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Settlement Visa Granted And 1 More Questions Thanks!

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My wife and I applied for the settlement visa last Thursday I returned to the UK Sunday and she collected her passport with the Visa today!! I've never had such a speeding heart in my life when I got her call today.

Good service from the people at the Visa Section, my wife had two questions over the phone and no interview. Chuffed!!

This was totally because of the advice on this forum and I would recommend anyone applying read the thread on 'ROB'S GUIDE....' my wife thought I was mad with the amount of paperwork for the application but I'm sure this helped get the visa so easily.

I now have just one more question for our future.....

When we apply for Indefinate Leave to Remain I have read on another thread that my wife must be in the UK for 2 years. I have also read that my wife should travel within 28 days from the valid date of the Visa. I stated on the application for settlement that she would like to travel on the 12th May but the visa is valid from 1st May. If I book flights for the 12th May (within the 28 days) as originally planned by the time the visa expires she will not have been in the UK for 2 years.

I think I may be worrying too much! So my wife tells me I worry too much all the time! but I want to be sure, should she really be here for exaclty 2 years and no shorter?

Sorry for being so picky.

Soon I will be booking her flight and we will be spending our lives together thank you all so much! :o

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Well done.

In theory, your wife should be in the UK for a full two years before applying for indefinite leave. However, if the Home Office were to enforce this, no-one would be able to make an in-time application as the visa itself is only valid for two years. As a consequence, the Home Office will accept your wife's ILR application 28 days before the two years finishes, on the proviso that she has been with you in the UK for a minimum of 23 months on the date of application. She will also have to meet the maintenance and accommodation requirements and have either sat an ESOL with Citizenship course or passed the Life in the UK test.


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Thanks for your congrats Paul, I've still got a smile now.

and Scouse your superb, I told my wife there was a man giving all the answers, she didn't believe there were so many people chatting together about the visas, but today she kept asking 'why I get visa easy so much?'

I will search the prices tonight and book her flight asap to make the application less stressfull in time in 2 years...when I get paid this week! My funds are a bit low LOL

Yeah the tests are another thing....and I'm sure I'll be on here again before then

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Yeah the tests are another thing....and I'm sure I'll be on here again before then

Enjoy your moment now but don't wait for 23months before you think about the test. You can pass the test at any time, think about it as soon as you get settled and if your wife is not too fluent in English try to get her enrolled on a ESOL with citizenship course at the next school year or prepare for the test using the syllabus available here.

Also start to get letters addressed to you both or addressed individually to the same address as you will need them when you apply for ILR. Good luck

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Congrats Peeking, your question has been answered, so the next step is Nationality if this is your preferred route and Mahout has answered that question too.

It is easy to forget in the heady atmosphere of success the next steps, so build now, either the Citizenship/ESOL way or the book and the hard yards learning or both of course, if you want belt and braces.

Good Luck


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