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Update on 90 Day In Person Report @ Muang Thong Tani

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The IO didn't know what happened to my original 90 Day Report. Either someone tossed it out after receiving it or it got lost in the transition from Chaeng Wattana to the new Temporary Office. It usually takes 2 to 3 weeks to receive it back in the post, so if it doesn't arrive after 4 weeks, I would make the trek to the Temporary Office to sort it out. 

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I was there today also at around 10.30 and was in and out in less than 15 mins. My previous postal experience was also the same in that it wasn't returned but the lady checked on her computer and assured me it was sent. Looking at other posts there seems to be many going astray lately and I suspect the postal service more than immigration. Most likely using Covid as an excuse to cut back services.


I was fortunate enough to have my daughter drive me there - about an hours drive from Lat Krabang - and she used google maps GPS which she had already set up using all the info which I had copied from the many helpful posts in the forum giving directions, photos, etc. So a big shout-out and thank you to all of you wonderful thoughtful people out there. I suspect it would have been a nightmare had I tried to use a taxi from here, what with my limited Thai and all.


The GPS got the last 200 metres wrong and we ended up on a building site but by then it was academic and we were within shouting distance. Again, many thanks all you posters of useful stuff.

Edited by narisarasgroove
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13 hours ago, PFMills said:

IMMeServices app. Register and then it takes less than 5 mins every 76 days.... 


When was the last time you used the mobile app to file a 90-day report?


The mobile app had been down for a few months. Even now I cannot connect to it (4G or WiFi) today. For a brief period recently I was able to connect to it.


The web-based 90-day filing seems much more reliable?



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I always mail my report by EMS and print out the tracking of it being received at Lak Si.  I happened to do my extension about 30 days after 
i mailed my last report and while at CW, I checked to confirm that they had it.  They had, but it took about 20 more days for me to receive my receipt in the mail.  So the slow leg is from CW back to you.  With the new and inconvenient location, I will wait almost three months after mailing the report before I trek out there.   My EMS receipt is evidence that the report was submitted so there should be no fine.

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On 8/20/2020 at 11:09 AM, NavaJauvana said:

By the way, it's good I went. I had mailed in a 90 Day Report in July but the approval was never returned to me by post. Getting the new approval today for the next 90 days means I don't need to speculate when I need to make the next report.  

Now that you did your 90-day report in person and are back 'regularized' again you can do your next one using the on-line website.

> https://extranet.immigration.go.th/fn90online/online/tm47/TM47Action.do

A quick and easy process, to be done in the 15-days before till actual due date of your 90-day report (and best to do it in the final days, as the next due date will be 90-days after submission/approval of the one you filed).

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Thanks to all of you who have responded with your own experiences. I think if we got together we could write a book about 90 Day Reports. The new location is most inconvenient for in person reports, which makes it even more important we know how to file the reports by post or online. The App would be the best solution but as a previous poster mentioned it doesn't seem to work. I tried several times to register within the App and it wouldn't let me.  


John, the IO did not stamp my passport. She only gave me a paper printout of my extension and next due date for the 90 Day Report. I think only once when I had to pay a fine for being late in filing the report did they write something in my passport. 

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On 8/22/2020 at 8:22 AM, Peter Denis said:

Now that you did your 90-day report in person and are back 'regularized' again you can do your next one using the on-line website.

> https://extranet.immigration.go.th/fn90online/online/tm47/TM47Action.do

A quick and easy process, to be done in the 15-days before till actual due date of your 90-day report (and best to do it in the final days, as the next due date will be 90-days after submission/approval of the one you filed).

I submitted my online 90 day this morning at around 10 am and I received the approval email at around 11.30 am, (I report to CW.) I also submitted one for my partner after I completed my own, but he has not yet received his approval, (it's still pending). Anyway, I have the reference number and bar code for his, so I will wait. Again, in respect of CW.


They are both due in 15 days (from today).

Edited by samtam
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