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French tourist arrested for alleged rape of British woman on Phuket after "Tinder" meeting


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1 hour ago, CG1 Blue said:

I think you're kidding yourself. There are plenty of dating apps, eharmony, match etc. Those apps focus on personality, likes, dislikes blah blah. Tinder's MO is swiping left/right on photos. It's primarily a pick up app. Yes you get occasional long termers on there, but they just haven't figured out yet what Tinder is all about.  


Edit: Obviously this does not justify what that guy did (assuming he's guilty) 

I know them Western dating sites  

In all of them women are advertising sex with them. What do these women expect? 


I personally know a German woman who ran after a German man (who lived next door) just to have sex with him in sunny Goa (India) This woman would never ever call herself a prostitute. But one thing shes sure of: "All Thai ladies are prostitutes" 

You know what happens in Europe if a Thai lady refuses to go to bed with everyone? Then she's bashed as a lesbian. 

Western men are so proud of their small dicks that they'd never admit they're simply impotent. 

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1 hour ago, Barnabe said:


I heard from a very close friend, who has years of experience on Tinder, that “looking for a long term relationship”, “no hookups” and “no one night stands” in women’s profiles pics mean the opposite 99% of the time.


Said friend also mentioned that most of the women who write this end up in his bed on the first date.


You might use Tinder in that way but you’re deluding yourself if you think everyone else does.

Almost all the men and women on Tinder are there for sex, no matter what lies they say to your face or in their profiles.

Im sure you know best i bow to your superior knowledge.

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Lots of foreigners short of money at moment stuck in Thailand and would offer their services for money ! Let's also be clear if you have penetrative sex on a casual encounter you are vulnerable to the ' pay me enough or I go to the police '. Pretty common 

Edited by pixelaoffy
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Nationality does not mean "origin".
So to announce that a "French" has been arrested for rape is to insult the native French.
So let's put the record straight.
In addition, like all his compatriots, he has dual nationality.
French and Algerian, but her origins are Algerian.
I don't know on what visa he was in Thailand, in RAWAI, exactly, with 2 members of his family, and for how long, but he was divorced from a Thai woman and did not have a job.
But according to the latest information, he did rape this new language teacher, in a state of drunkenness.

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1 hour ago, micmichd said:

I know them Western dating sites  

In all of them women are advertising sex with them. What do these women expect? 


I personally know a German woman who ran after a German man (who lived next door) just to have sex with him in sunny Goa (India) This woman would never ever call herself a prostitute. But one thing shes sure of: "All Thai ladies are prostitutes" 

You know what happens in Europe if a Thai lady refuses to go to bed with everyone? Then she's bashed as a lesbian. 

Western men are so proud of their small dicks that they'd never admit they're simply impotent. 

"Western men are so proud of their small dicks..."? How would know that Mr. Winkie? 

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11 hours ago, robblok said:

Not everyone likes bars, its not a sex app. Once you read the profiles you will understand. There are actually loads of active sporty girls on there that are not into the bar scene and drinking. So you won't find those there. Many look for long term too. Those are not girls that jump into the bed right away.


You at least understand the app I guess a lot of guys havent got a clue. I doubt they even know how to date but instead just pay a bar girl. 


Well said.   Not everyone using Tinder is looking for a hookup.  It depends a bit on the age range, but most of the girls I see on there are asking for serious long term relationships and won't just jump into bed after the first date.


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13 hours ago, robblok said:

I don't understand why people think that just going to a hotel room is a bad thing. I have had Thai woman at my house often. Did not mean sex could just mean watching TV eating something or whatever. 


Just going to a room is not consent for sex.


Though I like the comment of @Rmac442 as there are always 3 sides to stories like this. (or at least quite often)


sure, but someone you don't know and meet on Tinder... please, don't be stupid, look at the reality of Tinder stories.

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57 minutes ago, seancbk said:


Well said.   Not everyone using Tinder is looking for a hookup.  It depends a bit on the age range, but most of the girls I see on there are asking for serious long term relationships and won't just jump into bed after the first date.


sure, it is true. and do they accept to go with someone they don't know in his hotel room alone with him ?

Well, at minimum it is stupid. But should look at her past post on Tinder and contact her old relationship to track first who is she before to think so badly that the guy is a criminal.

If she is clean, then she said the true, than he is a criminal. So check who is she by contact all her past relationship on Tinder. Easy...

Edited by jerolamo
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9 hours ago, BritManToo said:

Every meeting of this nature I ever did (and there were many) resulted in sex, the moment I got them into a bedroom.

I always assumed if they weren't prepared to have sex with me, they wouldn't enter my/their/hotel bedroom.

I always offered them money after ....... maybe that was this guys mistake.

This was a British woman, are you seriously saying you'd still offer her money? Surely you would get a slap for your efforts most of the time?


7 hours ago, Nanaplaza666 said:

I think 95% of tinderdates here are about sex the other 5% is about sex as well but 1 party doesn't have the balls to go for it .

I'd say it's more a case of 95% interested in sex, but not necessarily on the first date. That includes me, there are better options for one night flings.


Hell, the guys I know using Tinder in Thailand, often are looking for something a bit more substantial - and sex on a first date can in fact ruin that objective.. due to that weird mental block many guys have - that any girl who puts out on a first date, isn't worth considering for something longer term.

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12 hours ago, Bluespunk said:

You are quick to spout the usual explain away arguments...

Where are my 'usual explain away arguments?'


Your posts passed hasty judgment on someone accused of rape when we have no proof or evidence he did or did not.


It's you who is so quick to pass judgment and make assumptions o  someone based on zero evidence.


Maybe get down from your high horse for a few moments and take a look at what you posted.


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14 hours ago, Matzzon said:

Not saying that he had the right to rape her to get what he wanted if she said no or resisted. However, I also find it very peculiar that a woman just follow an unknown man they met for the first time to his hotel room. To me it sounds more that she might been expecting him to pay, and that did not happen and the result is then a call for rape. it´s a lot of that on Tinder today.

Is there a lot of prostitutes on tinder claiming rape? Where did you get that information from? I can't stand it when people look to blame women for being raped,, so many on here spend more time asking why she met a man she did not know and went to his room. If a woman came back with me to my room she would be in no danger of being raped. It is not her fault, it the fault of the pervert guy, if there is evidence of rape he needs punishing. I feel for the poor lady, i hope it doesn't ruin her.

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Just now, jak2002003 said:

Where are my 'usual explain away arguments?'


Your posts passed hasty judgment on someone accused of rape when we have no proof or evidence he did or did not.


It's you who is so quick to pass judgment and make assumptions o  someone based on zero evidence.


Maybe get down from your high horse for a few moments and take a look at what you posted.


Apparently evidence was gathered and an arrest warrant was issued on the strength of that. read it properly.


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8 hours ago, spiekerjozef said:

So why she was on tinder? For a discussion about tupperware?

Probably wasn't keen to get raped, maybe I'm old fashioned.


8 hours ago, gerritkaew said:

Sure, its easy to say your raped.

and why on tinder, just for find friends?

She want long time friend, she just a one timer for him and miss don't like it, yes i'm raped..

How many times we see this...


What about the cases where it was rape though? You think because it's too easy to make false claims, people should let it slide? It needs to be taken seriously. Similarly false accusations need to be dealt with seriously.


If you need evidence it actually happens, look no further than this very forum, where we have a self confessed case of rape. What would you suggest this girl do?



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30 minutes ago, jak2002003 said:

Where are my 'usual explain away arguments?'


Your posts passed hasty judgment on someone accused of rape when we have no proof or evidence he did or did not.


It's you who is so quick to pass judgment and make assumptions o  someone based on zero evidence.


Maybe get down from your high horse for a few moments and take a look at what you posted.


Nah, I’ll just stick to what I said, no means no...rapists are scum...lock them all up. 

Edited by Bluespunk
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15 hours ago, Matzzon said:

To me it sounds more that she might been expecting him to pay, and that did not happen and the result is then a call for rape. it´s a lot of that on Tinder today.

She can play that card precisely once before authorities get suspicious - and for that reason I doubt there's a lot of that on Tinder today.

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14 hours ago, robblok said:

I have been with girls i met on tinder in my house. Nothing happened. Other times things happen. But just that you get into a house does not mean i got the right to do as I want. 


I guess your a bit old never used tinder.

I think a visit to a house and visit to hotel room are two different things!

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4 hours ago, GAZZPA said:

Is there a lot of prostitutes on tinder claiming rape? Where did you get that information from? I can't stand it when people look to blame women for being raped,, so many on here spend more time asking why she met a man she did not know and went to his room. If a woman came back with me to my room she would be in no danger of being raped. It is not her fault, it the fault of the pervert guy, if there is evidence of rape he needs punishing. I feel for the poor lady, i hope it doesn't ruin her.

You are one hundred percent right. No problem with that. The thing I posted it was much of on Tinder, was prostitution where women go with men for money, not the rape part. However, I am not blaming the woman. It can very well be like she claim, and sure he need to get punished. I just find it strange that people are not more aware of the dangers in life, and just walk with unknown people to their private quarters. Out of that particular reason, I just vented another fairly great possibility, in my opinion.

Edited by Matzzon
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4 hours ago, jacob29 said:

She can play that card precisely once before authorities get suspicious - and for that reason I doubt there's a lot of that on Tinder today.

Doubting reality seems to be the preferred version of belief on this forum.

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19 minutes ago, Matzzon said:

Doubting reality seems to be the preferred version of belief on this forum.

Simply : we don't know what really happened, we are not eyewitnesses.

If the Frenchman is charged with rape and doesn't plead guilty, then police will investigate. On trial, the "in dubio pro reo" principle will apply, so the case would have to be dismissed. 

The danger I see here is the Western #MeToo movement who take everything they can grab to push their agenda, in order to eliminate the "in dubio pro reo" principle. Hopefully Thai police or Thai courts will not fall for this. 

Tinder is a dating site, and all dates are meant to be for sex. All of them. Money for sex, to be precise. So, this French guy invested money and - quite understandable - wants a return for his investment.  

So, it's what Europeans call a "non liquet" case, a case to be dismissed. 

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1 hour ago, Matzzon said:

You are one hundred percent right. No problem with that. The thing I posted it was much of on Tinder, was prostitution where women go with men for money, not the rape part. However, I am not blaming the woman. It can very well be like she claim, and sure he need to get punished. I just find it strange that people are not more aware of the dangers in life, and just walk with unknown people to their private quarters. Out of that particular reason, I just vented another fairly great possibility, in my opinion.

I think if women didn't take any risk getting to know a man they would end up lonely spinsters. The problem here is not to criticise the woman for knowing better it is all about the disgusting behaviour of the man. Every woman should take care of themselves of course but she still has the right to say no. Almost any other time any real man would not even think of forcing himself upon a woman, the problem is all about the man, thats the point I was making.



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1 hour ago, micmichd said:

Simply : we don't know what really happened, we are not eyewitnesses.

If the Frenchman is charged with rape and doesn't plead guilty, then police will investigate. On trial, the "in dubio pro reo" principle will apply, so the case would have to be dismissed. 

The danger I see here is the Western #MeToo movement who take everything they can grab to push their agenda, in order to eliminate the "in dubio pro reo" principle. Hopefully Thai police or Thai courts will not fall for this. 

Tinder is a dating site, and all dates are meant to be for sex. All of them. Money for sex, to be precise. So, this French guy invested money and - quite understandable - wants a return for his investment.  

So, it's what Europeans call a "non liquet" case, a case to be dismissed. 

What a complete load of cobblers. "quite understand he wants a return on his investment"! What on Gods green earth are you talking about? All dating sites are not about sex, believe it or not a lot of people are just looking to meet someone. Money for sex? You are wrong on every level, i think it would be hard to be more wrong than you are. You need to understand the world has changed, online, social media is now an accepted and common way to meet new people and maybe even find your future partner, wake up and smell the coffee.. Terrible attitude, the woman was raped for goodness sake he did not "understandably" get his return back on his investment. 

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8 hours ago, jerolamo said:

sure, but someone you don't know and meet on Tinder... please, don't be stupid, look at the reality of Tinder stories.

I refuse to live my life in fear, I have never had any problems. So not sure what reality your talking about. Things could happen but chances are slim. Just look at the amount of users and then the problems. Its low. Anyway I think its more dangerous for a girl. 


First meetings are for me never at my place or a hotel.

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