, according to workers and the service's internal watchdog."

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15 minutes ago, mrfill said:

I read this earlier - "a poll by Axios/ Survey Monkey found that three quarters of Republican voters plan to vote in person, while more than half of Democratic voters plan to use a mail vote."

If it is true that 50% of Democrats plan to use mail when only 25% of Republicans do, then sabotaging the mail system would gain a great advantage by disenfranchising much of the opponents.

And when the head of the post service is shown to be a major financial backer to the advantaged party, accusations of a major perversion of the constitution are perfectly valid.

Oh there's a very good reason why Trump wants to prevent postal ballots. He's many things but stupid isn't one of them.

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Come on man, mail in votes are a great idea. Even if I lose, you can just build a model of the White House in my basement and tell me I won, I won’t know the difference.


NEVER forget:

“If you have a problem figuring out whether you’re for me or Trump, then you ain’t black.”


Numerous off-topic, troll and inflammatory posts have been removed along with replies.   Continue and face a suspension.   You might want to consider staying on the topic of the US Postal System.  



It is obvious that either side supports their point of view only because they think it gives them the advantage. It's that simple. It's win no matter how these days. 


You can already register for an absentee ballot and not show up if you are worried about covid. The dems will say Trump won't honor the results but if Trump wins they are going to pull the same maneuver themselves. So whoever loses is going to become very interested suddenly in counting every single ballot.


I don't think this will go smoothly and if you want Trump out of office and are sure your side is winning then doing it the old fashioned way is your best means to this end. If you want a contested election that has no winner election night mail in voting is going to produce that result whatever side declares it has won.


In the future for 2024 I hope elections can be held using smart phones. Before the crying starts about under privileged being put out by this you could still do it in person.


The idea would be it is harder to fake a physical phone. If you are opposed to voter ID (which I am certainly for) it could be connected by IMEI or something like that but not your name. However every phone would have a unique  anonymous, identifier for voting. 


You could change your vote as many times as you want until the poll closes in the state you are in. No more crying about debates and all of that. You don't like Biden after the debate just change the vote in your app. Your vote will be recorded instantaneously the second the poll closes.


This would solve most the nonsense. If you really want Trump out be careful what you wish for as this could really backfire.

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17 hours ago, tribalfusion001 said:

Trump trying to steal the election already.

conspiracy theories

  • Haha 2
38 minutes ago, rcummings said:

Trump already explicitly said he was stopping funding on the post office in order to put a halt to mail-in balloting and he said it on Fox News business channel.


Its a conspiracy theory ,Trump trying to steal the election!

 To your second claim,stop funding in order to halt mail in balloting

"President Donald Trump suggested in a Fox News interview on Thursday that he was unwilling to strike a deal with Democrats on pandemic relief that includes desperately-needed money for the ailing U.S. Postal Service, only to say later in the day at a news conference that he would not veto a bill that included funding".


After his suggestion in the Fox interview fueled allegations from critics that he is seeking to manipulate the postal system for political gain, he was asked later at his daily press briefing whether he was "threatening to veto any legislation that includes funding for the post office."

He responded, "No, not at all."



You should read the 



and these ,USPS funding  etc



https://www.thoughtco.com/about-the-us-postal-service-3321146#:~:text=The USPS is created as,Code which states%2C in part%3A&text=The costs of establishing and,such service to the people.


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14 hours ago, Eric Loh said:

Trump rigging the election is so 3rd world and authoritarian regime stuff. Rather shameful for the richest country and the beacon of democracy for the world. Maybe US need foreign election watchdogs to monitor the this election. 

I agree, we are at the point where foreign observers are indicated.  Both parties are accusing the other of election rigging, if the election is to be viewed as legit we need observers from abroad.

  • Confused 1
51 minutes ago, rcummings said:

Trump already explicitly said he was stopping funding on the post office in order to put a halt to mail-in balloting and he said it on Fox News business channel.


Last time I heard he was willing to approve it. He is using it as leverage to make a deal. it's not a bad strategy as if they don't deal they forfeit their chance of having mail in ballots. 


This is simply political gamesmanship on both sides. Nancy got blindsided.

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7 minutes ago, Tug said:

Nope it’s called suppressing the vote if you want to say it nice most folks see it as rigging the election along with solicitation of foreign interference it what it is he is what he is unfit and criminal 


Trump isn't the one that sat there and refused to negotiate until no deal at all was had. No deal was made so he used EO in an emergency capacity. If the esteemed members of congress wish to come back and pass something they always can. Trump has simply opened up a path by making an offer. If he hadn't offered what he did the idea was already dead when Nancy and company left D.C. with no deal.


She thought she had him and he walked around the trap. Now Trump has offered a compromise.  You can believe me when I say there isn't one family of four that won't smile at a $3,400 direct deposit right now. 

11 hours ago, Baerboxer said:


A country that is probably the most powerful military wise; has the world's reserve currency; leads and has led on massive innovations; has led many fields of academia; etc etc etc.


And they can't organize postal ballots! For f$c$ sake! 


I, and a great many others, vote by post and have done for years.


It ain't rocket science!


Too many agendas here, ignoring reality.

Well then I suggest trump and his cronies #1 stop trying to wreck the post office #2 trump stop lying about election fraud#3 stop soliciting foreign interference and we could easily have a nice clean election 

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2 minutes ago, Tug said:

Well then I suggest trump and his cronies #1 stop trying to wreck the post office #2 trump stop lying about election fraud#3 stop soliciting foreign interference and we could easily have a nice clean election 


Here is the place to send your suggestions. Other than that we can agree to disagree and give others a chance to speak.



9 minutes ago, Cryingdick said:


Trump isn't the one that sat there and refused to negotiate until no deal at all was had. No deal was made so he used EO in an emergency capacity. If the esteemed members of congress wish to come back and pass something they always can. Trump has simply opened up a path by making an offer. If he hadn't offered what he did the idea was already dead when Nancy and company left D.C. with no deal.


She thought she had him and he walked around the trap. Now Trump has offered a compromise.  You can believe me when I say there isn't one family of four that won't smile at a $3,400 direct deposit right now. 

Sooo let’s see suppress the vote via the post office solicit foreign interference in the election and bribe American with 3400$ Buy your vote?can we all say banana republic and I’ll send my suggestions to joe and kamala 

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11 hours ago, OneMoreFarang said:

Maybe Jeff Bezos should help the postal service with a couple of billions. He has the money and he won't notice a couple of billions less in his account.

But it he would do that I am sure the GOP would protest that it's unfair that someone pays the US postal service to do the job they are supposed to do.

Good idea, but I suspect if he did something along these lines he'd negotiate for something in return.  It could be something beyond capital incentive, like putting his picture on a postage stamp.



  • Thanks 1
3 minutes ago, Tug said:

Sooo let’s see suppress the vote via the post office solicit foreign interference in the election and bribe American with 3400$ Buy your vote?can we all say banana republic 


The dems have the free everything buffet. Both sides do the same thing. Trump is just more up front about it. Also more honest as you will actually get the $3,400 as opposed to these fairytale schemes the dems have that will never happen. We are straying off topic so I am going to end with that.

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