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Republican senator, swarmed by protesters after Trump speech, calls for FBI probe


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9 hours ago, Caldera said:

What a crybaby, he's much too irrelevant for anyone to pay for an attack on him.


Would love to hear your remarks had you been in his place.  It's always easy to project your bravado in the face of dangerous circumstances as you type away on your keyboard in the safety of your home.  LOL  You ain't foolin' nobody.

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7 hours ago, bendejo said:

A few years back there was a video clip.

Rand is in an eatery, looked like the kind of place where you make your order at the counter then carry it to your table, like most fast food places.  While eating a young Latina approaches him, introduces herself as a dreamer and says she would to talk to him about his stance on the policy.  She was alone, polite, didn't even have an accent, and was not so bold as to sit herself at his table.  He immediately gathers up his briefcase (or whatever it was), stands up, abandoning his food, and bolts for the door.  I mention it in this thread to show how he couldn't even handle that, and it wouldn't surprise me if he described this as an assault.

I searched around and couldn't find the vid.  It was from around the time The Dream Act was before Congress.  I recall a similar vid of Rubio around the same time.

LOL.  I'm sure it went down just the way you claim it did.  Easy to make the claim whilst not providing either a news report or video.  LOL  Call me a denier if I fail to believe your account.

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10 minutes ago, Tippaporn said:

Would love to hear your remarks had you been in his place.  It's always easy to project your bravado in the face of dangerous circumstances as you type away on your keyboard in the safety of your home.  LOL  You ain't foolin' nobody.

Would love to hear your remarks if you had been in Breonna Taylor's place.

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2 hours ago, EVENKEEL said:

Trump's numbers are increasing. The RNC increased his points by 6, every time the left shows itself to be the aggressors they are only helping Trump.

The entire Democrat platform consists of "orange man bad" and "we hate Trump and here's why."  And they believe this will propel Biden to the White House.  How dumb can a political strategy get?  LOL

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7 minutes ago, polpott said:
18 minutes ago, Tippaporn said:

Would love to hear your remarks had you been in his place.  It's always easy to project your bravado in the face of dangerous circumstances as you type away on your keyboard in the safety of your home.  LOL  You ain't foolin' nobody.

Would love to hear your remarks if you had been in Breonna Taylor's place.

Uhm, I wasn't the poster claiming false bravado in dangerous circumstances.  Ask that question of that poster as it has zero relevancy to me.


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1 minute ago, Tippaporn said:

Uhm, I wasn't the poster claiming false bravado in dangerous circumstances.  Ask that question of that poster as it has zero relevancy to me.


Why did I expect anything but deflection from you? I replied to your post.

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1 hour ago, Sujo said:

He doesnt need their permission.

In 2016 he promised he would stop this violence, its worse.


If you think he cant do anything now then why would you think it will be better if re elected.


You will be voting for more violence.

LOL Sujo.  You've posted this same line of thinking about 100 times now.  Your rationale has been destroyed on multiple occasions by posters (by myself as well) yet still you go on with it.  :blink:

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4 minutes ago, polpott said:

Why did I expect anything but deflection from you? I replied to your post.

Good.  You replied to my post.  Congratulations.  Your comment did not at all apply to me.  But explaining that to you is "deflection?"  LOL

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38 minutes ago, Tippaporn said:

Would love to hear your remarks had you been in his place.  It's always easy to project your bravado in the face of dangerous circumstances as you type away on your keyboard in the safety of your home.  LOL  You ain't foolin' nobody.


8 minutes ago, Tippaporn said:

Good.  You replied to my post.  Congratulations.  Your comment did not at all apply to me.  But explaining that to you is "deflection?"  LOL

So, not your words then?

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11 hours ago, landtrout said:

This is quite literally a bald faced lie.

Anyone posting this on a public forum is quite literally a bald faced liar.

Well, I guess I'll be called a liar.  In an Oct. 9, 2018, CNN interview with Christiane Amanpour Clinton remarked, "That's why I believe if we are fortunate enough to win back the House and/or the Senate, that's when civility can start again. But until then, the only thing that the Republicans seem to recognize and respect is strength."


I would say RANGER55 is correct.  The looting and burning will not stop until they get their way, just as civility cannot begin again until the Democrats have regained power.  The legitimate process for instituting change is being hijacked and replaced by the process of mob rule.  Not difficult to understand the difference.

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57 minutes ago, Tippaporn said:

Would love to hear your remarks had you been in his place.  It's always easy to project your bravado in the face of dangerous circumstances as you type away on your keyboard in the safety of your home.  LOL  You ain't foolin' nobody.

Nonsense. Politicians who anger the masses take a risk, it comes with their job and I don't feel sorry for them. Being a US senator also comes with perks, after all. They could have chosen a different career path, as I did.


That this idiot is thinking that he's important enough for someone to pay for an attack on him is delusional, maybe he should go easy on the coke.


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15 minutes ago, polpott said:


So, not your words then?

Yes, my words.  What I explained, and what you still don't get, is that I responded to a poster calling Rand Paul a crybaby for being fearful for his safety and life while being in the midst of an angry and uncontrolled mob by noting that it's easy to call someone a crybaby for showing fear while being in dangerous circumstance while they opine from the safety of their home without the benefit of understanding by not having experienced the same themselves.


So you ask me, "Would love to hear your remarks if you had been in Breonna Taylor's place."  What the f does that have to with what I wrote and the point I was making?


No more replies on this from me since it's obvious that you can't or refuse to comprehend something so simple.

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25 minutes ago, Caldera said:

Nonsense. Politicians who anger the masses take a risk, it comes with their job and I don't feel sorry for them. Being a US senator also comes with perks, after all. They could have chosen a different career path, as I did.


That this idiot is thinking that he's important enough for someone to pay for an attack on him is delusional, maybe he should go easy on the coke.


Let's go through your flawed rationale one thought at a time.


In a civil society, which is one we all (hopefully) prefer, threatening, intimidating and violent behaviour is not considered to be a valid way of bringing about a change to one's preference.  No matter what your political preference all should be able to express their views and ideas without the threat of harm.  You reject that idea and instead argue that it's O.K. for politicians to become the target of violence for their views; that it's in fact "part of their job."  I'll pass on your values, and so will a lot of other folks.


Lastly, Paul never implied that the mob was paid specifically to attack him.  What's obvious to anyone using their brain properly is that Paul believes that the entire "protest," planned with nothing more than the intent for the harassment of supporters of Trump as they exited the RNC, was paid for.


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17 minutes ago, Tippaporn said:

Yes, my words.  What I explained, and what you still don't get, is that I responded to a poster calling Rand Paul a crybaby for being fearful for his safety and life while being in the midst of an angry and uncontrolled mob by noting that it's easy to call someone a crybaby for showing fear while being in dangerous circumstance while they opine from the safety of their home without the benefit of understanding by not having experienced the same themselves.


So you ask me, "Would love to hear your remarks if you had been in Breonna Taylor's place."  What the f does that have to with what I wrote and the point I was making?


No more replies on this from me since it's obvious that you can't or refuse to comprehend something so simple.

I was comparing the fear felt by someone facing a few kids shouting "Say her name" (Breonna Taylor) and the fear felt by someone facing a gang of armed police officers bursting, unannounced, into your home and reigning bullets at you.

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52 minutes ago, Tippaporn said:

The entire Democrat platform consists of "orange man bad" and "we hate Trump and here's why."  And they believe this will propel Biden to the White House.  How dumb can a political strategy get?  LOL

Not quite. The general tone is a very accurate 'orange man bad' (because he is) and 'we hate Trump' (because we do) but there's an awful lot more substance to it than this barely intellectual narrative you are pushing.

Biden and the Dems also have 46 coherant and workable solutions to many of the problems facing the US today. They include:-

1. JOBS AND ECONOMIC RECOVERY PLAN FOR WORKING FAMILIES - https://joebiden.com/build-back-better/




5. A PLAN TO SET UP SUPPORT FOR DESERVING SMALL BUSINESSES -   https://joebiden.com/smallbusinesses/


7. A PLAN FOR HEALTH CARE - https://joebiden.com/healthcare/


Of the others he has plans for immigration, war veterans, military families, campaign finance reform, ending gun violence, criminal just reform and 33 other, important and neccessary plans (https://joebiden.com/joes-vision/)


On Trumps website, all you get is asked for money, sold merchandies and asked to remember 'past successes', so can any of you Trump fans do me a favour and actually print some of the policies and platforms Trump is running on for 2020 (what with the election being 4 months away) as apart from a whole bunch of vacuous platitudes, I can't actually see any policy proposals from him (and '4 years of the same doesn't count). Please also only quote official Trump and/or GOP sites because as we've all learned, it really does need to come from the horses mouth., 


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1 hour ago, Tippaporn said:

Would love to hear your remarks had you been in his place.  It's always easy to project your bravado in the face of dangerous circumstances as you type away on your keyboard in the safety of your home.  LOL  You ain't foolin' nobody.

I hear your rage Tippaporn. It must have been terrifying for Mr. Paul, what with all that shouting and nasty name calling and all that.

Since you seem to be so outraged by this obviously life threatening situation perhaps you could comment on the 17 year old Trump fan who illegally crossed state lines with assualt weapons he wasn't supposed to own and shot 3 people, killing 2 of them?

I mean he wasn't shouting names and doing a bit of shoving so I'm not sure if it's of a level to get your indignation up but perhaps you could comment? 

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17 minutes ago, Tippaporn said:

Well, I guess I'll be called a liar.  In an Oct. 9, 2018, CNN interview with Christiane Amanpour Clinton remarked, "That's why I believe if we are fortunate enough to win back the House and/or the Senate, that's when civility can start again. But until then, the only thing that the Republicans seem to recognize and respect is strength."


I would say RANGER55 is correct.  The looting and burning will not stop until they get their way, just as civility cannot begin again until the Democrats have regained power.  The legitimate process for instituting change is being hijacked and replaced by the process of mob rule.  Not difficult to understand the difference.

      So, you would join RANGER55 in asserting that "No, actually that is the democratic party’s platform. You either vote for us are(sic) we will continue to lot(sic) and burn." Is that right?


Here is a link to the 2020 Democratic Party Platform: https://democrats.org/where-we-stand/party-platform/


I've read it through, and am unable to find the plank that both RANGER55 and now you are referring to. Please point out the section that reads: "You either vote for us are we will continue to lot and burn." It's quite a long and interesting read, so take all the time you need!


When you're done with that, you might want to have a look at the 2020 Republican Party Platform.


Unfortunately, none exists. :whistling:

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40 minutes ago, johnnybangkok said:


On Trumps website, all you get is asked for money, . . . 


LOL.  Here's what popped up on the first link I clicked on:



Joe Biden and Kamala Harris will take back the White House, but they need your help. Chip in today to make sure we have the resources we need to build a winning campaign.

If you’ve saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately.


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Kicking off in Portland right now. A massive Trump 2020 convoy rolled through downtown and Antifa/BLM are NOT pleased. 

Also reporting one gunshot fatality, unconfirmed if it’s related or not. 

Literally zero police presence and antifa/BLM are ALL over the highways and interstate off ramps with blockades. 

Ted Wheelers gonna wake up to some news if he isn’t already lmao

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40 minutes ago, landtrout said:

      So, you would join RANGER55 in asserting that "No, actually that is the democratic party’s platform. You either vote for us are(sic) we will continue to lot(sic) and burn." Is that right?


Here is a link to the 2020 Democratic Party Platform: https://democrats.org/where-we-stand/party-platform/


I've read it through, and am unable to find the plank that both RANGER55 and now you are referring to. Please point out the section that reads: "You either vote for us are we will continue to lot and burn." It's quite a long and interesting read, so take all the time you need!


When you're done with that, you might want to have a look at the 2020 Republican Party Platform.


Unfortunately, none exists. :whistling:

Biden has been i Washington since 1972 . . . 47 years.  You forget that he already has a track record that anyone can access.  Obama refused to endorse him until very late in the game for reasons most can suspect.  Perhaps Obama's own words would explain?  'Don't underestimate Joe's ability to f*** things up'


Biden and the Dems can create as many websites as they like to promote their idyllic platforms which look good on paper but after eight years of Obama and Joe's "Yes we can" policies I will kindly pass.

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24 minutes ago, Tippaporn said:

LOL.  Here's what popped up on the first link I clicked on:



Joe Biden and Kamala Harris will take back the White House, but they need your help. Chip in today to make sure we have the resources we need to build a winning campaign.

If you’ve saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately.


Of course they are asking for donations. What's your point?

I asked for Trumps policies. Any chance you could post them and keep the deflections to a minimum?

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19 minutes ago, Tippaporn said:

Getting past your hyperbole I reject your downplaying of the circumstances.


As to the 17 year old in Kenosha defending himself I believe Mama Noodle has handed your butt to you on that topic in another thread.  No need for me to pile on, especially as it would be off topic here.


So no answer then.

And it's not off topic. You are full of righteous indignation about Rand Paul being shouted at but silent about a 17 year old Trump fan shooting 3 people and killing 2. 

And once again PLEASE stop refering to 'another thread' when we are in this thread. I'm not privvy to what Mama Noodle is writing elsewhere and more importantly, I'm not asking Mama Noodle, I'm asking you.

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7 minutes ago, Tippaporn said:

Biden has been i Washington since 1972 . . . 47 years.  You forget that he already has a track record that anyone can access.  Obama refused to endorse him until very late in the game for reasons most can suspect.  Perhaps Obama's own words would explain?  'Don't underestimate Joe's ability to f*** things up'


Biden and the Dems can create as many websites as they like to promote their idyllic platforms which look good on paper but after eight years of Obama and Joe's "Yes we can" policies I will kindly pass.



  What on earth are you talking about, and what is it that I'm supposed to have forgotten?

Is this your way of admitting that the assertion you've seconded regarding the 2020 Democratic Party Platform was indeed a bald faced lie?


  Are you sure that you've responded to the correct post?

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30 minutes ago, Mama Noodle said:

Kicking off in Portland right now. A massive Trump 2020 convoy rolled through downtown and Antifa/BLM are NOT pleased. 

Also reporting one gunshot fatality, unconfirmed if it’s related or not. 

Literally zero police presence and antifa/BLM are ALL over the highways and interstate off ramps with blockades. 

Ted Wheelers gonna wake up to some news if he isn’t already lmao

You know who are also 'ALL over the highways and interstate' - far-right agitators, for the 3rd weekend in a row.

But yeah, it's all BLM and Antifa

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4 minutes ago, Mama Noodle said:

Ok, well at least there's something......not a lot....but something.

So he has 11 key points none of which come with an explanation on how any of it is going to be done. Classics such as 'creat 10 million more jobs; - how? 'Develope a vacine by the end of 2020' - how? 

'Put Patients and Doctors Back in Charge of our Healthcare System' - how? 'Lower Healthcare Insurance Premiums' - how?

And my favorite - 'Return to Normal in 2021'!!

It reads more like a 17 year old running for class president - 'Free snacks in the cafeteria', 'No more cross country running' 'End world poverty'.

It's platitude after platitude with little or no substance. And it all looks VERY similar to 4 years ago. 



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