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3 Month Non Imm O At Vientienne

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Well apart from picking a very busy day,which meant waiting in line for 2 1/2 hrs ,I had no problems,all that was required were one copy each of passport ,T/W,s Tabien Baan,ID and Marriage certificate.

I asked the lady if there was a limit on how many times I could get a 3 month non-imm O there and she said "up to me".

All up cost about 5k which was offset by stocking up on fags at 71bt a carton instead of 460bt in T,land.

My first time in Vientienne,great selection of food and pastries.

Must be showing my age,Thai Imm Officer referred to me as Papa :o

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How did you make it there? Were you required to show or buy a plane ticket to prove you'll leave the country eventually?

This new plane ticket law was confirmed when our local imm. office called Aranyapratet and was heard by all through speaker-phone that we had to buy plane tickets allowing us to get back in even though we'd drive there.

Local officers here commented it was a stupid law and probably a scam going on locally there.

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No mention of plane tickets Tony, why would you need a plane ticket when you can get multiple Non -Imm O ,s there.

One chap was getting his seventh consecutive visa.

We drove to Nong Khai and then by bus into Vientienne.

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No mention of plane tickets Tony, why would you need a plane ticket when you can get multiple Non -Imm O ,s there.

One chap was getting his seventh consecutive visa.

We drove to Nong Khai and then by bus into Vientienne.

That's what all local imm. officers were wondering upon mentioning my application for a non-O, hearing the imm. officer over there on the speaker phone insisting on a plane ticket out of the country (can be bought on the spot :o for later on ... After hanging up, they mentioned it was simply very stupid and probably a local scam going on on the eastern border. :D

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Did you ask for a double or multiple entry Non-O?

I asked for a multi-entry but was issued a single,

One strange occurrance ,at the Thai border office the officer said he would have to use the re-entry on the new 90 day visa otherwise he could only give me 30 days if he used the still valid multi entry I got last May.

I think the large crowd made for a few strange occurrances ,one chap who travelled with me applied for a 60 day tourist ext. and got a 90 day.

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In regard to getting a non-imm multi-entry Type O retirement visa, how does Vientienne compare (in terms of ease and fairness) compared to Singapore or Kuala Lumpur? If it's as fair as those places, then I'll opt for Vientienne because it's an easier trip for me.

Besides proper proof of income, is police report needed there - (to get the Type-O mentioned above)?

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In regard to getting a non-imm multi-entry Type O retirement visa, how does Vientienne compare (in terms of ease and fairness) compared to Singapore or Kuala Lumpur? If it's as fair as those places, then I'll opt for Vientienne because it's an easier trip for me.

Besides proper proof of income, is police report needed there - (to get the Type-O mentioned above)?

I did not meet anybody there other than those requiring tourist or 3 month Non -Imm O visa,s for which no proof of income is required.

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Three months Non Imm O Visa, WOW lucky you, hope you have the same luck next time around, however from my experience you better not COUNT on it. :o Best of luck next time around.

BigSnake, please can you give us details of your "experience".

My neighbour, who is separated from his wife, is now on his third consecutive single entry (90 day) non imm O from Vientiane based on his marriage (I believe they will not issue multi-entry to people from another country). He has copies of his wifes ID, house book. and his marriage certificate and uses those to get his visa even though he is not living with her.

I wonder how long he can keep doing this before they refuse him and tell him to get a 12 month extension at his local imm office, which he cannot do because he cannot produce his wife!!!!

If you have experience of being refused at Vientiane can you please share it with us?

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