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7 Months Overstay Pay

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My understanding is that if you overstay, its stamped in your passport, and you will have trouble obtaining a Visa when you next return. (If you intend on returning again for any length of time). Incorrect info?

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It is reported that the Immigration Detention Centre is a real hel_l hole, if you do get caught.

Very cramped and full of large nigerian gentlemen who may take a fancy to you..... :o

Your choice.

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Works fine in theory but once you cross that dateline you are living on a knife edge. Depends where you live, Pattaya/Phuket/Samui you never know when you may be caught in a raid, what your social habits are, frequenting dodgy bars/clubs not a good idea, what further changes may be made to the rules, increased max fine or fine/jail combo, and how good your luck is.

So there you are, do you want to live seven months scared of your own shadow and risk the IDC or spend a little cash an do it properly.

As they say : UP 2 U. :D

But one thing you do know, if you get caught you can always come back here and recount your experiences. You are guaranteed a rousing reception and plenty of tea and sympathy :o . We do so enjoy a laugh and some lively banter. :D .

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On my visa run to Ranong 2 weeks ago, one guy on the bus was over a year overstay. Well he was the lucky one. Just a 20k baht fine and got stamped back in as usual.

I pointed out to him that though he may feel so clever now having paid a mere fraction of what all the others do to live here, if he was caught by the police for anything he would be sent straight to the IDC. This is what I have read on Thaivisa happens to chronic overstayers. He said the police had already caught him once and just took a few thousand baht of pocket money and let him go.

It would seem that this is by far the cheapest option for those that don't want to pay for company set up + travel overseas for the multi non-B + accountants fees, balance sheets, yearly tax, work permits and extension of work permits. Even more so now that the new FBA is to be introduced.

You would have to be brave, but it is a true bargain.

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Instead of doing visa runs

just pay jour overstay 8 months at the airport [20.000 Baht]

and live with the risk

that the police ask for your pasport

inland, way before you leave Thailand

and risk jail time

I would suggest. TROLL!!!!

This is incredibly foolish, nay stupid advice.

But as others have noted, up 2 you.

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Overstay = Illegal immigrant....its the SAME thing and with exactly the same connotations... :o

I can understand it if its some wee guy from the likes of Zimbabwe /Darfur/I...Ran who does a body swerve ...albiet illegally to get out of some B**tar* dictatorship of a hel_l-hole country because he is fed up getting beat up or shot at but cannot concieve of why anybody (especially a foreigner)usually just out of pure lazyness being an "ILLEGAL" in Thailand.....Harlots and Charlatan mentality I suppose.

Nothing wrong with a bit of spice in Life but to wake up in a Thai D.C .......because ....Chav wise ...Am A Bovered?....thats fking crazy.....

A tourist Visa is cheap and a Non Imi "O" £90 quid for a Multi Entry........howls of I cant get one..........try harder.....

It is the LAW of Thailand and should be RESPECTED...Yeah

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On my visa run to Ranong 2 weeks ago, one guy on the bus was over a year overstay. Well he was the lucky one. Just a 20k baht fine and got stamped back in as usual.

This doesn't make much sence. If he was a year overstay already why was he going to Ranong and risk getting stuck in Burma?

Why wouldn't he just continue to overstay until he really had to leave the country?

I'd wager "blackheart" and the OP have the same IP! :o

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I currently live in the states. We have a huge problem with illegal immigrants here. I would never in my life live in another country illegally.

It's a morals and principle thing for me.

How does morality come into it? If i'm born in country X and i want to live in country Y, and "the man" tells me i can't, but i live there anyways; does that make me "immoral"?

Are you making the claim that doing the above is inherently wrong/immoral? And if so please explain why you believe it is inherently wrong.

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Instead of doing visa runs

just pay jour overstay 8 months at the airport [20.000 Baht]

and live with the risk

that the police ask for your pasport

inland, way before you leave Thailand

and risk jail time

I would suggest. TROLL!!!!

This is incredibly foolish, nay stupid advice.

But as others have noted, up 2 you.

Couldn't agree more...he's just waiting to see who's going to take the bait :o

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It wont take long before your found out.

Maybe you like the idea of being caught, locked up in a concrete hotbox and dont mind only boiled rice for every meal. Its not a nice place to be. The paperwork for deportation can take an absolute age to be sorted out, depending on how miffed off they are at you :o

Overstay is never an option, for the sake of a few hundred quid its better off being legal. Get a tourist visa.

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It wont take long before your found out.

Maybe you like the idea of being caught, locked up in a concrete hotbox and dont mind only boiled rice for every meal. Its not a nice place to be. The paperwork for deportation can take an absolute age to be sorted out, depending on how miffed off they are at you :o

Overstay is never an option, for the sake of a few hundred quid its better off being legal. Get a tourist visa.

For me, Thailand is such a wonderful place. Just the right combination of friendly people and ancient culture. I respect all that it is and will always bend over backwards to avoid breaking any of their laws, despite my desire to spend as much time as I can there. I do all I can for the Thai people, and it feels good.

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I currently live in the states. We have a huge problem with illegal immigrants here. I would never in my life live in another country illegally.

It's a morals and principle thing for me.

How does morality come into it? If i'm born in country X and i want to live in country Y, and "the man" tells me i can't, but i live there anyways; does that make me "immoral"?

Are you making the claim that doing the above is inherently wrong/immoral? And if so please explain why you believe it is inherently wrong.

Simple, it's illegal. You are offending your hosts by breaking their laws as though the don't apply to you. Very common problem with Americans. Don't know if you are or are not American. Edited by brianwl
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The people who know they’re breaking the rules/laws and still doing it, I’ll bet most have had some dubious/shady backgrounds at some point in their life's resume, me think

Edited by teacup
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Instead of doing visa runs

just pay jour overstay 8 months at the airport [20.000 Baht]

and live with the risk

that the police ask for your pasport

inland, way before you leave Thailand

and risk jail time

all it takes is one nosy hotel receptionist, or one disgruntled thai gf to make a phone call to immigration or one impromptu request by a police officer and you're in a world of hurt. underestimating what goes on in the back of these people's heads is a serious mistake. bad advice, avoid overstay. :o

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It is reported that the Immigration Detention Centre is a real hel_l hole, if you do get caught.

Very cramped and full of large nigerian gentlemen who may take a fancy to you..... :o

Your choice.

And more than 400 North Koreans......

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I currently live in the states. We have a huge problem with illegal immigrants here. I would never in my life live in another country illegally.

It's a morals and principle thing for me.

How does morality come into it? If i'm born in country X and i want to live in country Y, and "the man" tells me i can't, but i live there anyways; does that make me "immoral"?

Are you making the claim that doing the above is inherently wrong/immoral? And if so please explain why you believe it is inherently wrong.

Simple, it's illegal. You are offending your hosts by breaking their laws as though the don't apply to you. Very common problem with Americans. Don't know if you are or are not American.

I wonder how you are so informed that you know that breaking the laws is a comon problem with Americans. Plus you don't even know if the OP is American. If not, does that shoot a hole in your gross generalization? Two of the more notorious overstayers in recent memory happen to have been Swiss and German. Stick to the topic and keep your prejudices to yourself.

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I currently live in the states. We have a huge problem with illegal immigrants here. I would never in my life live in another country illegally.

It's a morals and principle thing for me.

How does morality come into it? If i'm born in country X and i want to live in country Y, and "the man" tells me i can't, but i live there anyways; does that make me "immoral"?

Are you making the claim that doing the above is inherently wrong/immoral? And if so please explain why you believe it is inherently wrong.

Simple, it's illegal. You are offending your hosts by breaking their laws as though the don't apply to you. Very common problem with Americans. Don't know if you are or are not American.

I wonder how you are so informed that you know that breaking the laws is a comon problem with Americans. Plus you don't even know if the OP is American. If not, does that shoot a hole in your gross generalization? Two of the more notorious overstayers in recent memory happen to have been Swiss and German. Stick to the topic and keep your prejudices to yourself.

I am British and American.

And my arguement is not that it is legal or illegal; as yes it is illegal.

In fact my point is exactly as you have stated [brianwl] that it is a matter of law, and not a matter of morality. It is not the same thing.

Whereas in your original post you claim the 2 to be the same.

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I currently live in the states. We have a huge problem with illegal immigrants here. I would never in my life live in another country illegally.

It's a morals and principle thing for me.

How does morality come into it? If i'm born in country X and i want to live in country Y, and "the man" tells me i can't, but i live there anyways; does that make me "immoral"?

Are you making the claim that doing the above is inherently wrong/immoral? And if so please explain why you believe it is inherently wrong.

Simple, it's illegal. You are offending your hosts by breaking their laws as though the don't apply to you. Very common problem with Americans. Don't know if you are or are not American.

I wonder how you are so informed that you know that breaking the laws is a comon problem with Americans. Plus you don't even know if the OP is American. If not, does that shoot a hole in your gross generalization? Two of the more notorious overstayers in recent memory happen to have been Swiss and German. Stick to the topic and keep your prejudices to yourself.

I am British and American.

And my arguement is not that it is legal or illegal; as yes it is illegal.

In fact my point is exactly as you have stated [brianwl] that it is a matter of law, and not a matter of morality. It is not the same thing.

Whereas in your original post you claim the 2 to be the same.

I thought an ill eagle was a sick bird !!

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..........you must be mad!!! why can't you just follow the laws of this wonderful country as you would expect Thai's to follow the laws of your home country???.....people like you make it so difficult for those foriegners to be respected the Thai authorities who end up having to clamp down and make the law more stricter.....must be mad and bad advise if told to ignore and just on the way out !!!!

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..........you must be mad!!! why can't you just follow the laws of this wonderful country as you would expect Thai's to follow the laws of your home country???.....people like you make it so difficult for those foriegners to be respected the Thai authorities who end up having to clamp down and make the law more stricter.....must be mad and bad advise if told to ignore and just on the way out !!!!

And of course all the Thais overseas follow their host countries laws to the letter, they never overstay their visas :o .

I can't be bothered to calculate it out, but how much money are you really going to save?

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Instead of doing visa runs

just pay jour overstay 8 months at the airport [20.000 Baht]

and live with the risk

that the police ask for your pasport

inland, way before you leave Thailand

and risk jail time

Were you the guy who was paying the 20,000 baht fine on saturday afternoon at the airport, if not that means you arn;t the only one doing this

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