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Guy Tries To Commit Suicide, Televised


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Watching the television station channel 7 icon in bottom corner.

Story showed man clime attena tower and job off with rope tied to his neck. Got to see him free fall, and stop hanging from the rope, got to see another dude cut him down, big crowed was watching his ordeal.

GF says that he was married and wanted to divorce and go with mia noi. Wife wouldn't let so he got angry and tried to kill himself by climbing 20-30 feet and jumping.

GF says news didn't say if he survived :o

Freaked me out that they'd show that on TV here when the block out cleavage.


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oh my God...

Hope he wiII be ok and gets some heIp (emotionaIIy speaking)

I aIso agree with being confused by the censoredship ruIes here..something i dont think i wiII ever get my head around.

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GF says that he was married and wanted to divorce and go with mia noi. Wife wouldn't let so he got angry and tried to kill himself by climbing 20-30 feet and jumping.

What a selfish woman, driving the poor guy to suicide.

I'm surprised if he's survived a 20-30 ft drop with a rope tied around his neck.

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GF says that he was married and wanted to divorce and go with mia noi. Wife wouldn't let so he got angry and tried to kill himself by climbing 20-30 feet and jumping.

What a selfish woman, driving the poor guy to suicide.

I'm surprised if he's survived a 20-30 ft drop with a rope tied around his neck.

I think he landed on a small shed first which kept the rope from breaking his neck. Then he rolled off the shed and was dangling like a rag doll. Some guy cut the rope and he tumbled down into some bushes.

He's one crazy rascal and lucky to be alive.

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What a selfish woman, driving the poor guy to suicide.

So, someone refusing a divorce (in this case so he can have another woman) is selfish, because it might encourage someone to do something stupid? You really believe this?

In that case, if I give you my (ex) hubby's email address, can you email him & tell him your view, as he's refused to divorce me for 6 years.. I'd be grateful for the help... :D:o

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i saw that news item too.

big crowd there watching it in his front yard , the news said he was drunk too , it looked like a good old fashioned hanging in dodge city.

its so strange that they will show that , which was quite disturbing to see because it actually happened , and yet they will censor films and tv showing nipples , legs , cleavage and whiskey bottles.

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What a selfish woman, driving the poor guy to suicide.

So, someone refusing a divorce (in this case so he can have another woman) is selfish, because it might encourage someone to do something stupid? You really believe this?

In that case, if I give you my (ex) hubby's email address, can you email him & tell him your view, as he's refused to divorce me for 6 years.. I'd be grateful for the help... :D:o

The day i see you on the news with a rope around your neck, trying to jump off a building, i will be more than willing to email your husband and tell him how selfish his behaviour is that he has driven you to such an action.

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What a selfish woman, driving the poor guy to suicide.

So, someone refusing a divorce (in this case so he can have another woman) is selfish, because it might encourage someone to do something stupid? You really believe this?

In that case, if I give you my (ex) hubby's email address, can you email him & tell him your view, as he's refused to divorce me for 6 years.. I'd be grateful for the help... :D:o

The day i see you on the news with a rope around your neck, trying to jump off a building, i will be more than willing to email your husband and tell him how selfish his behaviour is that he has driven you to such an action.

So, that leads me to think that it is more the instability of the man (in this case) than his wife's selfishness. If I can live for 6 years in similar circumstances, without trying to kill myself, then it points more to his emotional problems than her selfishness.

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Maybe his situation is worse than yours in some way, maybe he is just taking it worse, doesn't really matter does it? His wifes selfishness is still the driving force behind what happened. He doesn't want to be with her because he wants to be with someone else, she is denying him the opportunity out of selfishness. Simple isn't it?

Edited by John_Rambo
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Maybe his situation is worse than yours in some way, maybe he is just taking it worse, doesn't really matter does it? His wifes selfishness is still the driving force behind what happened. He doesn't want to be with her because he wants to be with someone else, she is denying him the opportunity out of selfishness. Simple isn't it?

It seems a bit presumptuous to blame his wife, especially having so little information about the actual situation. I would say he has no one to blame but himself, no matter what the circumstances.

That's the scariest avatar I've ever seen, by the way.

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My girlfriend said he didn't die.

As for censorship, it seems blood, violence and death are ok, but boobies aren't.

Surely thats because the sight of blood, violence and death act as warning signals to humans, whilst erotic images are exciting and enticing to humans.

Thats why all those drunk driving adverts back in the West are so gruesome and people don't wear sexy dresses to church. Seems like common sense to me, take the romatacism out of violence - surely its better for people to see the sad reality of death and violence than the stuff glorified in hip hop videos and hollywood blockbusters.

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What a selfish woman, driving the poor guy to suicide.

So, someone refusing a divorce (in this case so he can have another woman) is selfish, because it might encourage someone to do something stupid? You really believe this?

In that case, if I give you my (ex) hubby's email address, can you email him & tell him your view, as he's refused to divorce me for 6 years.. I'd be grateful for the help... :D:o

Not sure about the rules in your homeland, but consider:

You apply for divorce.

Forget to send him the papers (here the paper can be served by the one whom applies or they can be done by the Sherrif's office for a fee)

Neglect to tell him of the court date

Divorce approved as he wasn't interested enough to show up ;-)

Not entirely legal of course, but not unheard of.

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