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The healing power of books and libraries

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The healing power of books and libraries



‘What is needed is a wide variety of books brought to people by reading enthusiasts, and that means workers based in libraries.’ Photograph: Brian A Jackson/Getty Images/iStockphoto


As one of the bibliotherapists who started the Kirklees project supported by Ann Cleeves and referred to in your editorial (The Guardian view on book therapy: an old idea finds new life, 4 September), I endorse what you and Ann say about the effectiveness of such schemes.


I previously had a long career in social and community work, and felt I was most useful as a bibliotherapist.


What we learned is that there is no book or author that you can say with certainty is going to help with a particular issue such as depression or anxiety.


People’s responses to the same poem, story or author are as varied as human beings are. 


Full Story: https://www.theguardian.com/books/2020/sep/07/the-healing-power-of-books-and-libraries


Time served assistant librarian speaking:


Very poor public library provision on Thailand.


Thai people would read a lot more if they had more access to public libraries.


Just as importantly they would read a lot more if books in Thailand were not so expensive as a % of "ordinary" incomes.


In the UK they are proportionately a lot cheaper, virtually given away ("remaindered" stock) in some supermarkets.


I have witnessed many Thai schoolchildren sitting on the floor, reading, in bookshops after school.


It annoyed me at first, then I realised what was going on.


They are reading the books that they cannot afford to buy, because there is no public library where they can borrow/read them for free.





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It's unfortunate none of the fatcats in Thailand have chosen to emulate robber baron Andrew Carnegie. He funded 2,509 public libraries in the US between 1883 and 1929, when the Great Depression may have impinged on his largesse. Libraries make books more universal than using bookstores for babysitters.


"The Tyranny of the English Language." I hope Thai government will introduce French language in Primary school. Well, sort of pilot project.

The English Language has killed off many other languages in many 3rd world countries, English is adopted wholesale- they let their dialect or mother tongue died- speaking only English at home.

 The French language should not be deny of their rightful place in the sun.

Anyone disagree?

The Tyranny of the English Language is a small book I am going to write. It will trace the English language from a humble dialect on the Thames river to its present day. How it has a stranglehold on the world today. My books( translated version ) when put on sale in Paris will sell like hot cakes. Well, the french with their narcissistic love of their language will be intrigued by the title of the book. "La Tyrannie de la langue Anglais".

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