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New Taxi Stand

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Taxi Touts thread:

It seems the airport and its new Director are finally responding to reasonable complaints by sensible methods:

Airport taxis to change lanes

Taxi stands to move to arrivals on 2nd floor

Suvarnabhumi airport is preparing to relocate public taxi stands to the second floor of the main airport building, on the same floor as the arrivals terminal, pushing out influential private limousine operators. Suvarnabhumi airport director Serirat Prasutanond said yesterday that taxi stands would move up from the frontal road on the first floor of the passenger terminal to the second floor after the Songkran festival ends on April 17. Passengers arriving at the airport exit from immigration and customs checks on the second floor of the airport building. Mr Serirat said ''This may affect some groups but it must be understood for the sake of problem solving.'' Limousine services and vehicles of hotel associations and group tour operators will be relocated from the second floor down to the first floor. Mr Serirat said the illegal but influential groups of limousine service providers were cashing in at Suvarnabhumi and that airport authorities had been catching up to 250 illegal limousine operators every day. A frequent user of the airport, Karunpon Tieansuwan, said that all he ever saw after coming through immigration were signs for limousine services and the loud and brash attempts of their staff trying to coax him into using their services. ''I don't understand why illegal taxi and limousine services are allowed to solicit passengers wanting to go to the city even though there are police and security guards standing right in front of them,'' he said.

Continued here:


Perhaps there's been a delay as it's now after Songkran...

Can very recent travelers confirm or deny?

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Taxi Touts thread:

It seems the airport and its new Director are finally responding to reasonable complaints by sensible methods:

Airport taxis to change lanes

Taxi stands to move to arrivals on 2nd floor

Suvarnabhumi airport is preparing to relocate public taxi stands to the second floor of the main airport building, on the same floor as the arrivals terminal, pushing out influential private limousine operators. Suvarnabhumi airport director Serirat Prasutanond said yesterday that taxi stands would move up from the frontal road on the first floor of the passenger terminal to the second floor after the Songkran festival ends on April 17. Passengers arriving at the airport exit from immigration and customs checks on the second floor of the airport building. Mr Serirat said ''This may affect some groups but it must be understood for the sake of problem solving.'' Limousine services and vehicles of hotel associations and group tour operators will be relocated from the second floor down to the first floor. Mr Serirat said the illegal but influential groups of limousine service providers were cashing in at Suvarnabhumi and that airport authorities had been catching up to 250 illegal limousine operators every day. A frequent user of the airport, Karunpon Tieansuwan, said that all he ever saw after coming through immigration were signs for limousine services and the loud and brash attempts of their staff trying to coax him into using their services. ''I don't understand why illegal taxi and limousine services are allowed to solicit passengers wanting to go to the city even though there are police and security guards standing right in front of them,'' he said.

Continued here:


Perhaps there's been a delay as it's now after Songkran...

Can very recent travelers confirm or deny?

This morning there were still no meter taxis on the arrivals level, only Limousines. I had to go downstairs to get a meter taxi
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Don't worry. Just take your luggage and go to the ground level. There are enough taxis waiting.

However if everybody is heading to the taxi booths - if there is one in the arrival floor - you will be

quicker if you go down.


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Taxi Touts thread:

It seems the airport and its new Director are finally responding to reasonable complaints by sensible methods:

Airport taxis to change lanes

Taxi stands to move to arrivals on 2nd floor

Suvarnabhumi airport is preparing to relocate public taxi stands to the second floor of the main airport building, on the same floor as the arrivals terminal, pushing out influential private limousine operators. Suvarnabhumi airport director Serirat Prasutanond said yesterday that taxi stands would move up from the frontal road on the first floor of the passenger terminal to the second floor after the Songkran festival ends on April 17. Passengers arriving at the airport exit from immigration and customs checks on the second floor of the airport building. Mr Serirat said ''This may affect some groups but it must be understood for the sake of problem solving.'' Limousine services and vehicles of hotel associations and group tour operators will be relocated from the second floor down to the first floor. Mr Serirat said the illegal but influential groups of limousine service providers were cashing in at Suvarnabhumi and that airport authorities had been catching up to 250 illegal limousine operators every day. A frequent user of the airport, Karunpon Tieansuwan, said that all he ever saw after coming through immigration were signs for limousine services and the loud and brash attempts of their staff trying to coax him into using their services. ''I don't understand why illegal taxi and limousine services are allowed to solicit passengers wanting to go to the city even though there are police and security guards standing right in front of them,'' he said.

Continued here:


Perhaps there's been a delay as it's now after Songkran...

Can very recent travelers confirm or deny?

This morning there were still no meter taxis on the arrivals level, only Limousines. I had to go downstairs to get a meter taxi

Thank you for your response. What was the status of the touts inside the airport when you went through? The same? Less? None?

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Taxi Touts thread:

It seems the airport and its new Director are finally responding to reasonable complaints by sensible methods:

Airport taxis to change lanes

Taxi stands to move to arrivals on 2nd floor

Suvarnabhumi airport is preparing to relocate public taxi stands to the second floor of the main airport building, on the same floor as the arrivals terminal, pushing out influential private limousine operators. Suvarnabhumi airport director Serirat Prasutanond said yesterday that taxi stands would move up from the frontal road on the first floor of the passenger terminal to the second floor after the Songkran festival ends on April 17. Passengers arriving at the airport exit from immigration and customs checks on the second floor of the airport building. Mr Serirat said ''This may affect some groups but it must be understood for the sake of problem solving.'' Limousine services and vehicles of hotel associations and group tour operators will be relocated from the second floor down to the first floor. Mr Serirat said the illegal but influential groups of limousine service providers were cashing in at Suvarnabhumi and that airport authorities had been catching up to 250 illegal limousine operators every day. A frequent user of the airport, Karunpon Tieansuwan, said that all he ever saw after coming through immigration were signs for limousine services and the loud and brash attempts of their staff trying to coax him into using their services. ''I don't understand why illegal taxi and limousine services are allowed to solicit passengers wanting to go to the city even though there are police and security guards standing right in front of them,'' he said.

Continued here:


Perhaps there's been a delay as it's now after Songkran...

Can very recent travelers confirm or deny?

This morning there were still no meter taxis on the arrivals level, only Limousines. I had to go downstairs to get a meter taxi

Thank you for your response. What was the status of the touts inside the airport when you went through? The same? Less? None?

The number of touts was about the same, I may have been imagining it but they seemed far more polite and less agressive than before, none of them walked alongside me saying "where you go" " I have cheap taxi"

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Taxi Touts thread:

It seems the airport and its new Director are finally responding to reasonable complaints by sensible methods:

Airport taxis to change lanes

Taxi stands to move to arrivals on 2nd floor

Suvarnabhumi airport is preparing to relocate public taxi stands to the second floor of the main airport building, on the same floor as the arrivals terminal, pushing out influential private limousine operators. Suvarnabhumi airport director Serirat Prasutanond said yesterday that taxi stands would move up from the frontal road on the first floor of the passenger terminal to the second floor after the Songkran festival ends on April 17. Passengers arriving at the airport exit from immigration and customs checks on the second floor of the airport building. Mr Serirat said ''This may affect some groups but it must be understood for the sake of problem solving.'' Limousine services and vehicles of hotel associations and group tour operators will be relocated from the second floor down to the first floor. Mr Serirat said the illegal but influential groups of limousine service providers were cashing in at Suvarnabhumi and that airport authorities had been catching up to 250 illegal limousine operators every day. A frequent user of the airport, Karunpon Tieansuwan, said that all he ever saw after coming through immigration were signs for limousine services and the loud and brash attempts of their staff trying to coax him into using their services. ''I don't understand why illegal taxi and limousine services are allowed to solicit passengers wanting to go to the city even though there are police and security guards standing right in front of them,'' he said.

Continued here:


Perhaps there's been a delay as it's now after Songkran...

Can very recent travelers confirm or deny?

This morning there were still no meter taxis on the arrivals level, only Limousines. I had to go downstairs to get a meter taxi

Thank you for your response. What was the status of the touts inside the airport when you went through? The same? Less? None?

The number of touts was about the same, I may have been imagining it but they seemed far more polite and less agressive than before, none of them walked alongside me saying "where you go" " I have cheap taxi"

Thanks again. I suppose that's better than nothing and is certainly a step in the right direction. The aggressiveness is the most annoying aspect anyway. That, and the sheer number.

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The number of touts was about the same, I may have been imagining it but they seemed far more polite and less agressive than before, none of them walked alongside me saying "where you go" " I have cheap taxi"

That's your imagination. Last week, the only difference I saw, was a bit more open space in the hall.

The small bit of improvement was at the taxi stand, where they started to park the Taxi, the same way as in Singapore.

Another 15 years and they might get there ...

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So as of the 1st of May you still have to go one level down to find a taxi meter?

Not to sound lazy but I don't wish to exit on the arrival level and wander around if they aren't there.

Hope they follow through eventually with their statements to move the limo services.


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Some of you seem to have less hassle than me off of the touts. Flew in on Tue and meter taxis still downstairs with very little sinage for the first time visitor.

With all that has been said about the airport i find the only negative is the touts. Is it unreasonable to expect anyone, in any country not to leave you alone after you have answered them 5 or 6 times plitly that you do not need them?

This time one guy followed me all the way down the escalator offering me a "cheap ride" to Pattaya even though i had told him 4 or 5 time that i was going to Suk, i wanted a meter taxi and no thankyou.

Not here to bash Thailand or the airport but these people shiuld be banned from the terminal, not the impression you want to give 1st time visitors.

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On this subject.. Is there any trick to it like we used to be able to do with Don Muang - when you could go up to arrivals and take a taxi without Q or surcharge?

No problems doing that. It is what I do all the time.

Regarding the taxi touts, there are just as many if not more than there have been in the past and just as aggressive as always. A constant blemish to Thailand and the airport's reputation.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On this subject.. Is there any trick to it like we used to be able to do with Don Muang - when you could go up to arrivals and take a taxi without Q or surcharge?

Yes you can go upto departures if the arrivals queue is too long. However be prepared on occassion - there is a AOT official "little hitler" who will follow u across the road screaming at you that you cannot take one of these taxi's and that you must go downstairs.

On one occassion the little sh*t grabbed my arm to pull me back towards the terminal. I was still in uniform as just finished work and very tired and grumpy I shoved him backwards. Airport Cops saw it came over and without saying a word to me escorted him back to to the terminal......result.

There is no Law / Rule that says you are not entitled to take these taxi's. I always do if the queue is too long downstairs. It's also the quickest method to get out of the airport. Even if you take the AOT limo's by the time they fill out the form, take your money and the driver brings the car round - you can be halfway down the tollway in a meter taxi already.

Edited by dekka007
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be easy on those "little hitler" guy... they are just doing their job... try putting yourself in their shoes.

i must admit that AOT should have moved the taxi queue and manage it better + get rid of the limo touts (which is ridiculously embarrassing).

unfortunately, there is actually such a rule that picking up passengers at the departure level is not allowed. the rules / law were based on an act enacted by the then Airports Authority of Thailand (before it was privatised). (just like the no-eating on train rule on the BTS).

and such law is not unique to BKK, if u try to do the same at Singapore Changi, this is also prohibited by the rule / law.

but because of poor PR, inconsistent enforcement, airport mafia, lousy taxi queue management... "grabbing a cab at the departure level" can still be seen at the new airprot and is actually encouraged by some members of the expats community to my dismay.

now the AoT is trying to apply such rule more strictly, maybe we should give them better cooperation, shouldn't we?

being tired is not an excuse to seek a "shortcut" and how about the other passengers in the taxi rank downstairs?

of course, I have seen much worse taxi queues at Heathrow...(although no touts)... everyone just wait for their turn for a taxi

Edited by Zoowatch
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Zoowatch, I have to disagree with you on this one. If AOT prominently displayed signs forbidding picking up of passengers at the departures level, then maybe I might feel guilty about breaking the rule. As it is, I'm not hurting anyone. The departures level dropoff is never really jammed whenever I catch a cab there, so adding perhaps 20 seconds to the time the taxi is parked there is not having any significant effect on anyone else. I do not feel sorry for the people waiting in the official taxi queue either as they could do the same thing I'm doing if they want to.

If taxis were jamming the departures level dropoff zone, then I might feel guilty about contributing to the problem, and in that case I'd recommend AOT do something about the problem. I don't think I've ever gotten into a cab during peak hours, so don't know if there are any traffic problems at that time or not.

If anything, though, I think my getting a cab from the dropoff zone is actually helping matters. Each taxi dropping off someone who can't find a return customer may decide to simply park his taxi and wait until someone shows up. There aren't nearly enough people to match the number of taxis waiting there typically, so if more people did this there'd actually be fewer cars there. If it does become a problem, the solution is to force taxi drivers waiting there to move along, not to prohibit passengers from getting into the cabs. They do this now, but without very much enthusiasm.

Should AOT get their act together and manage the taxis, ban all the taxi touts, etc, then it should mean there should be almost no queues and I'd consider using the official queue then, although I think the 50 baht surcharge is totally ridiculous. They probably pay at most a couple hundred baht per day to the staff manning the queue, and AOT ends up making a huge windfall on this. (I'm assuming that the 50 baht is paid to AOT being that's what I've heard) IMHO the official taxi stand should be free of any surcharge.

If AOT is paying money for this "little hitler" staff, to try to eliminate a nonexistent or at best very minor problem, while doing absolutely nothing to solve the one huge problem, the taxi touts, then something is seriously wrong with their logic. Why not transfer the "little hitler" staff to telling off the taxi touts? It would make an incredible difference in making a much more pleasant experience for arriving passengers.

Edited by Soju
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Just was thinking more about this and realized I totally missed the main reason why the "little hitler" guy is out there trying prohibit people from using the taxis in the dropoff zone. It's because the official taxi stand is making the 50 baht surcharge, which they lose if they allow the passengers to do whatever they want. So it's strictly about AOT trying to collect more of a windfall than they really deserve. After realizing this, I think I feel even better about doing what I've been doing. AOT is quick to do whatever they can to make more money while totally ignoring what is best for the passengers. I'm not one who's really keen on breaking rules but in this case I think it's actually the honorable thing to do rather than let AOT continue there disgraceful practices. I hope lots more people start doing the same thing as well.

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Just was thinking more about this and realized I totally missed the main reason why the "little hitler" guy is out there trying prohibit people from using the taxis in the dropoff zone. It's because the official taxi stand is making the 50 baht surcharge, which they lose if they allow the passengers to do whatever they want. So it's strictly about AOT trying to collect more of a windfall than they really deserve. After realizing this, I think I feel even better about doing what I've been doing. AOT is quick to do whatever they can to make more money while totally ignoring what is best for the passengers. I'm not one who's really keen on breaking rules but in this case I think it's actually the honorable thing to do rather than let AOT continue there disgraceful practices. I hope lots more people start doing the same thing as well.

Dear Soju,

I would agree with you if my destination would be anywhere in Bangkok. However my destination is Pattaya and that could mean a longer wait to find a taxi at departure especially late at night.



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Read in the paper yesterday that the Limo Touts are still there, misleading the arrivals.


If the Airport Management cared in the least bit, a sign could be posted, directing passengers to the meter taxis instead of misleading them to thinking the 900bt limo is the only option.

Since the Airport director refuses to put proper sineage and allows the touts to continue the scams in the arrival hall, a sign like this, needs to be erected in the Customs area to warn passengers.



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flew in yesterday. I always go down to get the meter taxi.

This was a new to me.... I got through the line and the guy took us. When sitting in the taxi I noticed the fare was 85 baht, at which time I said something. He then said he wouldn't charge me for the '50 baht' tax. I guess at the end I got screwed out of about 10-15 baht, as usually you get the first two km free.

Either way, the whole way that airport is run is a joke. You have the taxi stand right outside customs with the official AOT guys asking you for a taxi. Trust me, if they would be smart and fair, they would be able to make their money just by being the official taxi stand. Of course, I just blow them off and go downstairs.

I can't believe how they allow the 10 thousand guys to ask you taxi, taxi, taxi, etc. I am all for making your money but getting screwed right out of the airport does wonders for the view of the country.

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flew in yesterday. I always go down to get the meter taxi.

This was a new to me.... I got through the line and the guy took us. When sitting in the taxi I noticed the fare was 85 baht, at which time I said something. He then said he wouldn't charge me for the '50 baht' tax. I guess at the end I got screwed out of about 10-15 baht, as usually you get the first two km free.

Either way, the whole way that airport is run is a joke. You have the taxi stand right outside customs with the official AOT guys asking you for a taxi. Trust me, if they would be smart and fair, they would be able to make their money just by being the official taxi stand. Of course, I just blow them off and go downstairs.

I can't believe how they allow the 10 thousand guys to ask you taxi, taxi, taxi, etc. I am all for making your money but getting screwed right out of the airport does wonders for the view of the country.

And they are aggressive, disrespectfull and throw around allot of disparging remarks.

These same type of people are trolling outside the hotels and tourist sites.

Cheat, cheat, cheat.

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Just was thinking more about this and realized I totally missed the main reason why the "little hitler" guy is out there trying prohibit people from using the taxis in the dropoff zone. It's because the official taxi stand is making the 50 baht surcharge, which they lose if they allow the passengers to do whatever they want. So it's strictly about AOT trying to collect more of a windfall than they really deserve. After realizing this, I think I feel even better about doing what I've been doing. AOT is quick to do whatever they can to make more money while totally ignoring what is best for the passengers. I'm not one who's really keen on breaking rules but in this case I think it's actually the honorable thing to do rather than let AOT continue there disgraceful practices. I hope lots more people start doing the same thing as well.

i thought that the 50 THB surcharge is meant to be an incentive for cab drivers to pick up passengers at the airport, and to compensate them for time lost as they queue up for passengers (sometimes for hours)... otherwise who'd want to pick up passengers at the airport? the AOT might get some income off the 50 THB surcharge but that is only a small percentage of it while the cab driver keeps the rest.

not everyone is as thoughtful as Khun Soju i must say, so if AOT officially allows picking up at the departure level then the taxi rank at the arrival level will definitely suffer... and eventually the whole drof-off area will be jammed up don't u think so? it is because at the moment, not that many people are doing this that's why the problems still haven't surfaced.

i must again highlight my point that I do not agree with the way AOT has been managing the taxi rank one floor down the arrival hall... this should have been done a lot better while the limo touts + misleading signs should have been dealt with for the interest of travellers. but i cannot agree with the mentality that if the system isn't perfect, then there's an excuse for everyone to break the rule and do as one wishes... eventually the AOT profit margin won't be affected, but the travellers will suffer badly with jammed drop-off area + lack of taxi willing to queue up at the official taxi rank.... the problem will be even harder to solve...

if u think that the taxi which have just dropped off a passenger at the departure level will always have to make an empty ride back into town... i must say that this isn't true.... the driver can simply drive down to the arrival level or the transport centre to join the official taxi queue and get their passengers back into town... alternatively, they can head for the neighbouring Lat Krabang or Bang Na-Trat and find passengers there.

don't u think that by allowing / condoning passengers pick-up at the departure level that we are encouraging another form of taxi tout (as seen at Don Mueang the last time)...?? there you have taxi paying 20 THB bribe to traffic personnel and park their car at a location where they shouldn't, jamming up the whole area... then they will start yelling "hey you! taxi to Khao San Rd.?!?". and as a result, there will be more incidences of cab drivers ripping off foreigner travellers by not switching on their meters or overcharge them by all ways and means. on the other hand, at least there's some kind of safety and security when an official at the official taxi queue write down the license plate number and passenger's destination for you.

i have been eagerly waiting for hte relocation of the taxi rank for one floor below to the arrival hall level too... and i think that it is a great idea to get rid of those airport limo, by moving them downstairs... and I have been disappointed that AOT has done this soon enough.... i hate those disrespectful touts who claim to be AOT officials too... it is a big embarrassment to the country...

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but i cannot agree with the mentality that if the system isn't perfect, then there's an excuse for everyone to break the rule and do as one wishes

??? if the rules were in place then there'd be correct signage, touts in the appropriate place etc etc. rules smules tit

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i have nothing more to add... and although it seems that it is me vs everyone here, i really hope that this isn't the case....

i did mention that the taxi management needs urgent improvement.... so while it is easy to think that everything's wrong with thailand, i simply just wanted to share my opinion that we shouldn't be a part of the problem since we are not a part of the solution either.

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i have nothing more to add... and although it seems that it is me vs everyone here, i really hope that this isn't the case....

i did mention that the taxi management needs urgent improvement.... so while it is easy to think that everything's wrong with thailand, i simply just wanted to share my opinion that we shouldn't be a part of the problem since we are not a part of the solution either.

I fully agree that we shouldn't become a part of the problem, and I think that is where our differences in opinion are. You see taking a taxi at the drop-off zone as adding to the problem, whereas I and others see it as helping the problem. Please do continue to express you opinions as that's what this forum is for. If everyone had exactly the same opinion on everything it would be a very boring place.

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As of 01:00 on 23 May 2007, the official taxi queue's remain on level 1. Note that the authorities were aggressively restricting taxi access on level 4 this evening. Upwards of 30 security personnel and two AoT pick-ups with flashing lights and sirens were preventing everyone from getting a taxi on level 4. Drivers wanted to pick up pax but we not allowed to. I even saw someone getting pulled from a taxi.

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As of 01:00 on 23 May 2007, the official taxi queue's remain on level 1. Note that the authorities were aggressively restricting taxi access on level 4 this evening. Upwards of 30 security personnel and two AoT pick-ups with flashing lights and sirens were preventing everyone from getting a taxi on level 4. Drivers wanted to pick up pax but we not allowed to. I even saw someone getting pulled from a taxi.

I guess the kickbacks from the "limo" operators are enough incentive for the management to turn a blind eye to the problem.

30,000 arrivals paying 3 times the going rate for a ride into town every day.

It adds up, no?

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"If AOT prominently displayed signs forbidding picking up of passengers at the departures level, then maybe I might feel guilty about breaking the rule."

I seem to remember a sign at DM but it was aimed at the taxi driver rather than the passenger.

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