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Four returnees, three foreigners test positive in quarantine


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2 hours ago, nev said:



This is a long read but well worth it, The numbers they are declaring is well out of wack from the real numbers due to false positives.

There is no need for vaccines and these mad lockdowns ruining many lives and businesses.

If you explain away most of the positive cases (denominator), how will you explain away the numerator: in the US, not 6.7 million cases, but only 1 million - ok, let´s compute with 1 million cases. But 200,000 deaths, thus fatality rate is 200k/1m = 20% = 200 times worse than the seasonal flu? Why would this be better?

Or do we also apply a convenient trick to explain away the fatal cases? Any condition that makes a patient more vulnerable to Covid complications must be reported as a cause of death other than Covid itself, which uses these conditions as lines of attack? Infected with Covid but older than 70? Clearly, cause of death was senescence, not Covid attacking an aging immune system. Infected but BMI > 30? Clearly, cause of death was morbid obesity, not complications from Covid. Hypertension? Clearly. cause of death was hypertension, not the strain which Covid exerted on heart and lungs. In the end, only a few men and women of steel would remain. If they succumb while being infected with SARS-COV-2, it must have been coincidence and the real cause of death must have been kryptonite. So Covid is as as harmless as the seasonal flu, q.e.d.


The mortality rates in 20Q2 in most countries were much higher than during months before Covid. In the UK, by 100%. https://www.health.org.uk/news-and-comment/charts-and-infographics/comparing-covid-19-impact-in-the-uk-to-european-countries?gclid=EAIaIQobChMI_IW-qdTo6wIVTuh3Ch0iAQhUEAAYASAAEgKHePD_BwE 

The excess mortaiity rates demonstrate that SARS-COV-2 had quite a substantial impact. It cannot be explained away by labeling the excess deaths with other reasons. Was there another, secret pandemic that drove up mortality for a couple of months before social distancing curbed the infection rates? Or did people die in droves because they were immobilized in front of their TV sets during the Q2 lockdowns? 

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15 hours ago, Don Mega said:

So if the foreigners are catching it on the plane from infected untested Thai's this goes to prove social distancing and face masks don't work.

Da world guvment and its jack-booted goons in black helicopters make me wear sometin that takes away my freedom and constricts my ability to breathe. 

But after 40 years, there are still road deaths. Clearly, seatbelts don´t work. Free-riders - join me against the constrictions by ineffective seatbelts!

And also speed limits. After 120 years there are still road deaths. Clearly, speed limits of less than 200 km/h on city roads are a consequence of the nanny state and its wanton restrictions of freedom.

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6 hours ago, maqui said:

By the 4th quarter, the US will have 300,000 fatalities, a little bit less than 1% of the population. Now you might say that, since 99% of the population will survive, a death rate of 1000 per day is pocket change and should be ignored as the new normal.


Maths is not my strong point - but 300,000 out of of a population of 320,000,000 is not 1%.


It's actually 0.09%


BIG DIFFERENCE TO YOUR ARGUMENT ! Still horrific though. 

Edited by AndrewMciver
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16 hours ago, AndrewMciver said:

Criminal that Thai's from westernised countries are not having to test before boarding. Yet foreigners are made to test.


Quite clearly this is dangerous and if you were into your conspiracy theory - deliberate.


Mandatory insurance for foreigners up to 100,000 dollars - get infected, and the hospitals are making a killing (literally). 

The problem with this conspiracy theory is, how many foreigners are currently flying into Thailand? 

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