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Covid-19 'may claim 5 million lives' by year-end


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23 minutes ago, potters said:


WHO website mentions that Asymptomatic people to the data collected do not pose a threat of spreading the disease. However, the Thai Dr mentioned says the opposite in one of his previous statements.


Excellent point. A few weeks ago the WHO actually came out to say that according to the data they were getting from tracing teams asymptomatic spread is actually very rare. They then looked at studies, and lo and behold several studies showed asymptomatic spread was between 0 to 2.2% in actual documented studies.


"Coronavirus patients without symptoms aren’t driving the spread of the virus, World Health Organization officials said Monday, casting doubt on concerns by some researchers that the disease could be difficult to contain due to asymptomatic infections."




The poor WHO woman who told the truth quickly had to retract, however, it is increasingly clear that the risk of spread from asymptomatics has been vastly exaggerated. Of course it's good to see that Thai people are not prone to exaggeration and are very careful with numbers, so I see a modest death toll of 5 million can be expected. A bit down from the 200 million from Swine flu which Neil Ferguson predicted. Of course he also predicted 510,000 would die from Covid 19 in the UK (actual figure is substantially less than one-tenth of that currently, 41,519.)


But hey, of course medics have nothing to gain from over-inflating numbers, like safe-guarding their jobs and getting attention.  It's good we get these very carefully calculated, and useful, errm estimates.

Edited by Logosone
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On 8/24/2020 at 11:55 AM, TallGuyJohninBKK said:


The CV deaths are in addition to the road deaths.... not instead of them for the most part...


So my original point stands. This is heading toward 1.5 million people in the world dead this year who wouldn't otherwise be dead... on top of all the other "normal" causes of deaths -- heart disease, cancer, etc...


At least in the U.S., road deaths are fairly far down on the list of the top causes of death annually... Cancer and heart disease are the top two causes pretty much every year... And this year, a totally new cause, coronavirus, is likely going to be #3 in the U.S.


You're very misinformed. The median age of death from covid is HIGHER than average life expectancy in ALL countries. What that means, statistically, is that most of the people who died of "covid" in 2020 would have died of something else by year's end.


Science is a bitch, huh?

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15 hours ago, BoojamTheKind said:

You're very misinformed. The median age of death from covid is HIGHER than average life expectancy in ALL countries. What that means, statistically, is that most of the people who died of "covid" in 2020 would have died of something else by year's end.


I don't know about the accuracy of your claims. But even if they were true, those are averages... and some people fall above them and others fall below them.  It doesn't correlate to the specific people who actually have died due to CV and what would have happened to them otherwise...especially during a thus far 6+ months long period of the CV raging...


And FWIW, in looking at data for the U.S., I see the CDC saying the median age of COVID deaths in the U.S. for a period they studied was 78 years, which is pretty much equal to the current average life expectancy of Americans, and the U.S. by country accounts for the largest share of COVID deaths worldwide.



Median decedent age was 78 years (interquartile range (IQR) = 67–87 years).



But hey... my father died in the U.S. this past year (not of COVID) at age 90... Maybe somebody forgot to get him that he actually was dead for the prior 12 years and just didn't know it.



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7 hours ago, Logosone said:

Excellent point. A few weeks ago the WHO actually came out to say that according to the data they were getting from tracing teams asymptomatic spread is actually very rare. They then looked at studies, and lo and behold several studies showed asymptomatic spread was between 0 to 2.2% in actual documented studies.


"Coronavirus patients without symptoms aren’t driving the spread of the virus, World Health Organization officials said Monday, casting doubt on concerns by some researchers that the disease could be difficult to contain due to asymptomatic infections."




The poor WHO woman who told the truth quickly had to retract, however, it is increasingly clear that the risk of spread from asymptomatics has been vastly exaggerated. Of course it's good to see that Thai people are not prone to exaggeration and are very careful with numbers, so I see a modest death toll of 5 million can be expected. A bit down from the 200 million from Swine flu which Neil Ferguson predicted. Of course he also predicted 510,000 would die from Covid 19 in the UK (actual figure is substantially less than one-tenth of that currently, 41,519.)


But hey, of course medics have nothing to gain from over-inflating numbers, like safe-guarding their jobs and getting attention.  It's good we get these very carefully calculated, and useful, errm estimates.

I see they removed my post. looks like here is the new Facebook.

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From the same JH source:



VACCINE USE China reportedly announced that it has been administering its novel SARS-CoV-2 vaccine to certain high-risk populations since late July, raising concerns about the use of a vaccine in the general public prior to the completion of robust clinical trials. If true, this would make China the first country to use a SARS-CoV-2 vaccine in the public, beating Russia’s effort to deploy its Sputnik V vaccine by at least several weeks. China previously announced that it would administer the vaccine to its military, and it is unclear why China waited several weeks before publicly announcing the vaccination program. Both Russia and China are moving ahead with public vaccination programs for vaccines that do not appear to have progressed through the full, traditional evaluation and authorization process. This highlights concerns that the various health, economic, and political pressures associated with the COVID-19 pandemic could lead to accelerated review processes being insufficient to effectively characterize the safety and efficacy for candidate vaccines and other drugs in order to make them available more rapidly.


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On 8/24/2020 at 11:55 AM, TallGuyJohninBKK said:


The CV deaths are in addition to the road deaths.... not instead of them for the most part...


So my original point stands. This is heading toward 1.5 million people in the world dead this year who wouldn't otherwise be dead... on top of all the other "normal" causes of deaths -- heart disease, cancer, etc...


At least in the U.S., road deaths are fairly far down on the list of the top causes of death annually... Cancer and heart disease are the top two causes pretty much every year... And this year, a totally new cause, coronavirus, is likely going to be #3 in the U.S.


i never  mentioned the validity of what you said I was  offering a  comparison of what many dont know occurs every year anyway.

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These stats are from the NHS website in the UK as to deaths with pre-existing conditions

Now when you read reports on the ews or Social Media you will see that the Narrative has changed from Deaths to Cases. If you also scroll around the site you will see that deaths this year are under the 5 year average and that is stated quite clearly. Take the time to DYOR




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Trump has finally found a way to reduce reported COVID cases in the U.S. -- Back to one of his favorite themes from earlier in the pandemic...  If we don't test for and diagnose cases, we don't have to report them, and then everything will be OK. 




CDC quietly revises coronavirus guidance
to downplay importance of testing asymptomatic people


The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is no longer recommending testing for everyone who’s been exposed to Covid-19, saying people who don’t have symptoms “do not necessarily need a test.”

The agency quietly revised its testing guidance for asymptomatic individuals Monday.


Will Humble, executive director of the Arizona Public Health Association and former director of the Arizona Department of Health Services, called the change “bizarre.”

“Testing contacts is a core part of contact tracing!” he said on Twitter. 50% of transmission happens before symptoms occur & you make this policy decision? ⁦⁦The CDC brand is toast.”






 In the CDC’s pandemic planning scenarios, the agency says its “current best estimate” is that up to 50% of spread of the virus occurs before patients begin to experience symptoms.


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