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I Love The Rainy Season


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Looks like the rainy season has officially arrived here in Bangkok and I love it. I have to tell the truth that I was suffering under the heat wave last week. But it's not only the reduced temperatures, but also the other benefits of the rainy season, such has I don't need to water the garden, spectacular thunderstorms, great cloud formations, and oh yeah, the sound of the rain drops on the roof. Kind of romantic.

However, I could do without the traffic jam (fon tok, rod tid) or the flooding. Ok, the latter is not yet a problem, or is it?

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I agree. The rainy season is my favorite season here in Thailand. No more hot sun beating down on us. Beautiful clouds. None of the brown skies of winter. Less tourists. The mountains and fields green up with joy. That said, this could just be an isolated tropical storm passing thru with a few more weeks or more of hot, hot, hot to follow.

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I hate rainy season. Getting pissed on everyday and arriving at work/pub/anywhere like a drowned rat. Cool season is the best by far, all 2 months of it :o

Although I do like it when I'm at home nice and warm and a huge storm rolls in.

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Love sitting down in the afternoon, having a beer & watching a giant thunderhead build up & then take off like a screaming banshee accross the land.

Scared sh!tless of lightning, hate being wet, hate the disruption of rain on all normal aspects of life.

Broken computers. (Lightning stikes)

Leaking roofs & gutters. (Slippery floors)

Traffic jams. (Lost productivity)

Wet equipment in factory. (Horizontal rain through the airvents)

Lazy staff. (they all just seem to stop working when its raining)



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Love it. Laying in my bedroom on the 17th floor with the wind and rain belting against the window paid then I see that the window leaks and trying to get a service man in this 5 start service appartment is sort of hard to do but then again when it does get fixed it remains fixed. :o

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