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Just returned home to Australia after a happy Songkran in Issan. What surprised me this visit was all the 'peroxide blond' hair on pre-teen and teen boys and girls. I asked my Thai BF and he said they do it to look 'sexy.'

Sexy? I think it looks terrible.

Anybody else noticed this? It seems more of a craze in Issan than Bangkok.

Comments anybody?



They do it in the North as well, mainly only streaking here though.

Still, I blush to remember some of the things I did as a teenager to "look sexy".


Yeah, when they have curly hair, they want to straighten it and when it's straight, they use curlers. It seems like what you don't have is oh so much more desirable.

Blond hair on an Asian, I must say, I am amused, but I think it looks kind of ... mm ... cheap.

But then again, they did not do it to please me. :o


We were looking at a typically bad attempt by a Thai to bleach his hair to blond the other day. As usual, it came out orange. In one more month I'll spend a week in Ireland with 5 naturally blond children and their spouses, one blond spouse, and almost ten grandchildren, half of whom are blondes and the other half Mexican-Americans.

How many leuk krungs are natural blondes?


It's a Songkran thing. They do it in the hot season around Songkran. Mostly the boys/teenage guys.

I wish more girls did it.. Lovely long blond hair... .

I've seen a couple of Thai albinos in my time here. Very strange.

I find Asian trends to be a source of constant amusement.

The most recent trend for the girls (if you haven't noticed!) is to wear shorts and high heels. Definitely a league above the Siam Square Japanese fashion that was the precedent before.


Any different to farang Shelias in the West that dye their hair? Not too many western women above the age of 35-40 that don't use dye IMO.


The kids that dye their hair don't usually have the money to get it done professionally. If you home bleach black hair to blonde, it's very easy to overprocess it. Their hair looks dreadfully dry & brittle (& often orange, as said before). Not nice. I saw a Thai girl in BKK once with a really well cut & dyed peroxide pixie cut. Now that looked stunning! :o


Anyone ever went to Brickbar at khao sarn road? There's this cool ska band with a blond drummer who looks like Izzy from Velvet Revolver. Now that looks reaaaaaaaal cool, seriously. But yes, here in Bangkok I also so the "cheap" hairstyles. My opinion, these 'blond' people just come out of their houses during songkran

Yeah, when they have curly hair, they want to straighten it and when it's straight, they use curlers. It seems like what you don't have is oh so much more desirable.

Exactly.. and blazingly white farangs desperately frying in the sun to get a Tan, ending up looking like cooked lobsters - meanwhile Thai ladies shop for whitening products and wear hoods and long sleeved shirts to prevent them from becoming see dum :D

My (farang) teenage half-sister used to have long blond hair, but she's dyed it black for years now for that Goth look.

Everybody was complimenting my Thai wife when she returned from Germany - looking so healthy! Turns out a few months without sun had made her a couple of shades whiter. Not that I had noticed or would care, but mom and dad loved it :o

Maybe it's part of a global trend to make the entire human race look the same :D

Of course, cynics would note that this phenomenon happens to be exactly what's best for the cosmetics and beauty industry...

The kids that dye their hair don't usually have the money to get it done professionally. If you home bleach black hair to blonde, it's very easy to overprocess it. Their hair looks dreadfully dry & brittle (& often orange, as said before). Not nice. I saw a Thai girl in BKK once with a really well cut & dyed peroxide pixie cut. Now that looked stunning! :D

I'm with November Rain I think, I seen quite a few very pretty girls with poorly coloured hair and the darkest one I saw with an orange top did remind me of a Duracell AA battery :o

But I have seen one or 2 girls with a really well cut, and coloured blonde head of hair and I think with the right face it can look hot!

Still prefer the long straight black hair with the smooth brown skin tho.... (mind begins to wander)

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