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URGENT Call for Blood (Bangkok area)

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My apologies in advance if this is against the rules but the father of a friend of mine is in a bad way medically with cancer and really needs a transfusion. I figure the guy needs help and it's not a plea for money, but rather for life saving blood. Nobody wants to be in this situation, especially here where they won't have your blood in stock. Please take a quick look at this and if you're here in BKK and can spare a pint or two you just might save a life. Thanks.

Here's the situation as described by her. If you can help please head over to Bumrungrad and see about donating blood in the name of the gentlemen listed below.Β 

"First, Millions thanks to all of you.
A lots of share and help to spread my request.
Sadly to say that I still can't find the donator who are Caucasian "BLOOD Type A Rh-"
It's even more difficult after find out the fact from Thai red cross this morning. If you want to donate your blood for my dad, you have to follow this rule
1. You can do the blood donation only at Thai Red Cross. Hospital can't received directly from donator.
2. Thai Red Cross said donor have to be in Bangkok, No transfer system between province.
3. About the protocol, New donor must do the test first to check the disease / platelet. So If you are not in Bangkok, you might waste your time to come here and can't do the donation (If you are not pass the test).
4. You can specific to donate for my father by give this detail "To, Mr. John Anthony Barker (Patient at Bumrungrad International Hospital)" then my family have to contact Bumrungrad Hospital by ourselves to inform that we got the blood.
Feeling down a bit about this complex process and super challenge now to find the blood for my dad.
But I'll try my best!
Again, Thanks all my friend for your kind & support.
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